Susan Smith shares:
With over 20 years of teaching experience and a long-standing commitment to The Literacy and Learning Center, I've come to understand that basic reading and math skills are not just academic requirements, but essential tools for a successful life. It's a fact that children who struggle with reading and math by the end of 3rd grade often face a lifetime of challenges.
Children don't become proficient for many reasons, and it's not the child's fault. There are so many situations that they are not in control of, such as a learning disability, parents who are not readily available to help and encourage them due to work schedules, having moved from another country, and lacking a good grasp of English. Even a classroom with too many students affects how much attention he or she receives from even a very caring teacher. Small things, such as missing school for a few days or the death of a pet, can add up and keep children from progressing as they should.
My experience has shown me that tutoring, even for a few hours a week, can be a
game-changer. The tutors at Literacy are not just educators, they are mentors who genuinely care about their students' progress.
One of the biggest challenges for Literacy is reaching those who need us, whether a child or an adult, but especially an adult. The school is outstanding about referring children, but who refers adults? Hopefully, their employer, a co-worker, or a friend will offer a kind suggestion and information. Ideally, every business in Highlands should want to encourage and help any employee who needs Literacy's services and inform them that every program is FREE. Tutoring benefits not only the student but our whole community.
Thank you, Susan!