Link of the Week: Check out our member Arthur Slepian's opinion piece, "Fight for LGBTQ Israelis, other minorities — and democracy."

Contact to sponsor Oneg or Flowers for Shabbat.

Friday Night Services for Parshat


April 21st at 7:30 pm.

Hybrid: On Zoom and In-Person.

Shabbes Beat led by Cantor Bernstein

Drash by Deborah Levy

Register Here for Zoom Service

Meeting ID: 886 7131 3838

Saturday Morning Service:

April 22nd at 10:00 am.

Hybrid: On Zoom and In-Person.

Join the Zoom Meeting. Meeting ID: 365 434 855 and Passcode: 068575.

To join by phone for either service, dial +1 669 900 9128 or find your local number.

Rainbow Update

This is the LAST WEEK of our Rainbow Campaign ... there's still time to give! Our primary goal for the Rainbow Campaign 2023 is to have 100% participation from SZ Members. So far, 149 households (47% of our membership) have given - As of today we have raised $133,781 of our $165,000 goal. Thank you to all who have given so far. Please help up to meet our goal if you haven't yet given. You can give by clicking this link.

“I give to the Rainbow Campaign because the values and rituals that we love so much at SZ can only be extended to others if we take personal responsibility for its financial well-being.”

--Kay Magilavy

Community Get Together!

The Other Side of Millennium:

What Angels in America Can Teach Us Today

Thursdays starting on April 27 at 7:00-8:00pm

Hybrid: in-person at Sha'ar Zahav and on Zoom

taught by Morey Lipsett

If you signed up last week, please sign up again with your name!

Join us for a 5-session course exploring Tony Kushner's play Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes. More than thirty years ago, Kushner’s groundbreaking play interrogated what it meant to be Gay, Jewish, American, or any combination of the three at the end of the Second Millennium. Two decades into the Third, we will use the play as a jumping-off point to discuss, among other things; the legacy of the Cold War, racism, homophobia, and antisemitism in American culture, the politics of the HIV/AIDS and Covid-19 Pandemics, and the Biblical, Kabbalistic, and Philosophical sources Kushner used in the composition of his play. Please register by April 25th

Register here


Our Sha’ar Zahav B’Mitzvah Chavurah is leading a food drive for Jewish Family & Children Service clients who are food insecure. For specific needs click here.

Please bring provisions to place in the barrel in our lobby. Our drive will conclude Sunday, May 21st. The Torah commands, "you shall not harden your heart, and you shall not close your hand."

CLGS Jewish Queeries Series Event

Talmudic Reflections on Gender Diversity

with Dr. Max Strassfeld and Rabbi Jane Rachel Litman

Thursday, April 27 at 1pm on Zoom

Join in a discussion about the possibilities and limitations of trans Talmud. Questions like; "How does Judaism look when we center nonbinary narratives, rather than treat them as anomalies?" or "How do gender taxonomies represent complex rabbinic ideas about culture, practice and Jewish law?" will be discussed.

Sha'ar Zahav is a co-sponsor.

Click here for more information

National AIDS Memorial Quilt 

Special visit for Sha'ar Zahav members and friends

Sunday April 30, 11:00 a.m

Join SZ’s Social Action Committee for a private tour of the National AIDS Memorial Quilt warehouse.  We will honor those who died, learn the history of the quilt (as a memorial and act of resistance), how it is cared for, and have the opportunity to see it up close.  Please contact Deb Farkas by Wednesday, April 26 to RSVP and include how many will be in your party.   If you are interested in viewing a specific panel, you must identify it ahead of time, and then email the panel number to Deb ASAP so that you may view it on the tour. We will meet for lunch after. The warehouse is located in San Leandro and is wheelchair accessible. Ridesharing may be arranged. Parking is readily available. 

Sha’ar Zahav’s Israel Trip Sign-up Site is Live!

Open to Members and loved ones of members

We’re excited to announce that registration for the Israel trip is Open! The official website for the October 13 to 22, 2023 trip is up and running with information about our trip and registration details. Please sign up soon! Join us as we explore the reality we don’t always see on the news: the winding streets of Jerusalem and the sidewalk cafes of Tel Aviv, ancient Jewish sites, Palestinian fields, and Jewish settlements. If you have disability concerns or other questions about the trip, please email us.

Click here for our trip website

Recurring Gatherings and Meetings

Morning Chanting with Gender Neutral Hebrew

 Friday, April 21, 9:00-9:45am on Zoom

Want to start your day and transition into Shabbat by connecting with yourself, others, and the Divine with morning chanting? Do you have a hard time with the male language in our liturgy? Love morning singing? Join Rabbi Copeland in morning Hebrew chanting that uses entirely gender-neutral Hebrew for names for the Divine. All prayers will be in transliteration or English, so come with any level of Hebrew, even if it's totally new to you.

Learn about the Nonbinary Hebrew Project that makes this minyan possible.

Register here: Zoom meeting

Join the WhatsApp Group

Kaf-Lamed Monthly Gathering

Don't go to Shabbat alone!

Friday, April 21, 7:30pm

Join Sha'ar Zahav's young adult group (The Kaf Lameds) for a monthly gathering at Shabbat Services in person! Perfect for those who've ever felt intimidated to go to Shabbat in person services alone. Or perfect for those who just want a few buddies to join on Friday night services! This is a monthly gathering, where we'll do "Shabbat Together" the 3rd Friday of each month.

Contact Emily Ornelas-Dorian.

Book Group Discussion of Shayna with the Author!

(Award-winning Novel by Miriam Ruth Black)

Tuesday, May 2, 7:00 - 8:00pm on Zoom

Sha'ar Zahav's Book Group is delighted that Miriam Ruth Black, author of Shayna, which just won the national Jewish Book Council's Book Club Award, will facilitate our discussion on May 2! As JBC's judges wrote, "We meet Shayna Rifkin when she is a teenager in Obodivka, a shtetl in Ukraine. Shayna, who is newly engaged, sees her world destroyed by the Cossacks. However, her challenges are just beginning, as her life is threatened and uprooted on her journey to safety and freedom...Their journey through Belgium and eventually to America, in steerage, will give the reader an intimate look at the plight of immigrants in the early twentieth century." Everyone welcome to join our discussion! 

Zoom Link

Social Action Committee

Monday, May 8, 6:00-7:30pm on Zoom

Together we can create a more Just and Peaceful World. Act to Welcome the Stranger, Secure Housing and Food, End Gun Violence, Protect Fair Voting, and more!

What’s on your mind? Come to our next meeting or contact Nancy Wecker or Geri Kahn

Join the Meeting: Zoom Link

L'Havin: Understanding Israel and Its Neighbors

4th Monday of the month

6:00-7:00pm on Zoom

L'Havin: Understanding Israel and Its Neighbors is a Sha'ar Zahav working group that provides our members and community friends with support, knowledge, and dialogue skills that deepen our relationship with the land and peoples of Israel and Palestine, and to advance understanding and healing within our Jewish community. You do not need to come with any previous knowledge of the topics we may discuss or with any set viewpoints. In fact, we encourage all to come with open ears and a learner’s mindset.

For more information, contact Rachel Nilson-Ralston.

Join the Meeting: Zoom link

Climate Action Committee

2nd Monday of the Month   

5:00-6:30pm on Zoom

The CAC gathers monthly to support and educate ourselves and our community on climate issues, including climate grief, policy advocacy, and personal and community strategies to address the urgent crises of climate change and climate justice. 

Contact Deborah Levy.

Join the Meeting: Zoom link

Disability and Accessibility Committee

If you identify as disabled, are exploring that identity, or have a loved one with a disability and are interested in joining the Disability and Accessibility Committee, please reach out to Eliana Smithstein for more information. If you are interested in learning more about disability and how you can become a better ally, stay tuned for educational events to come!

Remember When

1st Wednesday of the Month


Hitch a ride on the wayback wagon for a trip down memory lane. Let’s reminisce about the 40’s thru the 70’s together! Different topics each month. We will gather on the first Wednesday of every month. Email Marv Lehrman.

Join the Meeting: Zoom link

Weekly Torah Study Group

Weekly on Wednesday


Join the Meeting: Zoom link

Mussar Group

Bi-weekly on Thursdays 7:00-8:00pm

Mussar is a very practical and flexible spiritual discipline to help you balance soul-traits (Middah/Middot) such as Humility, Loving-Kindness, Generosity, and Silence. Drop-ins are always welcome! Contact Mark Pressler.

Join the Meeting: Zoom link

Meditation Chavurah

1st and 3rd Saturday of the month


Everyone is welcome. And you will not regret it! A typical session includes a short and longer silent sit, with chanting, movement, and a short teaching. The group meets on the first and third Saturday of every month.

Join the Meeting: Zoom link

Hiking Chavurah

2nd Saturday of the month, 9:50 am

Join other Sha’ar Zahavniks on monthly urban hikes – mostly in SF but we sometimes venture farther afield. This is a great way to get to know other SZ members while exploring the city and beyond. The hikes usually last about two hours. Email Karen Schiller and Ellen Murland.

12-Step Meetings by and for SZ Members

Weekly on Sundays On Zoom


The meeting will be run in the usual 12-step format but will also feature some thoughts and reflections from members bringing Judaism into their 12-step practice. Contact Erika Katske.

For Sha'ar Zahav Members Only. Register Here to Attend.

Weekday Morning Prayer

Weekly on Tuesdays


Songs and prayers to set our hearts and minds! This service takes place every Tuesday morning, and is led by community lay leaders and Cantor Bernstein. Contact Cantor Bernstein.

Join the Meeting: Zoom link

Birthdays this week!

Carina Elisa Rose 4/19

Jonathon Thunderword 4/20

Lisa Finkelstein 4/21

Joshua Muller 4/23

Sara Haber 4/23

Karen Schiller 4/24

Samuel Lowinger 4/24

While we strive for all our events to be mixed-access, this is not always possible. Some events are only in-person, and some are Zoom only. If you have any questions about a particular event, please contact the office, or the contact listed for the event.

Health and Safety Policies at 290 Dolores

For the health and safety of our community, it is Sha’ar Zahav's expectation that all members and visitors who attend in-person services and events will be fully vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19. If you are unvaccinated, sick or experiencing any symptoms of illness, please enjoy services and events via Zoom.

Masks are no longer required at in-person services and events. But we are mask-friendly and fully supportive of visitors, members and service leaders who choose to wear masks for their own personal protection. 

Sha’ar Zahav is a scent-free environment. Because keeping our synagogue safe for those with scent and chemical sensitivities is part of our commitment to accessibility, please refrain from wearing perfume/cologne or using other scented products. 

For more information, email the Accessibility Committee.

Thank You to Our Grantors
Programs at Sha’ar Zahav are supported by the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund, the Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus Initiative for Immigrant and Refugee Justice of the Religious Action Center, San Francisco Humanities, and the National Center to Encourage Judaism.
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