May 12, 2023

National Eagle Scout Association Outstanding Eagle Scout Award

Each week between now and the Eagle Recognition Dinner, we will profile one of the NOESA recipients. This week we are recognizing Dr. Raymond D. Skwierczynski.

Dr. Raymond D. Skwierczynski is Head of Technical Operations and a corporate officer at Tremeau Pharmaceuticals. In this capacity, he is responsible for the design, manufacture, and supply of investigational medicines for the treatment of pain. His professional career includes corporate leadership at CoLucid Pharmaceuticals, which developed REYVOW® for the acute treatment of migraine headache; project leadership in the development of NINLARO®, a multiple myeloma medicine, at Millennium Pharmaceuticals; and a volunteer Adjunct Professor of Pharmaceutics at the University of Minnesota. He is an inventor on 19 United States patents. Ray is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and the University of Wisconsin-Madison; he has received distinguished alumni awards from both universities.


Ray earned the Eagle Scout Award in August 1978 as a member of Troop 113 in Holcombe, WI. As a youth leader in the Chippewa Valley Council, he served on camp staff and as lodge chief. Ray has remained active as a volunteer in civic and professional organizations throughout his career. His current positions are Board of Directors for the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Foundation, Board of Grants for the American Association of Pharmaceutical Education, scientific consultant for the Progeria Research Foundation, and leader of an Expert Panel for the United States Pharmacopeia. Previous scouting positions include District Commissioner, Council Advancement Chair, and Board of Directors in the Yankee Clipper Council; District Advancement Chair and District Commissioner in Indianhead Council; and assistant troop leader and “Cookie Dad” for his daughters’ Girl Scout troops.

Mandatory Online Registration Effective August 1st

Effective August 1, 2023, The Spirit of Adventure Council will strive to simplify Scouting for leaders and to drive usage of the BSA Online Registration System (rather than the old-fashioned paper applications). 

There are three key benefits to moving to online registration:

  • Speed
  • Registration is immediate. Youth show up in Scoutbook in 24 hours.
  • Accuracy
  • Data Entry is more accurate. Details are input by the parents directly.
  • Privacy
  • Personal information is input directly by the parents, and not viewed by others in the unit.

We wanted to announce this now, so that everyone has ample time to learn the online system and make a smooth transition to the online registrations. Over the next few months, we will be rolling out more resources, including trainings and tutorials to help with the change.

Program Kickoffs

  • June 1 – Great Eastern District
  • June 12 – Northern Light District
  • June 14 – Flintlock District
  • Great Blue Hill District – TBD 

Spring Recruiting

Need flyers or lawn signs? CLICK HERE.

Agriculture Trek Weekends at TLS - Weekend

Description: TL Storer will be hosting a select group of youth aged 13-17 for a full immersion Agriculture Trek. Participants will be working on a cattle ranch during the day.

Upcoming Dates: 2 Weekend session - May 19th to May 21st & June 2nd to June 4th Please select the first weekend dates. You will automatically be enrolled in both weekends.

Buy Now

Agriculture Trek at TLS

Description: This is a hands on program and you will get dirty as you learn about Animal Science, Farm Mechanics, Regenerative Agriculture, Setting a Fence line, Rotational Grazing and so much more.

Upcoming Dates: June 25th to June 30th

Buy Now

Scout Shop Online

Need pins & patches or perhaps you need uniform pieces but you can't get to the store? Shop online at The Spirit of Adventure Council gets a percentage of all sales in-person at New England Base Camp Scout Shop or Woburn Scout Shop and now online sales.

Summer Camp Staff & Volunteers Wanted

To apply to be a volunteer for one of our day camps in Topsfield, Lexington or Chelmsford, CLICK HERE. To apply to be on staff at New England Base Camp, CLICK HERE.

Parker Scholarship

The Reverend Robert B. Parker Memorial Fund is intended to promote “in Scouts, …through the ‘Local Council,’ the ability of Scouts to do things for themselves and for others, to train them in Scoutcraft, and to teach them patriotism, courage, self-reliance, and kindred virtues.” The fund was established through a trust in 1939 by Sarah Parker, Reverend Parker’s widow and a woman of wealthy means. It was her desire to honor her late husband for his great commitment and interest in the youth of the St. Michael’s Episcopal parish in Marblehead, as well as with all youth in the community.

The application deadline is May 15, 2023.


Apply Here

Calendar of Events


5/15 - Scouting Heritage Merit Badge Online

5/16 - Personal Fitness Merit Badge Online

5/20 - Weather Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

5/22 - Collections Merit Badge Online

5/22 - Game Design Merit Badge Online

5/23 - Dog Care Merit Badge Online

5/30 - Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Online

5/30 - Citizenship in the World Merit Badge Online

6/1 - American Heritage Merit Badge Online

6/3 - Textile Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

6/6 - First Aid Merit Badge Online

6/6 - Fire Safety Merit Badge Online

Spirit of Adventure Council

Customer Service Center 

2 Tower Office Park

Woburn, MA 01801

(617) 615-0004


New England Base Camp

411 Unquity Rd.

Milton, MA 02186

(617) 615-0004

Contact Us