Hello from the Emerald Isle

Rev. Glen Miles, Senior Minister

Hello from the Emerald Isle of Ireland. Our group of 41 arrived on Tuesday, July 23 after an overnight flight from the states. We have a terrific group of travelers! Below are a few photos from our first few days with a "wee bit o'commentary!"

This first set of photos is from Glendalough, the site of a monastic community founded over 1,500 years ago. The beauty of the location is matched by the faithful dedication of the monks and residents who resided here!

We began our day with a tour of the Waterford Crystal Factory.

The history and craftsmanship are fascinating.

Here we are at Blarney Castle, home to the famous Blarney Stone. The views from the top of the castle are spectacular! You’ll be glad to know I did not kiss the stone. I already have the gift of gab!

On the “Ring of Kerry” in Ireland!

The man to my left is Eunan, our guide/driver. A great group!

Mary Kate and her mom, Dee.

We feel like we should eat here...!

Our drive to Galway was equal parts amazing and frightening! Our driver is awesome though so no worries!

Our tour today was delayed by a shepherd and his dog trying to move their sheep out of the road!

The Cliffs of Moher are spectacular!

Worship on Sunday near Sligo.

A Month of Sundays

This week in Sunday school

This summer we are exploring ways to connect with God. In Sunday school this week, we will practice praying without words while creating crosses with our hands. We made crosses earlier in the summer and really enjoyed it; so, we will do it again using different materials.

This summer, Sunday school will be offered during the 10 am South and 11 am North services. During the 9 am outdoor contemporary service, unsupervised quiet activities including coloring, sidewalk chalk and bubbles will be offered. 

Join us on Sunday, August 18, at 11 am at First Community North for Akita Sunday, a day of worship and celebration of

Camp Akita 2024!

(Only one service on this day at 11 am.)

This special worship service at First Community North will include stories from the summer, camp songs, and messages from counselors and campers. Hear a sermon from Rev. Sarah Kientz and watch a video of summer highlights. Then, stay after worship for some Akita-style fun! View photos from the Camp Akita archive, play games in the parking lot, and enjoy snacks and cookies. Best of all, catch up with former and current Camp Akita Counselors! This is a casual service, and we encourage you to wear a Camp Akita t-shirt!

We look forward to seeing you on Akita Sunday!

Starting a new school year is a big deal for kids and adults, and we would like to send you off with a blessing for a great year.  

 We hope you will join us for the Blessing of the Backpacks at 9 and 11 am North, and 10 am South on Sunday, August 25. Bring your backpack to worship for a special blessing as the new school year begins. This blessing will be for all children and adults who attend or work in a school.  

Volunteers Make 1.2.3...Akita! Happen

By Julie Richards, Director of K-5 Ministry

1.2.3… Akita! is a culturally enriching summer program offered by the K-5 team with a lot of support from our admin and Camp Akita staff. 1.2.3… Akita! is for children entering first, second, and third grade. Campers spend two mornings in Columbus engaged in activities that immerse them in the culture of a country where First Community has had a mission connection. On the third day, the group takes buses to Camp Akita for a day of fun.  

This year, our 100 campers focused on Mexico. We prepared food (pico de gallo and black bean dip), made art (papel picado), sang songs, and played inside and outside Mexican games. Our day at camp included swimming in the lake, near field games, pinatas on the basketball court and making god’s eyes in the craft cabin. At Camp Akita, the children also had the opportunity to learn about nature, engage in team-building activities, and experience the joy of being in a supportive community.  

The K-5 team would like to extend our sincere appreciation to everyone who took the time to make 1.2.3…Akita! such a success. This fun-filled program could not have happened without the help of our dedicated volunteers and counselors. A total of 50 volunteers, including 24 high schoolers who acted as counselors, 17 adults who led our ten activity areas, and 9 middle schoolers who acted as activity helpers, all played a crucial role in making the program a success. We were thrilled to have such a diverse group of participants, with ages ranging from 5 to 86, all coming together to make the program a success.  

Sign-ups for 1.2.3…Akita! take place during Camp Akita registration. We are already looking forward to next year's program, where we will be focusing on the rich and vibrant culture of India. We can't wait to embark on this new cultural journey with you! 

Governing Board Update

by April Howe, Governing Board Chair

Summer Greetings First Community,

We're halfway through the sunniest season in Ohio and also the hottest! Even though the media and retailers advertise summer is coming to an end, I like to remind folks the Autumn Equinox isn't til the end of September. I hope you are all finding ways to stay cool and enjoy the outdoors. For my family, August is our vacation month and typically includes long weekends or full-week trips to Lake Erie swimming, hiking, and visits to Cedar Point and the lake islands. This year, I'll also be traveling to Fairborn, OH, in August to celebrate my 35th high school reunion. Here's a fun fact ~ I was the mascot for the boy's soccer team. Go Skyhawks! Where's your favorite summer vacation spot?

We're all blessed with a wide variety of great programming, events, educational and volunteer opportunities available at First Community and this month is no different. Check out something new or invite a friend. I hope to see you!

Let's get down to business. The Governing Board did not meet as a full Board in June and July; however, a few committee meetings did, as I mentioned last month. In August, we plan to get back into a full schedule for committees and the full board. The August Governing Board Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 28, at 7 pm in room 102 at FC North. Executive, Finance, and Personnel committees also have meetings scheduled.  

Here is a brief overview from our June Finance report:

  • Our facilities are running smoothly this year, and no significant repairs are needed. June giving (pledge payment, contributions, offerings) was $6k below budget (YTD $116k below budget). Did you know lower cash flows in summer months can create uncertainties in the business office because 80% of the church's budgeted costs are fixed? Are your pledge payments up to date? Our FC staff is stretched thin and doing a great job of managing expenses. 

  • Board Treasurer Ginny Barney, in cooperation with Director of Operations and Finance Liz Compton, will soon provide a financial update for January through June.

My focus this month ~ The Olympics! I love watching Gymnastics, swimming and soccer. What's your favorite event/sport? I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Feel free to send me an email! 

Peace & Blessings,

April Howe

Nominations Open on August 4

It's that time of the year when we come together to nominate our church leaders. The process is made easy for you, with nomination forms available August 4 through September 8, in various convenient formats. You can pick them up at First Community North and South Reception Desks and Narthex, print a PDF version HERE, or submit online HERE. Please return the completed forms to Shelly Sagraves at or mail to First Community, Attn: Shelly Sagraves, 1320 Cambridge Blvd, Columbus, OH 43212.

Visit our Website

Membership at First Community

Welcome new member Bill Bryan! Bill joined the church on Saturday, June 20.

You are invited to join us for "Coffee with Glen" at First Community, featuring Senior Minister Glen Miles and Director of Member Engagement Kristy Glaser on August 10 at 9:30 am at FC North. Come and enjoy great coffee and sweet treats while learning more about how to become a member in our inclusive faith community. We look forward to seeing you there! Email Kristy Glaser to register.

Child Safety Code of Conduct

By Julie Richards, Director of K-5 Ministry

The safety of our children is a top priority at First Community. Earlier this summer, the Personnel Committee approved a Child Safety Code of Conduct for all First Community staff, volunteers, congregants, and attendees. These standards aim to ensure the safety of children who participate in programs at our church. 


Staff and volunteers who work with children and youth have followed the standards in the Code of Conduct for many years. We realized that sharing these standards with all staff, volunteers, church members, and attendees would expand the line of protection for our kids. 


What can you do as a member of First Community?  

  • Read through the one-page Code of Conduct and think about how you can participate in supporting the standards in the code. 
  • When you are at church, remember to follow the expectations, especially the standards around not being alone with children in-person or online. 
  • If you are a parent, be aware of the standards and support our staff and volunteers as they work to follow the Code of Conduct. 
  • Remember that children are the future of our church, and we all have a responsibility to care for their physical and emotional safety. 


If each of us is mindful, these expectations will be easy to follow and will become part of our church culture. They will also make a statement about the value we place on caring for children. 

Sunday Childcare: A Child's First

Connection to Church

By Leigh Anne Easterling, Director of Early Childhood Ministries 

Sunday childcare is likely to be a child’s first experience with coming to church. It is First Community’s chance to teach children that “church” means a safe place to be with caring teachers who recognize and value them for who they are. This is First Community’s first opportunity to welcome children into the church family. 

Volunteers are needed to work beside teachers and play along with children during care and activities. We ask volunteers to commit to one Sunday each month throughout the year. If it is easier to commit to coming 4 or 5 Sundays in a row and then taking a break, we are happy to welcome volunteers that way as well. While we especially ask parents of children attending Sunday childcare to volunteer, all volunteers aged 16 and older who love to spend time with children are encouraged to sign up.  

Please contact Leigh Anne Easterling, or

(614) 777-4099 with questions. 

First Community Foundation

Seth Stearns, Director of First Community Foundation

The Foundation Board of Trustees attempted to take the month of July off, but the needs of the programs and ministries of the church did not. The Foundation Grants Committee quickly convened to review grant requests and the full Board of Trustees was very responsive and voted electronically on the requests. I am grateful for the deep commitment and diligence of the Foundation Board. The Foundation awarded over $26,000 in grants in July that support many of the ministries and programs of First Community Church. The recently awarded grants included:

Akita Lodge Hot Water Heater

Bobbi Mueller submitted an emergency request to replace the water heater in the Camp Akita Lodge as it went out during the middle of camp.

  • Fund #54455 - Richard and Mary Farr Memorial Fund (Established 2023)
  • Fund #53111 - Ann Powell Riley Akita Maintenance Endowment (Established 1986)

2025 Spiritual Searcher Event

The Spiritual Life & Learning Center will be bringing in a speaker for the 2025 Spiritual Searcher event scheduled for February 1 -2, 2025. This grant request is for the deposit required to be sent in with the signed contract.

  • Fund #54446 - Friends of Burkhart Center (Established 2021)

Camp Akita Technology Upgrades

Bobbi Mueller requested a grant to upgrade and improve the internet/Wi-Fi access and replace and update camp security cameras at Camp Akita.

  • Fund #54222 – Bill and Frannie Pickering Memorial Fund (Established 2005)
  • Fund #54221 – Howard “Skip” Brehmer Jr. Memorial Fund for Youth (Established 1999)

Camp Akita Scholarships 2024 (additional request)

Bobbi Mueller requested additional funding for 2024 Camp Akita Summer scholarships

  • Fund #53121 – Anne Powell Riley Akita Scholarship Endowment (Established 1995)
  • Fund #54098 – Danny Trautman Memorial Fund (Established 2010)
  • Fund #54099 – Anne P. Riley Camper Scholarship Fund (Established 2012)

You can participate in the vital work of the First Community Foundation and the support of the ministries of First Community by creating a fund, donating to an established fund, or remembering the Foundation in your estate planning, will, obituary, and 401(k) benefits. Planned giving is a wonderful way to support those ministries of First Community that you feel most passionate about for decades to come. Not only are your planned gifts vitally important in support of the ministries of First Community, but there may also be tax incentives available to you now and to your loved ones in the disposition of your estate.  


First Community Foundation was established in 1961 to support the future of First Community Church's programs and ministries. The Foundation is supported by immediate and planned gifts from those focusing on the future of First Community and leaving a family legacy. The Foundation assures donors that their legacy gift wishes will be honored and benefit the church.  


The impact areas supported by the First Community Foundation include:  


  • Camp Akita  
  • Facilities, landscape, and maintenance  
  • First Community Village  
  • Missions  
  • Worship & Arts  
  • Youth Programs  


Please contact Seth Stearns, Director of First Community Foundation, to explore your planned giving options. You can reach Seth by email at or (614) 488-0681.  

Wednesday Morning Fellowship Group

Summer Gathering

Join your First Community friends for an incredible evening at The Gathering on August 14 at FC North! We'll be featuring a powerful sermon by Glen Miles, as well as uplifting music by the Common Grace band joined by Tim Carlson. And as if that wasn't enough, we'll also be serving a free dinner of delicious spaghetti, salad, garlic bread and mouthwatering desserts. You won't want to miss out on this amazing event! See you at 5:30 pm on August 14 at FC North!

Bible Study with Rev. Dr. Glen Miles

We're excited to announce the Bible Study, "Headline Hope: Examining the News Through the Lens of Grace and Justice," led by Rev. Dr. Glen Miles continues this month. Join Glen for an engaging and thought-provoking exploration of current events and news through the lens of grace and justice. It's happening Thursday evening, August 15 at 7 pm in Wing Grace Hall, FC North. Don't miss out on this opportunity to delve into meaningful discussions and deepen your understanding of the world around us. See you there!

Missions Updates

Click below to read the On a Mission! monthly news. In this month’s news you can find more information about:

  • First Community’s Refugee Ministry has partnered with Community Refugee and Immigration Services (CRIS) for many years. Read more about the beginnings of CRIS, how we work with them today, and how you can get involved.
  • Heart to Heart’s next monthly collection is a School Supply Drive. We will collect 150 new filled backpacks for one of our Pop-Up Pantry’s service sites. Please read the specific instructions included in the newsletter, along with a monthly update from our Food Pantry Manager, Yohan Kim.
  • Our Refugee Ministry Team continues to support recently resettled families and other projects as they gear up to welcome another family this fall.
  • Beth Hanson reflects on the good works being done as a result of the Trading Post in her monthly update.
  • Monday Night Meals continues to operate like a well-oiled machine, but still needs a few more helpers!
  • Read the weekly updates from our Share & Learn Garden volunteers, and a note from Amy about Franklin Park Conservatory’s contributions to their work!
  • Looking for a few volunteers to help with a new collection effort… empty pill bottles! Read more about what is involved and who to contact if you’re interested.
  • A quick update of grants awarded since our last issue includes a link to updates and thank you notes from recipients!
  • Regular monthly meetings of All Mission Ministry Teams resume in August at First Community North and online.  
Click Here to Read On A Mission! Newsletter

Community Refugee & Immigration Services (CRIS)

by Rick Greene, Mission Finance Team Member

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me. Matthew 25:35

CRIS is an independent non-profit organization that serves the refugee and immigrant populations in Central Ohio. Among other things, CRIS is a refugee resettlement agency and, as an affiliate of Church World Service, it has a cooperative agreement with the Department of State to receive and place refugees in our community directly. Its mission is to help refugees and immigrants reach safety and stability, sustain self-sufficiency, and successfully integrate into the Central Ohio community. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, refugees are defined as people fleeing conflict or persecution. They are defined and protected in international law and should not be expelled or returned to situations where their life and freedom are at risk.


In a recent On a Mission! newsletter, CRIS was cited as an integral part of the operation of the Refugee Ministry Team at First Community-- to help sponsor new arrivals and to assist with emergency funds for expenses and unexpected costs not covered by federal assistance. CRIS also helps special needs situations, such as in-home English tutoring for those unable to attend group classes. This organization offers a wide array of programs and services that aim to facilitate sustained self-sufficiency and successful integration for those we serve, including English classes, employment training and placement, health and wellness groups, youth mentorship, family support, advocacy for victims of crime, and legal services.


Historically, the organization began as the outreach service of the Buddhamamaka Society, Inc., a mutual association founded in 1987 by refugees from Laos. In 1995, the Society established CRIS in response to the unexpected closing of two local refugee resettlement offices. Initial funding for services was provided by a grant from the Columbus Foundation and the Franklin County of Human Services. CRIS was selected in 1999 by the City of Columbus and United Way to open a second office and became an independent 501(c)(3) organization while retaining a close relationship with the Buddhamamaka Society. In 2001, CRIS became the Church World Service Ohio affiliate to provide refugee resettlement services. In 2004, the agency was approved to represent clients before the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Specifically, CRIS also prides employment, legal, newcomer support, refugee health and wellness, parenting for LEP (limited English proficiency), early intervention, older refugees and immigrants, and resettlement services with the community.

In 2023, Ohio welcomed refugees from 37 countries (2818 refugees), with those from 27 countries settling in Columbus (902 refugees). 83.7% of refugees settling in Columbus were primarily from six countries, including the Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria, Ukraine, and Eritrea.


CRIS has group volunteer activities, such as First Community Church’s Refugee Welcome Teams, which help with the successful resettlement starting for a life in Central Ohio. These teams commit to walking alongside a refugee family in their first six months in the U.S. Team participants have learned the process necessary to go through the steps to get refugee status in the United States and the challenges faced by resettling families. If interested in participating and helping with these Welcome Teams at FCC, contact Shirley Barney.


There are ways to support the work of CRIS through individual activities as well. Individual activities include buying groceries, transporting clients to medical appointments, teaching basic computer skills, moving furniture, tutoring future U.S. citizens, and making donations of cash and new or gently used items to help make each refugee’s living space a home. For more information, contact Flannery Rokeby-Jackson at


If you want more information about First Community Church and its Mission programs or want to join a team, please email us at

Spiritual Life & Learning Center

Register for the Ice Cream Social
Register for Enneagram Workshop

A.I. and Technologies Lunch and Learn

Join us for A.I. and Technologies, a Lunch & Learn event, scheduled for Tuesday, August 20 at 11:30am in Grace Hall at FC North. This compelling presentation from Evergold’s Daniel Seltzer will focus on how we can use and understand the technologies of today as tools to assist and improve our lives.

Topics that Daniel will be addressing include A.I., Speech Generating Devices (SGDs), Environmental Control Systems (ECS), smart home assistants and voice-controlled devices, smart hearing aids and cochlear implants, electronic mobility aids, and wearable devices equipped with sensors and electronic components that can monitor vital signs, activity levels, and other health metrics.  

Daniel has over two decades of experience in the healthcare and aging spaces. He began his career as a volunteer in an adult day program and then advanced through the ranks to become Executive Director, most recently at an assisted living community here in Columbus. He also holds a Masters in Gerontology, which fueled his expertise and passion for innovative technology that can help people age in place. 

Boxed lunch will be served. RSVP by Friday, August 16 to Jane Torbica: or (614) 488-0681, ext 235. 

The Older Adult Ministry Team will host this event, sponsored by The First Community Foundation. 

Women's Guild Potluck and Installation

On Wednesday, August 28, the women of First Community Church will gather in Wing Grace Hall at North (3777 Dublin Rd.) to celebrate the beginning of the program year of the Women’s Guild. The annual event will start at 5:30 pm with our famous potluck dinner and conclude with a candlelight ceremony installing the 2024-2025 All-Guild Officers and Group Representatives. In the middle, there will be plenty of opportunities to catch up with old friends after the summer and become acquainted with some new friends.   

As is our tradition, we have named an agency in the community to receive our “gifts of love.” This year’s donations will go to the HOPE Recovery Center, a grassroots drop-in center off Sullivant Ave on the West side. For the last three years, the Pop-Up Pantry has been delivering food and clothes from the Trading Post and sleeping mats from the Mat Makers to our neighbors at HOPE monthly. The men and women who HOPE serves are primarily individuals who are currently unhoused, many of whom have substance abuse or dependency issues. The program provides hope and support to individuals to help them get into drug/alcohol rehabilitation treatment when they are ready, and HOPE has a very impressive record of successfully doing so! Scott Sanders, Director of HOPE, will join us to briefly share stories of “hope.”  

Some of the suggested items needed by clients at HOPE include TRAVEL-SIZE:  

Toothpaste and Toothbrush

Soap, Deodorant

Sunscreen and Lip Ice

Hats, Gloves, and Rain Gear

Feminine Hygiene Products

Shampoo and Hair Care Products

Flashlights and Batteries

Socks and Underwear

Protein Bars

Shaving Supplies

Come with a dish to share and a gift for HOPE. As always, thank you for your generosity and we hope to see you at the potluck!

Register Today!

Women's Retreat

Kitty Rohrer, Publicity Chair of the Guild Executive Committee, Guild Group RSZ Member

“Giggles galore, boundless energy, unfettered enthusiasm” are just some of the terms I’d use to characterize the atmosphere at the Camp Akita Check-in as middle schoolers eagerly wait in line for their turn to register and begin the “best week of my summer.” As we sent them on their way with our wishes for a wonderful time, I felt envious of their chance to spend time with old and new friends in one of the unique places on earth where God’s presence seems so close. No matter what age, there is something special for everyone at Camp Akita in Ohio’s beautiful Hocking Hills. 

With those thoughts and that spirit in mind, the Board of the Women’s Guild decided to sponsor a Women’s Retreat at Camp Akita this fall. Then, too, there will be plenty of laughter, enthusiasm, and the presence of friends, making the experience unforgettable. Barb Davis will lead us to explore ourselves and our relationship to the environment around us.  There will be activities for women at all levels of mobility, from hiking and boating, crafts and art projects, yoga and Tai Chi, singing and worship, games and campfires, Akita’s yummy fare, etc.    

As always, attendees can participate in planned activities as much or as little as they desire. We all have different reasons and needs for a weekend away at Akita. This is YOUR time to enjoy Akita in whatever way you need. Hopefully, the weekend leaves you renewed, rejuvenated, and ready to return to your everyday world with a new perspective on life. 

So, please plan to join us for the weekend of October 18 through 20.  We’ll start on Friday evening around 6:30 with a “potluck” of appetizers, an opportunity to meet and greet each other, and an introduction to our theme for the weekend.  Saturday offers a variety of options and activities, and the weekend will conclude on Sunday with Akita-style worship and brunch.  

We look forward to having you join us for this one-of-a-kind event! 

Register Today!

Great Fun and Fellowship at

Music & Mocktails

Fantastic music, ice cold mocktails concocted by Steven’s Catering, Donatos pizza, and wonderful fellowship made for great fun at the Music & Mocktails event on Tuesday, July 9 under the tent at North. The band Grassinine, including FC members Terry Davis and Tom Krouse, provided the energized sounds of what the band calls “Mountain Rock.” Ebri Yahloe also appeared, adding a hip-hop flavor to the mix, featuring a collaboration between Tom and Ebri with a theme of tearing down walls.  

Attendance included many new faces at First Community, including Grassinine Groupies, and there is no doubt that the band picked up even more fans with their harmonious sounds. While enjoying the group, getting caught up, and making new friends, attendees also had a chance to sip on such mocktails as a Cosmop-all Are Welcome, Camp Akita-inspired Mokita, Burkhart Chapeloma, Punch-ius Pilate, and the ever so popular Jim Long Island Iced Tea. There is no doubt that good times were had by all at this multigenerational gathering! This first-time event was presented by the Older Adult Ministry Team and sponsored by the First Community Foundation.

Special thanks to Louis Kutz for the event photos.

Save the Date!

You are all invited to join First Community for a fun-filled Party in the Parking Lot at FC South on September 8 from 3-5 pm. This community outreach event will feature inflatables, games, free food, and live music by the Common Grace band. Pick up an invite card to give your friends or neighbors at church on August 11 and August 25. Bring your neighbors along and plan to have a great time. Hope to see you there!

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Your gift helps us live out our vision to serve the world.

Please consider a gift in memory or an honorarium to the

Church or Foundation.

Click here to securely give online.

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