The FUUSN Chime

Corrections to the Weekly Newsletter of the

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

October 31, 2024

A diamond-shaped yellow sign with the word, "Oops!"

Image by Christelle Olivier from Pixabay

The following errors appeared in today's Chime

In the Events Calendar section, Vanessa McClinchy's memorial service was listed as occurring on Saturday, November 2nd, 9:30am to 1pm. In fact, it is scheduled for 2-5pm.

In the Next Week's Events section, Dinners for 7 was listed as occuring on Thursday, November 7th. In fact, it is scheduled for Saturday, November 9th. Please note that this event is now closed to registration.

The Social Justice Action presentation below was omitted entirely. Our apologies for the errors.

Social Justice Action Presentation: Reduce Prison Recidivism Through Education - 12-1:30pm, Alliance Room

Everyone is invited for our monthly free lunch after coffee hour in the Alliance Room. Arthur Bembury, Executive Director - Partakers, will speak about his experiences supporting hundreds of prisoners to get a college education to improve their opportunities of success after leaving prison. Partakers has helped people get B.U. degrees while they are behind bars. Partakers is supported by an extraordinary and growing group of over 400 volunteer mentors. Their mentors dedicate their time and hearts to their students, often over a period of years. FUUSN in the past has had many volunteers meet monthly with prisoners to encourage them as they work for their degrees. Come hear about the exciting work of this organization.

Submit News and Events

Have a news item you want to share? Want to schedule a FUUSN Event? Please use our web forms! Note that any event using physical space at FUUSN must be approved by Fran, and until you receive confirmation from her, that event will not be scheduled or added to our Events calendar.

Submissions for each newsletter must be sent in by the preceding Tuesday at 9am.

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FUUSN Contacts

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton | 617-527-3203

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