Your Weekly Dose of #5ThoughtsFriday: A description of what we think is important at BIAMD
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#5Thoughts Friday

Photo by Lucas Vasques on Unsplash
Scientists have long searched in vain for a class of brain cells that could explain the visceral flash of recognition that we feel when we see a very familiar face, like that of our grandmothers. But the proposed "grandmother neuron"—a single cell at the crossroads of sensory perception and memory, capable of prioritizing an important face over the rabble—remained elusive.

Now, new research reveals a class of neurons in the brain's temporal pole region that links face perception to long-term memory. It's not quite the apocryphal grandmother neuron—rather than a single cell, it's a population of cells that collectively remembers grandma's face. The findings, published in Science, are the first to explain how our brains inculcate the faces of those we hold dear.
"When I was coming up in neuroscience, if you wanted to ridicule someone's argument you would dismiss it as 'just another grandmother neuron'—a hypothetical that could not exist," says Winrich Freiwald, professor of neurosciences and behavior at The Rockefeller University.

"Now, in an obscure and understudied corner of the brain, we have found the closest thing to a grandmother neuron: cells capable of linking face perception to memory."
Have I seen that face before?

The idea of a grandmother neuron first showed up in the 1960s as a theoretical brain cell that would code for a specific, complex concept, all by itself. One neuron for the memory of one's grandmother, another to recall one's mother, and so on. At its heart, the notion of a one-to-one ratio between brain cells and objects or concepts was an attempt to tackle the mystery of how the brain combines what we see with our long-term memories.

CLICK HERE to learn more about these memory cells.

July 8: Relaxation Techniques
Hinda Dubin, MD and Amanda Robinson, M - Sponsored by MDH, BHA, and MedChiRegister for this webinar at this link:
Employment Opportunity: 
The Brain Injury Association is Hiring!

Support Services Case Manager/Membership Coordinator

The Brain Injury Association of Maryland (BIAMD) is currently seeking a new Support Services Case Manager which will report directly to the Associate Director in the administration of BIAMD’s Maryland TBI Waiver Contract, The Maryland TBI Advisory Board, BIAMD 's Support Services, and BIAMD’s Member services and outreach. This is an exciting position with lots of growth potential for the right person.

For more details and how to apply please CLICK HERE.
Photo by Penn Medicine
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) refers to any time a mechanical energy impacts the head resulting in a neurologic insult. While not every bonk on the head is TBI, studies indicate the condition is still common.

"The epidemiology suggests that 30 percent of the population has experienced TBI at some point in their lives," says Ramon R. Diaz-Arrastia, MD, PhD, and Director of Penn's Traumatic Brain Injury Clinical Research Center. "It's one of the top ten reasons for emergency room visits in the U.S. The majority of cases — 85-90 percent - are mild injuries that make a good recovery. The remaining 10-15 percent, unfortunately, do not fare so well."
This is the population that Penn's TBI program is most focused on, shares Dr. Diaz-Arrastia, those who have been hospitalized due to their injury. He explains that one of the biggest concerns facing these patients is post-traumatic dementia or neurodegeneration.

"People with early to mid-life TBI are at increased risk of developing dementia later in life," says Dr. Diaz-Arrastia. "There are estimates that 5-10 percent of the population's dementia burden is due to TBI, so it's one of the main areas we are studying. Our goal is to have all patients admitted to the hospital for TBI evaluated by a TBI specialist while here. Many of these people are admitted to the neuro ICU, but others are admitted to trauma or orthopaedics, so we want to make sure we cover all hospital admissions."

Patients are scheduled for a follow-up in the TBI clinic where their needs are further evaluated. They may be referred for headache management, rehabilitation services, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, or cognitive rehabilitation.

"Our goal is to research and develop new treatments and diagnostics for TBI," says Dr. Diaz-Arrastia. "TBI has been a tough nut to crack with regards to development of therapeutics. All we do currently are symptomatic or supportive treatments. Therapies for protecting or regenerating brain tissue have been the holy grail for a long time."

CLICK HERE for more about the work of one of our 2021 Annual Conference Plenary Presenters.

Free Counseling, Stress Management and
Crisis Support
for Long-term Care Staff

Counseling Stress Management and crisis support is available for staff at assisted living facilities, group homes, as well as nursing homes. The Maryland COVID-19 Crisis Support Program offers free, confidential counseling support to ALL employees of Maryland’s long-term health care facilities impacted by the coronavirus outbreak. Services are also available in Spanish.

Learn more about receiving support services for yourself or your organization. Fill out this form or, for urgent requests, call 1-800-648-3001.

For questions, email
Emotion regulation is an essential aspect of mental health and wellbeing. In fact, past studies have found associations between poor emotion regulation and several psychiatric disorders, including bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder and complex post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
During their everyday life, humans can regulate their negative emotions in different ways, most of which do not require any conscious cognitive engagement. For instance, they might take a bath, step outside for fresh air or listen to music.

Researchers at Radboud University Nijmegen in The Netherlands, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and University Hospital Aachen, Germany have recently carried out a study aimed at investigating the effects of a short-term musical training on implicit emotion regulation. Their paper, published in BMC Neuroscience, specifically examined whether musical training helped people to reduce the negative emotions elicited by unpleasant or disgusting odors.

"At the time of conception, my colleagues and I worked in the same department in Aachen," Nils Kohn, one of the researchers who carried out the study, told MedicalXpress. "The project was born out of our curiosity for emotions and the power of mood induction that is harbored by music. Mark Berthold-Losleben, being more of a trained musician than myself, was the perfect person to discuss this with."

CLICK HERE before picking up that guitar.

How Would you Like to Tell Your Story and Have it Published?

This May Be Your Chance!

Project Description: HobbleJog Foundation is collaborating with Green Heart Living Press to bring together 20 authors to share their stories of triumphant, long-term recovery from Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

We are seeking authors from across the United States who are willing to share their personal stories with TBI, including the resources that made long-term recovery possible. We are also interested in the stories of people caring for those with TBI.

To be invited to submit a chapter, you must first apply. Your application must: 1) align with the missions of HJF and Green Heart, 2) offer an inspiring perspective/experience, 3) include resources that helped make recovery possible.

We are now accepting author applications until July 31st or until we have reached our maximum number of desired authors. If you are accepted as an author, we will contact you directly no later than the second week of August, 2021.

You will be expected to submit a chapter word count of no more than 2,000 – 2,200. Editing assistance will be provided for the selected authors. The rough draft is due on Sept 30, 2021 with the final draft due on Oct 31, 2021.

Click on the link to complete and submit your application.
2) What We are Reading This Week
We are stuck, stymied, frustrated. But it needn't be this way. There is a formula for success that's been followed by the icons of history - from John D. Rockefeller to Amelia Earhart to Ulysses S. Grant to Steve Jobs - a formula that let them turn obstacles into opportunities. Faced with impossible situations, they found the astounding triumphs we all seek.

These men and women were not exceptionally brilliant, lucky, or gifted. Their success came from timeless philosophical principles laid down by a Roman emperor who struggled to articulate a method for excellence in any and all situations.
This book reveals that formula for the first time - and shows us how we can turn our own adversity into advantage.

CLICK HERE to see more.


Congrats to Pollyann Doyle, last week's winner.

Just send an email to with your

  • Name,
  • Mailing Address,
  • Phone number and
  • the SUBJECT LINE: I Like to Read!

One lucky email will be chosen and
the winner will be mailed this week's book!

Watch for more Book Giveaways in upcoming #5Thoughts Fridays this summer
thanks for being a #5Thoughts Fanatic!

If you decide to buy anything mentioned in #5ThoughtsFriday, don't forget to use 
Amazon Smile and select the 
donation beneficiary.
We receive 0.5% of the purchase price and you receive the same great service, no extra charge! 
1) Quote We are Contemplating

"We must not wish for the disappearance of our troubles but for the grace to transform them."

Looking for Something fun to do in Maryland this weekend?

Click the picture below and discover a world of possibilities!
Photo by Jonas Kaiser on Unsplash


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 Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful weekend.