DSA Reminder Banner
Dear Students,

We’re excited to have you back at the Beach for Spring 2022. Whether you’ve been with us for years or you’re just joining us, here are some important reminders you should know before returning to campus.
Before Returning to Campus
#1 Get Boosted!
Get your COVID-19 booster shot and upload by Feb. 28.
Vaccine Certificate
#2 Prep with the Pre-Screen
Complete your COVID-19 Pre-Screen every day you come to campus.
#3 Purchase your Parking Pass
Monthly passes for February are now available.
While On Campus
#1 Mask Up!
The CDC recommends surgical or KN-95 masks instead of cloth masks. Masks are enforced in indoor areas.

#2 Dining Options
The Outpost, Carl’s Jr., Sbarro Pizza, Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, El Pollo Loco, Robeks, Shake Smart, and the Caffeine Lab are open during the semester.

#3 Study Spots
The University Library and USU are both open during the semester.

#4 Computer Access
CSULB Computer Labs are available.

We’re glad to have you with us for another amazing semester!

Beth Lesen, Ph.D.
Vice President of Student Affairs
California State University, Long Beach | 562.985.5587