News of the Parish
Intercessory Prayer
At St John’s, we have for the past few years both published the names of those to be prayed for in the service bulletin and read them from the lectern during the Prayers of the People. Over the past year, the prayer list has become long, and some names may have been added with the best of intentions but without the explicit permission of the individual or a loved one. So, on Sunday, July 4, we will start a new prayer list. If there are names that you would like to see included on the list, please fill out one of the prayer cards found in your pew and place it in the offering plate, or call the office and ask John Edgar or one of the clergy to add the name. But do so ONLY if you have the permission of the person or their loved ones. We will continue to publish the names in the service bulletin each week, but they will not be read from the lectern during Sunday services. Instead, the names will be read over the course of the week at daily Evening Prayer.
Pastoral Care Flower Delivery
As you may have noticed, we have beautiful, fresh altar flowers once again and they need to be delivered to the sick and bereaved after their time in the church. The Pastoral Care flowers ministry delivers them after the Sunday service or on Monday morning. If you would like to be a part of this wonderful ministry, please call Miriam Faircloth for details at 352.3231 or 839.2838.
EYC Movie Night!
6th through 12th graders! Come join us for a night of s’mores, friends, and fun at our EYC Movie Night on Friday, July 30, from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Invite your friends--let’s end the summer with a bang! RSVP to Youth Minister Ayana Grady by Sunday, July 25.
Donations Needed
Got puzzles you don’t use? If so, we know some super seniors who would really enjoy them. Just bring them by the office or place in the ministry barrels in the parish office foyer.

In addition, we are accepting donations of food, clothing, and other items for the blue barrels. Some of the donations will be brought forward during the offertory to be blessed and then taken to Metropolitan Ministries.
A Letter to St. John's
A letter to St. John’s Episcopal Church from new parishioner Shirley Susich

Thank you, St. John’s, for your gracious welcoming upon my move from the state of Washington to Tampa last December, during the difficult pandemic months. Fr. Cannon and Deacon Kathleen helped to put me in touch with people, Zoom meetings, and volunteer opportunities that created a smooth transition from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Bellingham, Washington to St. John’s. One of the opportunities that I will be forever grateful for is Sacred Ground.
The Sacred Ground Circle #2 opened my mind and heart in a non-threatening, non-shaming way. It provided me with important historical and cultural information that allowed me to strengthen my relationship with my African American son-in-law. It gave me the courage to pick up the phone, call him, and talk to him honestly about what I was learning. Sometimes we had conversations that led to tears and sometimes to outright belly laughs. Today, he picks up the phone and calls to check in with me, or sometimes just to vent about a difficult day. He is a police chief in a border town between Washington and Canada.

Youth and Children's Ministries
EYC News
Thank you to everyone who has joined our St John’s EYC "class" on Remind (a group texting app)--you can join the group to stay up to date on EYC happenings by clicking here (from your phone). We’d love for you to stay connected in this new way!

St John’s EYC has a new leadership opportunity! Beginning this fall, we’ll be starting a St. John’s Youth Council made up of Middle and High schoolers. We’ll meet once a month (with dinner) to discuss EYC, brainstorm new ideas, and strengthen our faith together. Youth Council applications will be available in the next few weeks, with a deadline of Sunday, August 1 to turn them in. If you are interested in applying, please contact Youth Minister Ayana Grady!
Children's Ministry News
We are taking a break from our at-home Sunday School packets for the summer from June through August. We will be back to in-person Sunday School on Sunday, August 15!
Adult Christian Formation
Wednesday Adult Christian Formation
The Wednesday Afternoon adult formation group continues on Zoom on Wednesdays from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. The group studies the work of a variety of Christian writers; group discussions are lively and substantive. All are welcome. For more information contact Deacon Kathleen at or 785.9400.
Action Items and Opportunities
Flowers Available
Flowers adorning the High Altar and Chapel Altar on Sundays and Holy Days are donated by individuals and families in memory of departed loved ones or in thanksgiving for blessings received. For Sundays in the month of July, the 25th is still open for donations for that day. If you would like to make a memorial or give a gift in thanksgiving, contact us at or 259.1570.
Supporting your Parish
Annunciation Window
Giving to St. John's
There are many ways to make a one time or recurring gift to your parish! The work of the parish goes on and is more important than ever, and we appreciate your support. 

Mail a check to the church
Our address is St. John's Episcopal Church, 906 South Orleans Avenue, Tampa, FL 33606
Send a check through your bank's online bill pay
The bank will need the church's name, address, and usually our phone number, 259.1570
Request that St. John's make an automatic monthly withdrawal from your checking or savings account
Contact Laurie Lawther at to set up.
Give online
Go to and click on "Give Now" on the right side of the top blue bar. The church now has the ability to accept credit and debit card payments, along with checking/savings account payments. To make a pledge or pay in some other way, click on "Stewardship" in the top website menu.
Give by text
In the 'To' field of the text type 73256, then in the message, type SJE. You will receive a text back immediately with a link to complete the payment.
Laurie is available to walk you through any of these methods by email at or call her at the parish offices at 259.1570. If you prefer, you may also call John Edgar in the parish offices and he will fill out a pledge card for you.
This Week's Birthdays
July 1, Caroline Campbell, D.J. Holt, Frederick Krom

July 2, Joe Arcuri

July 3, Susie Sanders, Alison Arnold

July 4, Helen Gilbart

July 5, Anne Drewry, Roy McCraw, Wendy Pepe, Graydon Sozio

July 6, Mei Crain, Ashley Guyton, Celia Applebaum, David Pitts, Helena Osborn

July 7, Agnes Stansfield, Ty Pepe, Staci Jones, Anne Chilldon
This Week in St. John's
Thursday, July 1
Healing Service and Holy Communion with the Reserved Sacrament, 10:00 a.m., Church

Men's Interactive Bible Study, 11:45 a.m., Lowry Room and Zoom
The Men's Interactive Bible Study meets every Thursday at 11:45 a.m. to study the readings for the coming week and for fellowship. The group will convene in person in the Lowry Room for those who are comfortable. If you prefer to continue joining virtually, email John in the parish offices at for the link.

Sunday, July 4: Independence Day
The Holy Eucharist (Rite I), 8:00 a.m., Church, followed by Coffee Hour Fellowship

The Holy Eucharist (first Sunday of the month Rite I), 10:00 a.m., Church, on Facebook Live, and our website, followed by Coffee Hour Fellowship

Monday, July 5
Church office closed in observance of Independence Day holiday

Tuesday, July 6
CWBS, 6:00 p.m., Zoom
The Contemporary Women's Bible Study (CWBS) group does a weekly virtual study on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. This is a Zoom meeting, so if you are interested in participating, you will need to register. Contact Deacon Kathleen at 785.9400 or; or Sally Thompson at or 254.3009.

Wednesday, July 7
Adult Christian Formation, 2:00 pm., Zoom
Virtual Worship, Ministries, and Resources
Service Information

Sunday Services
In addition to welcoming in-person attendance at the 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. Sunday services, St. John's streams our 10:00 a.m. services live on Facebook. Access the stream at our page at The stream is also live on our website. Please access the most current safety guidance here.

The audio for sermons is here. New sermons are uploaded by Monday each week. Bulletins for Sundays are here, each week's bulletin is uploaded to this page by Saturday. Click here to find the readings for this coming Sunday (St. John's follows Track 2). You can also see Sunday services on our YouTube channel, they are uploaded each Sunday by mid-afternoon.

The Chapel of the Resurrection, outdoors in the courtyard, is open 24/7.

Offices Open

The parish offices are open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Email us at or call 259.1570 to speak with John Edgar if you have questions.

Virtual Ministries and Prayer Groups

Evening Prayer
Our clergy, staff, and fellow parishioners stream evening prayer daily Monday through Saturday at 4:00 p.m. on Facebook Live. Intercessory prayers are invited in the comments during the feed.

Compline Night Prayer
Compline is offered by the brothers of the Society of St John the Evangelist on their web site at on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at 8:30 p.m EST.

Please note that blue text denotes a hyperlink directly to the service or website referenced.

If you have any questions or trouble using the online services noted above, please contact Lee Lowry by replying to this email, or John Edgar at You can also contact the clergy member or parishioner who is the contact for each ministry. 
Individual Pastoral Care

Your clergy are available to you for pastoral conversations. If you are unable to reach them at the parish offices at 259.1570, please call directly. They can be reached at these numbers:

Pastoral Emergency Line: 813.906.5199
Father Robinson: 941.350.0043
Father Cannon: 864.320.7116
Father Goodheart: 321.446.4934
Deacon Moore: 813.785.9400
Father Reho: 917.526.0746
Caring for our Parish Family

If you are someone who is able to help your fellow parishioners with errands and other means of support, please contact Fr. MIchael at Conversely, if you are a parishioner who needs help, please also contact Fr. Michael at email at or by phone at 864.320.7116. He will match needs with resources so we are able to help one another in Christ's name.