In This Issue
TCNA President's Message
Neighborhood Committees
- Public Safety Updates: Summer Safety Suggestions
- Greens Committee:
- TCNA Tree Stewards
Streets Committee Updates
- 39th Street Calming Plan: Update
- Events Committee
- Fall Picnic
- Monthly Happy Hours & Get Togethers
- Calvert School Liaison Committee
- Rental for Squash Courts Approved by TCNA Board
- Calvert Calendar
- Communications Committee
Website: History of Clyde Nelson Friz's homes and his buildings in Tuscany-Canterbury
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Neighborhood News
- The Social Apartments: Air Conditioner Unit Making Loud Noise
- The Hopkins House: Repairs on Balconies
- The Winthrop House; Repairs on Outside Walls
- Baltimore City Study of the Stony Run Flooding Lower Stony Run Strategic Master Plan
- Permit Parking Neighborhood Pick-Up, August 23
- Demographic Data: Transportation in Tuscany-Canterbury
- Where in Tuscany-Canterbury Challenge?
TCNA Spotlight People, Places, Events
- Pat Hawthorne: Selected as an expert tour guide for a National Tour of Baltimore's Landscape Legacy
- John Waters: Legendary Legend Award
Johns Hopkins University
- Early Childhood Center Move: Zoom Meeting, August 5, 6PM
- Student Union Milestone
- James Webb Space Telescope
Restaurants In Tuscany-Canterbury
- Summer Menus
- Peek inside the New Hopkins Market
Home & Condo: Sale Prices, Active Listings
Events In and Around Tuscany-Canterbury
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Save These Tuscany-Canterbury Dates
JHU Community Zoom Meeting
- August 5, 6PM
- Updates Early Childhood Center Move to University Parkway
Resident Permit Parking Pick-up
- August 23, 6-8 PM
- Home of Eugene O'Dunne, 4220 North Charles Street
Dumpsters Available
- September 14, Linkwood at Tuscany
- October 12, Canterbury at Tuscany
TCNA Board Meeting
- September 18, 7 PM Broadview Apartments (Check TCNA website for updated agenda)
Next full TCNA newsletter will be sent out at the end of September. Updates will be sent as needed.
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TCNA is stronger with you as a member!
If you aren't a member, please consider joining TCNA this year.
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Last year 25 individuals/ households became new members. The newsletter is now sent to 684 neighbors. Encourage your neighbors and friends to join the TCNA or just sign up to get the newsletter to learn more about the neighborhood. | |
TCNA President's Message
Pat Hawthorne
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I hope that you are all surviving the heat and enjoying your summer. Plans are afoot for the TCNA fall picnic, so stay tuned. Once we have selected a date and venue, we will be asking for volunteers to help set up and clean up. Also, we hope to get a few volunteers from our fabulous pool of youngsters to plan games for kids and adults alike.
We also want to announce that the traffic calming project for 39th Street is expected to start in August. Once we have firm dates and learn whether there will be any disruption to traffic during the project, we will let you know. The project includes the placement of a significant number of planters on bump-outs and other concrete barriers to slow down traffic. We will be looking for volunteers sometime between mid-September and early-October to help with planting (older kids invited too). The planters will all be prepared with soil and we will have schematic plans available for which plants will go in which planters.
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Tuscany-Canterbury Public Safety Updates
Garth Thompson, Chair of TCNA Public Safety Committee
John Warshawsky, Vice Chair
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Summer Safety Suggestions
Keep outdoor lights on your porches and outside your condos throughout the night even if you are not home. This discourages crime from happening.
Check your car doors to make sure they are locked (even if you park in a condo or apartment building garage). Don't leave any valuables visible in your car.
If you see a street light that is out, call 311 as soon as possible. If it doesn't get repaired email TCNA with the confirmation number and location. Click here
If you are going away even for a few days, tell a neighbor who can keep an eye and ear out for anything unusual.
If you see something suspicious happening, call 911 as soon as possible.
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Streets Committee
Brandon Eilertson, Committee Chair
CLICK HERE to contact Streets Committee or visit TCNA Website for information about all the Streets' On-Going Projects
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39th Street
Calming Plans
Great news! After years of effort and negotiation, the City has finally granted approval. The next phase of work on this multi-phase project will begin late summer 2024.
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The Board of Estimates approved the Developer's Agreement (DA 1820) on June 5, 2024. The Broadview met with the City which is committed to do its portion of the work during August.
The Broadview has a project manager and contractors in place to complete the scope included in DA 1820, and has posted a bond for just short of $80,000, the amount needed to complete construction. The goal is to have the project complete by Labor Day.
TCNA has agreed to serve as the recipient and pass-through for funds contributed to this project over and above those that the Broadview and Woodcliffe Manor have provided. The latter entity (same ownership as the Broadview) is the designated developer. The project management firm and sub-contractors are on board. Mid-Atlantic Asphalt will apply for a permit in short order.
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Greens Committee
Eric Elton and Patrick Mutch, Committee Co-Chairs
Board Member of Friends of Stony Run: Eric Elton
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Tree Stewards
GOAL: Keep Tuscany-Canterbury Green and Tree-healthy
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TCNA Tree Stewards
Recently, the TCNA asked for volunteers to join an effort to monitor the health of the trees in our neighborhood and to identify areas where we should plant new trees. The group, under the auspices of the TCNA Greens Committee, is called TCNA Tree Stewards. Members include: Becky Barclay, Jeanne Carey, Kate Creamer, Eric Elton, Pat Hawthorne, Marie Murphy, and Patrick Mutch. Fred Chalfant, TCNA resident, is providing professional guidance and contact with the Division of Forestry, Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks.
We will initially focus on what residents can do to keep our neighborhood green and tree-healthy. Anyone else who is interested in joining the group should send an e-mail
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Success! TCNA Dead Trees Removed
Tuscany-Canterbury identified 5 trees needed to be removed on Tuscany Road, Cloverhill Road, University Parkway, and 2 in Linkwood Park. Repeated requests were sent to the City for years to remove the dead trees. President Pat Hawthorne, with the help of Lia Lynch in the Mayor's Office, successfully had these trees removed.
Now the Tree Stewards will continue to work with residents and the City to get the stumps removed, other dead public trees removed, and additional trees planted.
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University Parkway near Charles Street
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Linkwood Park near Overhill Road. One trunk of the ash tree was able to be saved and the large diseased trunk was successfully removed. | | |
Linkwood Park at Ridgemede | | |
Tree Stumps
Eleven stumps were left behind in the neighborhood after trees were cut down. The city will grind up existing stumps and plant free replacements for residents who want a new tree in front of their homes and are willing to water it until it becomes established.
TCNA Tree Stewards are contacting residents who have stumps in front of their homes and who might want to care for a new tree. If you haven’t been contacted, send an e-mail to:
We will let you know if a 311 request is needed. Please notify Pat Hawthorne at by August 9 if you want a tree replacement.
We remind residents that a permit is required to plant trees in public spaces (between the sidewalk and the curb). We recommend that anyone interested in planting trees take the Baltimore TreeKeepers classes.
The city does not maintain trees in alleyways or on private property. They only maintain the trees in the area between the sidewalk and the curb.
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Everyone Can Help!
See a Dead or Diseased Tree in a Public Place
Make a request via telephone 311
or the DPW web site:
Then send an e-mail to TCNA at and let us know where the tree is located, the date you submitted the 311 request, and the 311 ticket number. TCNA willfollow up with Baltimore City if tree is not removed..
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Baltimore City Study of the Stony Run
The Hydrologic and Hydraulic (H&H) study will determine why the Stony Run overflows and what to do to prevent it from overflowing. The study will be completed by the end of the year. Instead of a written report, DPW will make presentations to each of the groups along the Stony Run and share the results and offer the recommendations for remediation.
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Events Committee
- Fall Picnic
- Plans for TCNA Happy Hours & Get Togethers
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A Fall Picnic is being planned for October. More details in the September newsletter.
First Friday, the monthly TCNA Happy Hours ended during COVID. TCNA is exploring starting a monthly TCNA get together but not on Fridays. Hopefully they will begin the end of this year.
Let us know your thoughts about the picnic or TCNA get togethers. Where and when is the best time to have them?
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Calvert School Liaison Committee
Amy Mutch, Chair
- Squash Courts Rental Agreement
- Calvert's Calendar
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2024-2026 Squash Courts Rental Agreement Renewed between Calvert School and TCNA
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The TCNA Covenant between TCNA and Calvert School requires TCNA to approve Calvert's rental of its squash courts for other schools to use after school hours. TCNA approved the rental for the 2023-2024 School year. There were no issues with this arrangement and Calvert requested to continue the agreement for two more years from 2024-2026. At the May 15, 2024 TCNA board meeting this request was approved. The final agreement has been posted on the TCNA website. | |
Calendar Events for Calvert School
- August 28, Lower School Drop-In Morning /Fifth Grade Orientation
- August 29, Classes Begin
- September 2, Labor Day, School Closed
- September 10, Lower School Parents' Night 6:30pm-8:00pm
- September 12, Lower School Parents' Night 6:30pm-8:00pm
- September 19, Middle School Parents' Night 6:30pm-8:45pm
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Communications Committee
Linda Eberhart, Newsletter Coordinator
Julie Watson, Webmaster
John Robinson, Photographer
Committee: Ann Finkbeiner and TCNA board members contribute articles, photos, and otherw who help with the newsletter and website.
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TCNA Website History Feature
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Linkwood Road Home of Clyde Nelson Friz
Built 1925
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An enormous fieldstone and stucco, half-timbered house, originally built for two families was designed by Friz and built for himself and his daughter. It was later the home of well-known Baltimore artist Don Swann. In the 1990’s, the two houses were redesigned as a single-family home. | |
Other Friz buildings in Tuscany Canterbury include: | |
TCNA Newsletter and Website | |
If you have any ideas or thoughts about the website or newsletter, please let us know. If you are interested in helping with the TCNA newsletter and website, please let us know.
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In and Around Tuscany-Canterbury
Questions, Comments, Messages
If you see a problem, have a question, or want to help, let TCNA know.
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Air Conditioner Unit at The Social Apartments Making Loud Noise | |
TCNA President, Pat Hawthorne, spoke to the property manager at The Social who said that their air conditioner broke and they had to install a temporary, noisy cooling unit to cool the building.
Unfortunately, it may take a couple of weeks before the parts for the repair arrive. They apologize for the noise, but they had to figure out a way to provide air conditioning to their residents, particularly during this very hot spell.
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Hopkins House Covered Walkway | |
The walkway at the Hopkins House and building now have a temporary roof to protect pedestrians from possible falling sections of balcony. A resident said no one is allowed to go onto balconies until an inspection has been completed, probably sometime in October. | | |
Winthrop House Repairs
The photo shows workman replacing bad brick on the Winthrop House this summer. The “shell” (in this case the bricks) has to be kept water-tight to keep water from reaching and damaging the steel supports which are part of the skeleton of the building.
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Lower Stony Run Strategic Plan
to Preserve and Enhance the Area from Overhill Road to 29th Street
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The Strategic Plan is a community-driven master planning effort to provide a long-term vision for protecting and enhancing the beloved Stony Run Walking Path, the Stony Run stream valley, and the associated park spaces.
Growing from the successful Upper Stony Run Strategic Plan, completed in 2019, the Lower Stony Run Plan identifies proposed improvements from Overhill Road to 29th Street and the Jones Falls Trailhead/Druid Hill Park at Wyman Park Drive
The Stony Run Walking Path connection between the two pedestrian bridges in Tuscany-Canterbury is included in the plan.
This connection was not completed in the Upper Stony Run Plan. It is the first capital project in the Lower Stony Run Plan. Tuscany-Canterbury secured state funds with the help of Delegate Maggie McIntosh for this project to be completed.
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The numbers show the capital projects in the new plan. | |
Residential Permit Parking (RPP)
TCNA Board Member Nancy LaMotte, Coordinator RPP
Tuscany-Canterbury Residential Permit Parking must be renewed by August 31, 2024. Renewals can be purchased on-line or in-person beginning July 8. Only residents who live on blocks with the Resident Permit Parking sign are eligible to purchase a permit.
There are 3 ways you can renew your permit.
Go to the Parking Authority downtown and pick it up at 211 N Paca Street 21201. The Parking Authority offers free parking at Market Center garage, 221 N Paca Street.
- Have it sent to you by paying a small additional fee.
Pay for it before August 20 and pick it up at Eugene O'Dunne's home, 4220 N Charles Street on Friday, August 23 between 6 and 8 PM
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September 14, Linkwood at Tuscany
October 12, Canterbury at Tuscany
Next dates are in the spring of 2025
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Neighborhood Dumpsters
Baltimore City allows each neighborhood to schedule a dumpster 4 times each year. Anyone in the neighborhood may use the dumpster.
It is delivered in the morning and is available for 4 hours. Please place your materials inside the dumpster.
Building materials and dangerous materials should not be placed in the dumpster
Thank You to Sam Park who is the TCNA neighbor who coordinates this effort.
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Speed and Red Light Cameras (Interactive Map) | |
In the Spring of 2024 more red light cameras were added and some locations were changed in Baltimore City. This map shows the locations of all the cameras. None are now in Tuscany-Canterbury. There used to be one on University Parkway at Canterbury.
Tuscany-Canterbury is doing everything possible to calm the traffic speeding through our neighborhood.
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Tuscany-Canterbury Transportation Data
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Transportation scores for Tuscany-Canterbury
Source: Baltimore Live Website
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Tuscany-Canterbury Challenge | |
Where in Tuscany-Canterbury was the photo taken? | |
HINTS: Not in Linkwood Park or on Calvert School's property
Can be seen from a public street or alley
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TCNA Neighbors, Places, Events
Let us know about anything that should be featured. Email:
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What’s Out There Weekend Baltimore
September 21 and 22
Baltimore's Landscape Legacy
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The National Cultural Landscape Foundation, a champion and protector of urban and natural landscapes around the country, selects one or two cities a year to build tours around. Baltimore was chosen for 2024. There will be 22 free walking tour series highlighting its parks, gardens and open spaces.
TCNA President, Pat Hawthorne was selected to lead the first tour in the series of the Green Mount Cemetery from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM on September 21.
The foundation enlists expert guides to lead the tours, provide information and answer questions pertaining to landscape architecture, garden design and other subjects. All of the tours are free, but attendance is limited and registration is required. The tours fill up quickly.
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John Waters Receives the Legendary Legends Award
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The awards just keep on coming for writer and filmmaker, John Waters.
Now World of Wonder Productions, the company that produces “RuPaul’s Drag Race” and other programs that “give a voice to marginalized communities and outsiders,” has chosen Waters to receive one of the top honors in the annual show business awards ceremony it sponsors, the WOWIE Awards.
Waters, 78, is one of 10 individuals or groups selected to receive a “Legendary Legends” award, given to recognize “the very best in artistry, activism and entertainment.”
by Ed Gunts
Baltimore Fishbowl
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- Early Learning Center Move - Zoom Updates, August 5
- Student Center Milestone
- James Webb Space Telescope Second Anniversary
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Relocation of the JHU Early Learning Center to University Parkway and San Martin Drive | |
JHU Community
Zoom Meeting
Early Learning Center
Monday, August 5 6PM
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JHU 's Early Learning Center, currently at Wyman Park Drive and San Martin Drive, will be moving to University Parkway by late 2025 or early 2026. The design for the new Early Learning Center on University Parkway is progressing well and we are ready for our next project update with the community.
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JHU Student Center Milestone
The new Hopkins Student Center at 33rd and Charles Street, envisioned as a focal point of student activity and engagement on the Homewood campus, is scheduled to open in July 2025. A topping-off ceremony earlier this month marked the completion of the building's structure.
Once the work is done Charles Street will reopen.
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Vivid Portrait of Interacting Galaxies Marks Webb's Second Anniversary
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The James Webb Space Telescope shows a galactic penguin. | | |
The James Webb Space Telescope observed the “Penguin,” a faraway galaxy. The James Webb Space Telescope, which is operated by the Space Telescope Science Institute on the Johns Hopkins University campus, has been in operation for two years, constantly sending back data that leads to astonishing discoveries and stunning images of the universe.
To mark the occasion, officials published images of “the Penguin and the Egg,” two intertwined galaxies about 326 million light-years from Earth.
The images released today show a distorted spiral galaxy, nicknamed the “Penguin” because it looks like it has a penguin’s beak, eye, and chest or tail, and an elliptical galaxy, nicknamed the “Egg.”
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In and around
Maureen LaPorta, TCNA Restaurant Liaison
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One World Cafe is a vegan and vegetarian restaurant owned by sisters Cindy and Sue. They have been in place at One World Cafe for 22 years and the majority of the staff has been there for more than 20 years!
Hours: Tuesday through Friday 10- 8 Saturday 9- 8 Sunday 9 -4
Outdoor tables are available.
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Happy Hour is 4-6 PM, Sunday through Thursday, with 50% off all alcoholic drinks.
There will be specialty nights with lower prices on specialty items of the night. One of its specialties and its most ordered entree is braised short ribs.
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Happy Hour 5:00-9pm six days per week (closed on Mondays). Happy Hour includes half-price appetizers, a decrease in drink prices, and approximately half price beer.
There is a lunch buffet on Friday, and alcohol can be purchased separately as it is not included in the buffet price. On Saturday and Sunday the brunch buffet includes mimosas and Bloody Marys in the price of the buffet.
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Labor Day
Monday September 2nd
Come celebrate the long Labor Day weekend with us!
11:00 AM - 11:59 PM
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Kanom has new management. Sirin is the manager and Ann is the owner and chef. Ann is also looking for an additional chef who could be part or full time. If anyone is interested, please call Ann at 410-829-5393.
Coconut cake is a speciality that they have on occasion. Tiramisu and almond croissants are their most popular items.
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Hopkins Market continues to move forward with many renovations already completed. There is no confirmed opening date at this time.
Below are some photos to provide a peek at the future Hopkins Market.
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Tuscany Canterbury Homes & Condos
Sold Prices, Active Listings, Under Contract
List Now Also Includes Rentals
Active means currently on the market. .
Closed means the property has sold and no longer for sale.
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Thanks to TCNA member and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information.
Note: The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.
Source: This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, Realtor for the Sales, 42 Village Square, MD, Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:
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Events In and Around
If you have an event that you would like included in the newsletter, send information to the month before the event.
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Ghost Rivers Movie Night
Wyman Park Dell
3000 North Charles Street
Thursday, August 1 from 8 PM– 10 PM
Rain date of Thursday, August 8
Before the film begins, attendees are invited to explore the first two Ghost River sites (1 and 2) which are located in the Dell.
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The Ghost Rivers project is complete, and by way of celebration, the public is invited to a free outdoor screening of a water-themed vintage film, “Jones Falls: The Stream that Shaped a City.” This is a rare 1983 documentary film of Baltimore history.
Before the film begins, attendees are invited to explore the first two Ghost River sites (1 and 2) which are located in the Dell.
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Ghost Rivers is a new multi-site public art installation and walking tour by artist Bruce Willen that visualizes the lost stream that is buried below the streets of Baltimore.
This project reveals the hidden history and path of Sumwalt Run, which now flows entirely through underground culverts beneath the Remington and Charles Village neighborhoods. Through a series of installations, wayfinding markers, and writings. Ghost Rivers brings lost landscapes and histories to the surface. Along the way the project draws connections between Baltimore’s watershed, its social history, and the evolving relationships between natural and human environments.
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Sunday, August 11
- Book donation window, 9 AM to 2PM ONLY
- Book giveaway, 9am-5pm
Saturday, September 14 Check website for details
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What’s Out There Weekend Baltimore
September 21 and 22
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The Cultural Landscape Foundation chooses one or two cities a year to build tours around, and Baltimore was chosen for 2024. There will be 22 free walking tour series highlighting Baltimore's parks, gardens and open spaces.
Saturday September 21
- Green Mount Cemetery, 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Led by Pat Hawthorne, of Baltimore Heritage
Johns Hopkins University’s Homewood campus, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Led by landscape architect Michael Vergason of Michael Vergason Landscape Architects and Jonathan Ceci of Jonathan Ceci Landscape Architects.
- Carroll Park, 10 a.m. to noon. Led by Krista D. Green of the Mount Clare Museum.
- Fells Point Historic District, 10 a.m. to noon. Led by architect David Gleason, President of The Society for the Preservation of Federal Hill and Fell’s Point.
- Druid Hill Park: Druid Lake, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Led by Nick Glase of Unknown Studio and Jennifer Dowdell of Biohabitats.
- Druid Hill Park, 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Led by Larissa Torres of Baltimore’s Department of Recreation and Parks.
- Druid Hill Park: Howard Peters Rawlings Conservatory, 2 p.m. to 3 p,m. Led by Sandy Simmons of the Conservatory.
- Frederick Douglass-Isaac Myers Maritime Park, 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Led by Michael Vergason.
- Patterson Park, 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Led by Jennifer Robinson of The Friends of Patterson Park.
- West Shore Park at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Led by Om M. Khurjekar of Hord Coplan Macht.
Jones Falls and Woodberry Historic District , 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Led by historian Nathan Dennies
Sunday September 22
- Federal Hill Park, 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Led by Dave Schenning of Baltimore Heritage.
Cylburn Arboretum, 10 a.m. to noon. Led by Brent Figlestahler of the Cylburn Arboretum Friends.
Clifton Park, 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Led by John Ciekot, Charlie Schlauch and Janet Felsten of Civic Works.
- Baltimore Museum of Art: Ryda and Robert H. Levi Sculpture Garden, 11 a.m. to noon. Led by Philip Dugdale of Sasaki.
- Latrobe Park, noon to 1:30 p.m. Led by Cheryl Duffey, Parks and Beautification Committee of Locust Point Civic Association
- Wyman Park and Wyman Park Dell, 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Led by Sandy Sparks from the Friends of Maryland’s Olmsted Parks & Landscapes and the Charles Village Civic Association.
- Roland Park, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Led by Judy Dobbs of the Friends of Maryland’s Olmsted Parks & Landscapes and Kathy Hudson from the Roland Park Civic League.
- Sudbrook Park Historic District, 1 p.m. to 2: 30 p.m. Led by Melanie Anson, Deane Rundell and Deana Karras from Sudbrook Park, Inc.
- Pearlstone Park and Mount Vernon — LGBTQ+ History of Baltimore, 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Led by Max Dickson of Olin.
- Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine Perimeter, 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Led by a National Park Service Ranger
- Historic Sharp Leadenhall Community, 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Led by community resident Betty Bland Thomas
In preparation for the weekend, the foundation enlists expert guides to lead the tours, provide information and answer questions pertaining to landscape architecture, garden design and other subjects. All of the tours are free, but attendance is limited and registration is required. The tours fill up quickly.
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BMA Sculpture Garden
10 Art Museum Drive
(443) 573-1700
A short walk south of Tuscany-Canterbury is the Baltimore Museum of Art’s Sculpture Garden.
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It is a great picnic destination among the impressive pieces of art at the Baltimore Museum of Art Sculpture Gardens. The gardens are free and open to the public year-round every Wednesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., weather permitting. No reservations are required. | |
TCNA Officers and Board Members 2024-2025
- President: Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford, Stony Run Lane), Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup, Chair Membership Committee, Member, Greens Committee
- Vice President: Garth Thompson (Ridgemede Road), Public Safety Committee, Chair
- Past President: Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road), Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup
- Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
- Secretary: Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road), Member Greens Committee
Board Members:
- Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road), Events
- Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road), Newsletter Coordinator
- Eric Elton (Cloverhill Road), Greens Committee, Co-chair, Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup
- Nancy Lee LaMotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Ridgemede Rd), Residential Permit Parking Coordinator, Membership Committee, Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup
- Maureen LaPorta (Ridgemede Road), Neighborhood Restaurant Liaison
- Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House, Charles Street), Membership Committee
- Amy Mutch (Tuscany Road), Calvert Liaison Committee Chair, Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup
- Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James Condo, Charles Street), Membership Committee
- John Warshawsky, (St. James Condo, Charles Street), Public Safety Committee
- Julie Watson (Canterbury Road), Webmaster
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