RCHP July Newsletter
Dear Church Family,

The United State of America needs this church. It needs RCHP. It needs congregations of people who turn to God, who listen for the voice of God and who respond to God in real-time in the world that we are living in. And, friends, RCHP needs you, and it needs your friends, and your friends friends. RCHP needs to grow, and to connect to other ‘RCHP like’ congregations.  

The battles being waged, especially nationally, need a Christian response, but, unfortunately, the Christian label is being used, effectively, on sides of almost every debate that looks frighteningly different than the way of Jesus Christ, the savior from Nazareth in Galilee who entered the world to set us free—insisting on the arrival of a new kingdom shaped by God.  

Friends, what is the kingdom of God? Is the Kingdom of God a kingdom where men are ‘over’ women’? Is the kingdom of God a kingdom where guns are openly carried in our streets? Is the kingdom of God a kingdom where the most important thing that matters is that those who are Gay, Lesbian, Transgender or Bisexual live in fear? Is the Kingdom of God a kingdom that aims at keeping asylum seekers out?

In other decades of our ministry in Highland Park the issues that have dominated our reflection have been aimed at things like “poverty,” “structural racism,” “environmental degradation,” “banker greed.” At the moment it feels like those topics, pitifully, are “too sophisticated.” We’ve gone backward, and those who tout the “Christian” label in a very public way are leading the backward slide. 

Friends of God, our church is not going to become a place for shadow boxing about bad politics. That’s not why I want you to come here to worship regularly, nor is it why you should invite friends to join for worship or for communal life. We are not going to be a church that just bemoans what is bad. Instead, come to RCHP, for worship, for fellowship, for thoughtful reflection, so that you are strong, healthy and ready to face the world that we are living in. Being ‘set apart’ for a moment each and every week is key to being ‘set for confronting’ the world we are living in.  

God is God, and God is good. God sent Christ Jesus to confront all things and to offer redemption stronger than the powers of sin and death. God and Christ send the Spirit daily, that we might be ready to confront the powers that still parade around here, trying to define the kingdom. Friends, churches that at least sort-of share a theological perspective to RCHP are shrinking. This is a 40 year phenomenon now. We cannot shrink anymore. We were called to make disciples of a new kind of kingdom. We were called to make disciples who put on display the fruits of the Spirit.  

Let us be the church, dear friends, that lives for Christ clearly enough that we can stand up against the false-doctrines that are currently rocking our nation.

The Peace of Christ you,
Pastor Seth

P.S. Check out the photo gallery at the end of this email for church family highlights!
Upcoming July Events & Happenings
Coffee Hour (and outdoor song/prayer) in the Summer: Starting July 3rd we will have our Sunday morning Coffee Hour outside, in the church yard. We still have some church members who are concerned to gather, due to Covid, and out of respect for those people in particular, we will start our coffee hour with a prayer and a song before then having time for the church to visit together (while kids enjoy our new playground area). Please plan on sticking around for coffee hour every Sunday in the summer!!!

RCHP Summer Softball Game, July 10th: RCHP will hold its annual Summer Softball game on July 10th. Please reach out to Pastor Seth to let us know if you can be part of the game! We’ll be playing from 12:30-2:30 at Donaldson Park

Policy Engagement Group July 10th at 2 pm - As many of you know, Pastor Amos is in the beginning stages of a campaign to release older prisoners who have served more than 20 years of their sentence. The next meeting will be a special letter writing workshop, answering letters from older prisoners over the age of 60, on Sunday, July 10 at 2 pm This will be an in-person gathering. For more info, contact Pastor Amos: amoscaley@gmail.com
New Jersey Interfaith Center for Cancer Care, July 14th—Please join us for a meeting to get caught up on the happenings of NJIC3. Austin and Nobuko have so much to share about new collaborations and meaningful engagements.  

Meeting at noon in the parlor or on Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting

Appreciation BBQ for Choirs, July 24th: Pastor Amos is hosting an appreciation bbq for the church choirs at Donaldson Park on July 24th from 4-7pm RSVP required
An Evening of Jazz, July 31st at 7 pm - In-person & Online! 

Please join us on July 31, for a beautiful evening of jazz music for a great cause! Ian Howells Jazz Band is playing a concert to benefit the ministries and services of RCHP! In-person and virtual live-stream tickets are available through EventBrite for $10: www.eventbrite.com/e/373301042467 

Interfaith-RISE Monthly Meeting, July 28th, noon - In person and on Zoom —On Thursday, July 28th, join us for the monthly Interfaith-RISE meeting. It will be a great opportunity to stay up on the happenings of the largest program that operates out of RCHP. For those joining online:

Join Zoom Meeting

Pastor Terry and 8 Youth to Camp Fowler—On July 3rd Pastor Terry and 8 members of the youth group head to Camp Fowler. Please pray that the youth will experience the presence of God and feel empowered to let their faith experiences guide their way in the world! Camp Fowler is BEAUTIFUL. Check it out online, and, if your 6th-12th grader wants to go next year, let us know! https://www.campfowler.org/ 
Upcoming in August

Mission Trip to Detroit, July 30th-August 6th

The Detroit mission trip team is gearing up! We are finalizing plans for the home repair work we'll be doing through our partner World Renew. We will be doing an envelope fundraiser and an Indonesian dinner fundraiser in the month of July, so please consider helping us meet our costs of transportation, food, and lodging. And if any high schoolers are still interested, reach out to Pastor Terry right away at terryjon.stokes@gmail.com

Vacation Bible School—The staff of RCHP is starting to plan VBS for 2022. Please, friends, save the dates of August 22-26 for a most incredible extravaganza of music, dance, stories, crafts, games and overall church fun! On August 26th, and on August 28th during morning worship, we will perform the musical for the church and community!

NOTE: Please see our "Connecting with One Another" section for a summary from Austin Morreale about the recent QuEAR Candy Highland Park Pride Festival.
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Worship and Education Opportunities
Worship in the Summer: Through the months of July and August, you can worship at RCHP at 9am and South River (44 Thomas St) at 11am. The sermon will be preached by the same RCHP preacher in both locations.
July 3—Communion Sunday
July 10th—Healing Sunday
The Table: Except for July 3rd RCHP will be holding a weekly time of dinner and fellowship at 5:30pm. It is good to eat together and to get to know each other. Please join The Table. Also, if you’d like to be included as a ‘chef’ for an occasional week, let us know.  
Children and Youth
LYT for July:

Let the LGBTGQ+ youth in your life know that LYT (LGBTQ+ Youth Together) will meet at 6:30p-8:00p on Tuesday, July 12th in the basement of RCHP! LYT is a discussion and activity group for youth in 2nd through 12th grades. (If younger kids come, the discussion and activity groups are divided by age.) If you have any questions email Austin at austin.lytgroup@gmail.com 
Connecting With God
Summer Bible Study: If your schedule changes in the summer feel free to join us for Wednesday morning bible study at 7:45am. It’s a great way to start the day!

Morning Prayer, Mon.-Sat. @ 9 am on zoom 
Daily Morning Prayer Is a Great Way to Start the Morning Connected to God and Neighbor - For over 2 full years now RCHP has offered a 6 day a week morning prayer time over zoom. This is a great way for those who are finding outings challenging to stay connected to the life of the church, and, even for those who are totally back in their routine, starting the day in prayer, with church family, has been something that some might want to continue engaging in forever! You are invited to join by going to the link at rchighlandpark.org on our website.
Wednesday Choir Rehearsals Through July:
For the month of July, we relax our choir rehearsal schedule to conduct alternating Wednesday evening rehearsals between Chancel Choir and Gospel Choir, from 7:00 to 8:00pm. If you'd like to join us any Wednesday evening, here is the weekly breakdown:

July 6: Chancel Choir
July 13: Gospel Choir
July 20: Chancel Choir
July 27: Gospel Choir

Childcare is provided for the whole rehearsal hour. Children's choirs are on recess until September.
Connecting With One Another
QuEAR Candy Highland Park Pride Festival a Hit!

The RCHP Care Committee and youth from LYT (LGBTQ+ Youth Together) helped make history in Highland Park on Sunday, June 26th! Their support and participation helped a small group of Highland Park LGBTQ+ community members and allies throw the first Pride Festival to ever be held in Highland Park! The QuEAR Candy Pride Music Festival was an all-are-welcome block party that featured queer and ally musicians as well as talented youth from Highland Park High School, an arts and crafts area for kids, a silent auction, and much more.

The funds raised at QuEAR Candy 2022 will be used to host an even bigger QuEAR Candy in June 2023, which will continue to shine the spotlight on queer and ally artists from around the tri-state region and local young talent. It will also include (among other events) a "lavender graduation" for self-identified LGBTQ+ seniors as well as a youth dance party. If you'd like to be involved with the planning and execution of QuEAR Candy 2023, please email Austin at retroboi319@gmail.com 
"LitLovers" Reading & Culture Group

If you love talking about media and arts, and would like a lightly structured format for sharing, give LitLovers a try on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Each week, participants are welcome to share about books, movies, TV shows, music and culinary delights. For July: Carol Turner and Deb Convery hand the leadership reigns over to Cecilia Rowedder czr852@yahoo.com and Esther Barcun misseando@verizon.net. We are grateful for our new co-hosts! Please email to receive the Zoom link.
Weekly Virtual "Drop-In"
All are welcome to drop-in for an hour of friendly, free-wheeling conversation on Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Contact our host, Carol Perry caca98@aol.com for more information and for a Zoom link.

Thursday Sewing Circle
Each Thursday, from 10am-1pm, there is a wonderful opportunity to gather folks together for crafts and conversation. Please come to the Quilt Rm on Thursdays and check this out!
Serving and Working For Justice & the Beloved Community
¡Ya Es Hora!
New Labor's Annual Dinner Party and Fundraiser
Hosts: Reynalda Cruz, Ellen Whitt and Tina Weishaus 

When: Sunday, July 10th, 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Please RSVP to tweishaus@gmail.com 
An In-Person Outdoor Event at Reynalda's Home in Edison.
We Have a Zoom Link for those who want to stay Virtual. 
Both Reynalda's address and the Zoom Link will be sent to you when you RSVP.  

New Labor needs your financial support 
To help its members and others survive.
Our goal this year is $4000.
If you can not attend this party, you can still donate. 
Go to newlabor.org to make a contribution.
HP Food Pantry

During COVID our community is in need of the food pantry more than ever. The HP Food Pantry is collecting donations via an Amazon Wishlist. To donate badly needed items, click on https://tinyurl.com/s7pxpzn Contact Kathi Lombardi with questions: foxyrox18@gmail.com The items needed most this month are:

Food Pantry needs for July:

Urgently need size 2 and 3 Diapers
Urgently need Adult Diapers
We can also use:
Sizes 4 Diapers
Size 5 Diapers
Stayfree feminine protection products

In addition to the Amazon wish list, items may be purchased from big box stores like Costco or Sam's Club; contact Kathi for further details.
Supporting Each Other During Difficult Times
W.I.S.E. Care Blog - July 2022
July is the month for Mental Health Awareness for Communities of Color, and the following blog has been provided by Jumoke Kolawole, a member of the Wise Care Committee at the Reformed Church of Highland Park.

As Christians we come to church for a variety of reasons, many of us are nudged on by Christ's invitation to “come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden... and I will give you rest” therefore we come looking for a sanctuary of help. Yet for some, the complications of our lives may seem too big to bring to church and too embarrassing to share with the church community. Especially for children and young people living with mental health issues and their families, it may seem easier to leave the issue of mental problems at the door.

One in four American youth experiences a diagnosable mental disorder every year, making mental disorders the leading cause of disability in this nation, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. That means there are multitudes struggling in the church.

It's often impossible to tell a person who struggles with mental health problems because mental health conditions are invisible. It is often hidden inside our beautiful bodies. Almost everybody in the pew has a broken heart for one reason or another. We all have our wounds, flaws, hurts, and bruises and they do bother us. As a young woman who had battled depression and anxiety, I found little empathy among the church community regarding the situation because people didn't know how to react. There was a time when a friend of the family who is also a clergyman suggested to my mother that all I need is just some kind of spiritual deliverance. - Mental illness is the most widely misunderstood illness unfortunately :)

The high prevalence of mental health problems among children and adolescents suggests that these experiences are common in nearly every congregation. The National Institutes of Health estimate that about 20% of children and teens suffer from mental health problems at any given time. So with one in five children affected, our congregation likely has its share of people who suffer but yet are too afraid of being misunderstood and judged if they reveal their underlying challenges.

So what can the church do? CLICK HERE to read full blog.
The Self-Help Support Group

Join co-leaders Jess Munger and Terry Horyn for nurturing support for the body, mind and spirit every Monday and Thursday from 4-5 p.m. in the parlor. Seating is socially distant and masks are required. Topics addressed can be anything from Covid fears to physical ailments to emotional challenges. All are welcome! For more info, contact Jess at jessmsn409@gmail.com
Bereavement Calendar
RCHP remembers all those who died in July and all those who still mourn

The following names have been offered for remembrance in July 2022: 

Ted Konasievicz, Beloved Veteran and Resident of All Saints Apartments

Rev. Ana Gloria Rivera, Beloved Mother and Grandmother of the Rivera Family

Conchita Rivera, Beloved Mother of Alicia Greenwald

Neil Selden, a Source of Light and Love to those who passed him on life’s path

Rose Spinazzola, Deeply Loved Mother of Nicci Spinazzola, 
and Mother-in-law of Renee Burawski

Angel Timeva, Beloved Husband of Vessa Timeva

Robert Tone, Beloved Father of Kristin Tone and Deanna Hepburn, 
Beloved Father-in-Law of Matt Hepburn, 
and Beloved Grandfather of Carmella and RoseMarie Hepburn

Pauline E. Wilpiszeski, Beloved Sister and Aunt of Cathy and Anna Laycock

Sister Mary Terence Wilpiszeski OSF,
Beloved Aunt and Great Aunt of Cathy and Anna Laycock

If it would be a comfort to include your loved ones in a monthly memory calendar, call Lisa at the RCHP office at 732-249-7349.
South River Happenings                                              
South River Summer Zone and English/Spanish Conversation Group, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 4-5pm. Pastor Terry and numerous volunteers are helping make this a wonderful way for the church to reach the community!                     
Families in South River line up for produce boxes, health screenings and free clothing. Global Grace Health and DIRE are combining with RCHP members to make mid-week South River events successful!
Outdoor Fun!                                                                                                                
The Father's Day Picnic (and frisbee game!) at Donaldson Park was its usual annual hit!

Our end of year pizza/ice cream party to celebrate the great leadership of our kid choirs - the joy on everyone’s faces says it all!

We give God thanks for our many High School graduates, celebrated on June 5th during worship. 
Mac Jones shared an incredibly important testimony with the church family, in recognition of Pride Month
Joy in the Sanctuary
Celebrating our wonderful Sunday School teachers and all the students who stayed involved during this pandemic-impacted year!  
In celebration of dedicated and loving service
The church held a beautiful appreciation luncheon for Wendy Jager and Lara Arp for their many years of service that so richly blessed the children of our community (and adults too).
Lara and Wendy are gifted their prayer shawls - may their warmth be a reminder of the congregation's appreciation for their years of caring guidance for our youth.
More outdoor joy!
Church camping at Washington Crossing State Park was super fun!
World Refugee Day brought a couple hundred people together for a beautiful picnic 
QuEAR Candy Pride Fest in Highland Park!
RCHP member Izzy Sanchez offered up a beautiful song as part of the LGBTQ+ Pride Celebration in Downtown HP. 
Pastor Amos' 90's band also performed. Thanks to RCHP Deacon Austin for being one of the organizers.