Dr. Raymond D. Skwierczynski is Head of Technical Operations and a corporate officer at Tremeau Pharmaceuticals. In this capacity, he is responsible for the design, manufacture, and supply of investigational medicines for the treatment of pain. His professional career includes corporate leadership at CoLucid Pharmaceuticals, which developed REYVOW® for the acute treatment of migraine headache; project leadership in the development of NINLARO®, a multiple myeloma medicine, at Millennium Pharmaceuticals; and a volunteer Adjunct Professor of Pharmaceutics at the University of Minnesota. He is an inventor on 19 United States patents. Ray is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and the University of Wisconsin-Madison; he has received distinguished alumni awards from both universities.
Ray earned the Eagle Scout Award in August 1978 as a member of Troop 113 in Holcombe, WI. As a youth leader in the Chippewa Valley Council, he served on camp staff and as lodge chief. Ray has remained active as a volunteer in civic and professional organizations throughout his career. His current positions are Board of Directors for the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Foundation, Board of Grants for the American Association of Pharmaceutical Education, scientific consultant for the Progeria Research Foundation, and leader of an Expert Panel for the United States Pharmacopeia. Previous scouting positions include District Commissioner, Council Advancement Chair, and Board of Directors in the Yankee Clipper Council; District Advancement Chair and District Commissioner in Indianhead Council; and assistant troop leader and “Cookie Dad” for his daughters’ Girl Scout troops.