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Happy Spring!

There was a very memorable line in the popular TV show "The Office". The character Andy said in a wistful moment near the very end of the series "I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them." Well consider this your reminder that we're in the good old days of lovely springtime. You look out the window and everything is fresh and green. The azaleas are withered, but the summer flowers are budding, and it's a lovely time to go outside for a walk in God's creation.

At the end of this month, Mother Nikki will begin her well-deserved sabbatical for three months, but we needn't be anxious about this. Our Sunday and Wednesday services will be well attended to by the following priests:

April 30- Carol Schwenke

May- Ellen Richardson

June- Carol Schwenke

July 2-23- Bob Dendtler

July 30- Ellen Richardson

Routine matters can be brought to Committee Chairs, Vestry members, and our other church staff as always. And as your Senior Warden, I am at your service to help any way I can, and to document anything that needs Nikki's attention after she returns.

Regarding these Friday email news blasts, in Mother Nikki's absence, the Vestry will take charge of providing the welcome messages. Over the next 12 Fridays, this portion of the newsletter will feature a different Vestry member, their committee assignments, and any needs or news that the committee may currently have to share. I hope you will enjoy hearing what our committees are currently doing, and I hope they provide you with opportunities to engage with any of our ministries that interest you!

In Love,

LeeAnne Krause

CANCELED: Movie Night Tonight

Come join us tonight when we will watch August: Osage County (2013). “A look at the lives of the strong-willed women of the Weston family whose paths have diverged until a family crisis brings them back to the Oklahoma house they grew up in, and to the dysfuctional woman who raised them.” Join us in Parish Hall and enjoy some popcorn and soft drinks - or bring a blanket and a picnic dinner! The movie begins promptly at 7pm.

Final Confirmation Class

The final confirmation class will be this Sunday, April 23 right after the 10:30AM service! Bring your lunch!

It's Not Too Late For Egg Fun

 As part of the Sunday School lesson this Sunday, April 23, Jenifer Borg and Jenifer Marquardt will be facilitating an egg dyeing for children (K-5th Grade). We have plenty of art smocks - so there will be a less likelihood of staining clothes. Remember, we gather for Sunday School at 9:15 in the chapel. Come join us, and stay for church and Children's Chapel.

Parish Life will meet on Sunday, April 30, after the 10:30AM service. We have had a rousing revival with two receptions in a row!! Now we will meet and get organized. 

Grab a cup of coffee and we will figure out the best place to meet. If you are interested, but can't make the meeting, please contact Maggie Reinberger 706-338-1471, or Shelby Welch 706-224-2835.


Sacred Ground is a thoughtful, sensitive, and faith-based resource created and financed by The Episcopal Church to assist local congregations in creating safe space for difficult but respectful and transformative dialogue on race and racism. Inviting participants to reflect on family histories and stories, as well as important narratives that shape the collective American story, the program is one path we can take in seeking to become God’s Beloved Community. 

St. Gregory’s is offering the 10 session Sacred Ground program during this 2023 Sabbatical Summer as an opportunity to gather, pray and share a meal together, and to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest written materials, films and facilitated conversations. The meeting dates will be Wednesday evenings from 6-8:30pm from May 10-June 7 and June 28-July 26 with a two week break (June 14 and 21) to allow each participant to more intensively pursue a particular topic of their choice. We are seeking 8-10 people to participate with one another and 2 facilitators.

If you would like to sign up for this journey, please notify Kendall Kookogey at the St. Gregory's church office via email or at 706-546-7553 by Friday, May 5, 2023. There is no cost to participate other than your time and commitment.

For questions, contact Ellen Richardson via email or 912-660-0151 or Ron Balthazor /706-338-0625.

If you would like to read more about the program, follow this link: I hope you will prayerfully consider this opportunity at this important time of seeking understanding and healing in our fragile communities and our wider world. 

Upcoming Concerts


The Athens Chamber Singers present Come, Shaker Life: A Concert of Shaker Songs for Choir and Harp; at 4PM on Saturday, April 29 at Friendship Presbyterian Church. The concert, which is free and open to the public, is a warm-up for the group's upcoming performance at Piccolo Spoleto in June.


The women of Meridian Women's Chorus invite you to their spring concert, Mother Earth and Her Gifts, on Sunday, April 30 at 4PM at Friendship Presbyterian Church. This free concert includes three pieces by local composers; two will be world premieres. 

Adult Spiritual Formation

The Adult Spiritual Formation Sunday morning Bible Study group meets at 9:15AM and is currently on a journey through The Book of Acts of the Apostles. Please join us!

St. Gregory's next Family Promise week is coming up April 30-May 6. Family Promise (formerly Interfaith Hospitality Network) is an organization of churches which helps with meals and host responsibilities for local, temporarily homeless families with children. The families stay at Milledge Avenue Baptist Church (MABC). Volunteers sign up to provide a meal or be a host for an evening, night or weekend shift at MABC. Sign up by clicking on this link. Scroll down until you find the week of April 30-May 6. For questions, email Annette at or call 706-255-5839. This is a way for us to be Christ's feet on the earth here in Athens.

earth stewards


of god’s great gift

our energies

must quickly shift

this fragile home

is under threat

our atmosphere

is now beset

by climate change

with great extremes

that risk an end

to all our dreams

for the safety   

of creation

and each future


alice mohor

Young Designer's Fashion Show

The Young Designers Sewing Program is a non-profit organization serving girls from Gaines Elementary School, Hillsman Middle School, and Cedar Shoals High School. Participants in the program learn to design, customize, and sew garments of all types. In addition to creative sewing, the girls learn many other life skills to prepare for leadership and success in the world. Travel abroad, field trips, speakers and other enrichment make this a unique program. Every year YDSP holds two fashion shows and this year the first one will be held at St. Gregory's on Saturday, May 13 at 3PM. The show will last about an hour with light refreshments afterward. I began volunteering in 2016, and I love this program, the girls, and other volunteers.  

The fashion show is free, donations happily accepted. Friends and families of the girls, members of the community, and I hope that many Gregorians will come and see the creative efforts of these girls. I would like to have some volunteers to help set up and put away chairs in the Parish Hall, and help make tea, coffee, and lemonade.  

Please contact me if you are willing to help out, interested in coming to the show, or just want to find out more about this amazing program.  

With many thanks, Jenifer Borg   706-614-4895 or

The food bank is in need of dried beans of any kind, and large, family-size containers of cooked cereals (i.e. oats, grits), not individual packets.

Let's help fill the Little Red Wagon!


The Mens Group is embarking on a study of the new book by Gabor Mate : "The Myth of Normal; Trauma, Illness and Healing in a Toxic Culture." He studies trauma, and how it is a root actor in all of our lives, influencing our health and well being. After listening to a short lecture by the author, the group decided that his book will be a great contribution to our study of our lives in Christ. All men are invited to participate.

Instructions for Live Streaming

  • Near the time for service, underneath our channel logo, you will see our video for that day, with the word ‘live’ on it. The page will look like this:

  • If you don’t immediately see the video that says ‘live’, (for instance, if you opened YouTube before the service begins) keep refreshing it.  

  • When you see the video square that says ‘live’, click on it. 

Welcome to worship!

Meeting Opportunities

Parish community offerings via Zoom or in person:

* Spring yoga meets on Monday evenings in Parish Hall from 5:30-6:30PM. All classes are donation-based. Donations this spring will go toward buying more yoga supplies for the class! Zoom link here for those at home.

Hebrew Reading meets via Zoom on Wednesdays from 1-3PM. If you're interested, email Joel Hunt for more info!

Stacie Court hosts "Let's Chat!" for women of the parish. The days and time vary, and not everyone can join every time, but everyone is welcome to join whenever they can! Email Stacie!

* St. Gregory's Book Club meets the first Friday of the month in Parish Hall @ 7PM ongoing for the foreseeable future.  Email Lois Alworth if you are interested in participating.

*Threads of Prayer meets on the 1st Tuesdays of the month @1PM! We'll meet outside if the weather is good and inside the Christian Ed building if the weather is bad. Email Annette Bates if you are interested in participating. All knitters and crocheters welcome!

*Men's Group: 9AM on Saturdays. 1st & 3rd Saturdays at St. Gregory's library and 2nd & 4th & 5th Saturdays at the Somerville's house ! Email Peter Rice

* group(s) meeting in person

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St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church |
706.546.7553 |