Tuesday, January 18, 2022
UCC Welcomed 25 New Members on January 16  
Deadline to Sign-up for Disciples Class is January 24
Disciples Class is a Baptism & Confirmation preparation class offered to all youth who are interested in being Baptized or Confirmed. This 7-week class includes a parent orientation, conversations about the six "C's" of faith (Confession, Contrition, Covenant, Community, Connection, and Church) as well as relevant intentional experiences. 

Youth will be placed in a small group with an adult mentor who will help facilitate conversations, get to know them, and be a resource of wisdom and encouragement for this journey. Each week's session will be led by a member of UCC's clergy team, so the youth will hear from a multitude of perspectives as they explore what it means to be a person of faith and a follower of Jesus Christ. 
Reel Religion Cancels 2022 Film Festival
Update from Judy Stempel: "After discussion and emails among our Real Religion Committee, we have made the sad decision to cancel in-person Reel Religion for the 2nd year in a row. Given the level of COVID in the community and the fact that Ministers Week in February is now virtual, it just seems too risky from a Public Health standpoint to try to gather people in confined spaces." We look forward to resuming the film festival in 2023.
Register Now for Parents Night Out on February 11
Need a night out? Register your kids for Parents Night Out, February 11, 6:00pm-9:00pm. Your kids will enjoy a fun evening with friends while you can take some time to regroup and re-energize. $5 per child/$10 total per family.
Registration open until 5:00pm on Friday, February 4. Click the button below to register.

Join the Family Food Drive at FWISD Family Action Center    
The Fort Worth ISD Family Action Center has invited UCC and its members to participate in their monthly food drives. This project provides fresh and healthy food like dairy items, produce, and meats for the students, families, and individuals of 29 schools in East Fort Worth. Volunteers will help with loading food, greet people, set -up, registration, table stocking, and clean-up.

Time: 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
When: Every second Thursday of each month
Dates: February 10, March 10, April 14, May 12, June 9
Where: New Life Christian Fellowship Church of God in Christ at 5429 Cox Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76105 Pre-registration is required.
Please join us on January 30 for Commitment Sunday!

For more information, click the button below to visit our website.
January Worship

9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary with Rev. Dr. Russ Peterman
9:30 a.m, Chapel with Rev. Shannon Moore
Informal worship in an acoustic, coffee house setting. 10:10 a.m. in Walker Hall with Rev. Dr. Russ Peterman. Live Stream is now available on our website.
Worship with us from home or on the road every Sunday for online worship. Click HERE to stream our services.
An open-hearted church for curious minded people