September 2021
La Folia in D Minor
Today's featured tune comes from Lou Valentine Johnson. This song can be found on the CD "The Book of Baroque According to the Guitar of LVJ" Composed by Arcangelo Corelli 1653-1713 Sonata No. 12 Op. 5, which was transcribed and performed by Lou himself. The CD is available for purchase on his website, found here. If you want to learn more about the piece, visit his website by clicking the button below.
Welcome New Board Member
We called, and you responded! SGS welcomes Danny Marshall to the board of directors.

We could still use more help, so if you are interested please click the button below and let us know how you can help SGS with our mission to promote, share, and celebrate the art of guitar.
Keep the Music Going
Have you been enjoying watching or participating in the Virtual Guitar Orchestra concerts? The Sacramento Guitar Society's Community Guitar Orchestras are funded by the Artists in Communities grant from the California Arts Council.

This grant requires matching funds in order for us to maintain eligibility, so please consider making a donation. The grant helps us offer the Virtual Guitar Orchestra program and will and ensure that the in-person orchestras return when the pandemic is over. Your donations are tax-deductible.
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Sacramento Guitar Society | (916) 572-7464 |