This month: Stunning photos of models in period-appropriate costumes at the Castle. A photo essay about the Flute Loops performance. A plug for an excellent article to be in the September edition Estuary magazine, and a Museum Spotlight about William Gillette and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Accomplishments and happenings

  • We had a lovely afternoon with the Flute Loops last weekend. We had to re-schedule due to looming storm clouds, but the skies were clear for the duration of the performance. Check out some photos from the afternoon here. We wish we could add a soundtrack!
  • Hartford County Amateur Photographers ran a mini fundraiser for the Friends and made a generous donation to the cause! The group came to the Castle along with a number of models in period costumes and they enjoyed a fun afternoon posing and taking photos on the Castle grounds. Check out some examples here. If you are a photographer and want to consider joining this active group, join them on Facebook. We also will be sure to give you some advance warning of their next Castle visit!
Speaking of Victorian... our programming team is cooking up plans for next year, and a Victorian event is rising high on the list. We don't want to spoil the surprise (sssssh!), but we couldn't resist mentioning it because those photos are so cool!

(Photograph courtesy of Michele Foertsch, Hartford County Amateur Photographers)
  • The Castle will be featured in the next edition of Estuary magazine! As is always the case at Estuary, this is a well-researched article with really beautiful photographs, many of them from our very own Kelly Hunt of Cherish the Moment Photography. Check out a preview, and subscribe to Estuary here.

  • Save the date! See you September 4 at the Celebration of East Haddam. Stop by our booth to enter a fabulous raffle with all sorts of cool Castle bling!
Test Your Trivia!
The August edition
A compilation of little-known facts about William Gillette and Sherlock Holmes

Aug. 2, 1914: Holmes captured the spy Von Bork, foiling the Germans in their efforts to obtain British military secrets. In what Arthur Conan Doyle story did this happen?

Aug. 3, 1860: The birth of a very special woman that William Gillette spotted in the audience during a Detroit production of "The Professor." Who was this woman?

Aug. 9, 1387: For the trivia masters only! This date has a connection to the iconic phrase "The game's afoot." Are you able to describe the origins of this famous phrase? Special bonus points if you figure out how the date is relevant.

Read the answers and more in this month's edition of "Test Your Trivia!"
Museum Spotlight
Gillette and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Christmas card to Gillette
Read about our artifacts, and some amusing legends about the pair in this month's Museum spotlight!
Sherlock shout-out. Sherlock is thrilled to welcome our new Castle Keeper member Ralph Crispino!