Order of Worship: Sunday May 7th



Call to Worship

Opening Songs

"Sweet Hour of Prayer"

"Take Time to be Holy"

Unison Prayer

Scripture Readings

1 Chronicles 16:8-15

Psalm 17:1-8

James 5:13-18

The Word in Song

"Spirit of the Living God"

Brad Wallace

Message "Prayer"



Praise Song

"He Knows My Name"

Holy Communion

Prayers of the People

Lord's Prayer

Closing Hymn

"In the Garden"



This Week at Grace:


Ministry Teams meeting 630pm


Bible study 9am


Adult Bible Studies-4pm

Youth Group 6pm


Men's study 730am

If you are planning to meet at Grace UMC, you need to call ahead of time to reserve space and get your meeting on the church calendar. As our building is used more, we must communicate even more!

Church Office Phone:


Grace Office Hours

Monday - Friday

9 a.m. to noon


Online--available to view any time after 10:15am

Sunday morning.


We will be celebrating the Lord's Supper together on Sunday.

All are welcome at HIS table.

Praise be to God!

Unison Prayer

Almighty Creator and Sustainer God, we have come into

your house to worship you this morning. Help us to lay our

cares and woes on your altar as we quietly sit at your feet

and listen to your word. May we hear the message you have

for us. Strengthen us so that we may be your light and your holy

ambassadors to the world. And it is in Christ Jesus’ name

we pray. Amen.


Call to Worship

L: We will walk this day with you, O God, and you will walk with us,

P: gathering us into a community to pray for one another in all things.

L: We will walk this day with you, O Christ, and you will walk with us,

P: calling us to follow you, helping us to set aside all which holds us back.

L: We will walk this day with you, O Spirit, and you will walk with us,

P: sending us out, side by side, to serve those in need of your hope and promise.

All: By your power we will! Amen!

Thank you to everyone who helped with the clean-up day at church. The trees are cleaned up, and we are raked and ready to go for summer!

May Missional Giving

Each year, churches in the Minnesota Annual Conference take a Love Offering for missions in conjunction with our Annual Conference Session.

Bishop Lanette Plambeck invites congregations to pray about and participate in the Love Offering as an expression of our gratitude for God’s blessings in our lives. Our Love Offering this year will tangibly share God’s extravagant love with a hurting world by addressing the growing mental health needs in Minnesota.

Sixty percent of the Love Offering will fund a new grant that will support churches that have partnerships with mental health services offered in local schools or communities.

Thirty percent of the Love Offering will go to three Minnesota nonprofits engaged in mental health education and advocacy: Mental Health Connect, Mental Health Minnesota, and Minnesota Association for Children’s Mental Health.

Finally, 10 percent of the Love Offering each year goes to Volunteers in Mission scholarships, which support first-time mission trip participants.

*Please mark your special giving for this mission as "Love Offering". Pastor Jen and your elected representative to the Annual Conference, Lauris Prinsen will deliver this gift when they attend the gathering at the end of May.

At Annual Conference supplies will be collected for distribution by UMCOR and MMDC. Supplies will be stored and used when these UMC agencies respond to communities where aid is needed.

Cleaning supplies and small personal care items are requested at this time.

Liquid dish soap, liquid houeshold cleaner, and liquid laundry detergent.

Hand towels and washcloths, bar soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, and deodorant.

Thank you for any help given!


Prayer Chain

If you have a prayer request to share, please contact Pastor Jen or Doris Longnecker to have needs or names lifted by this group.



At this time, we have a number of people within our faith community that are in need of some extra prayer.

As always, we may never know all that someone else is carrying, be kind always.

Peace and Grace,

-Pastor Jen

The Annual GUMC Rummage Sales dates are set for June 22nd and 23rd! Spring has finally sprung! Please remember us as you clean out those closets for spring cleaning. Donations are greatly appreciated and can be dropped off in the youth room with the risers. It is suggested that you either bring them on Sunday mornings or during the week when the church is open from 9-12. Items that we will not be accepting are electronics (i.e. TVs, VCRs or computers) or Books. There are other organizations that would be happy to take those items off your hands. If you have large consignment items that you would be interested in selling, to benefit the church please contact Paul Lundgren, 218-232-7101.

After worship, on Sunday May 7th, there will be a brief informational meeting in the Fellowship Hall about the Rummage Sale.


Cut and split wood available for sale! 

Buy now, or it will be sold at the Rummage Sale in June. 

If interested see/call Larry Johnson (218)963-3765

The Grace Ministry Team along with the Grace Youth Group and the Trustees are working together to "spiff up" the trailside area just off the Paul Bunyan Trail - just east of the church near the garage.

If YOU would like to help, this is what is needed:

   - willing hands to rake, clear underbrush, cover a path with mulch, fix the fence

   - sponsors for a one-month rental of a port-a-potty - June, July, August - at $135 per month

If you want to join in with this community outreach project that will serve the many people who travel along the Paul Bunyan Trail each summer, please contact Peggy Johnson (218) 963-3765. When enough people volunteer a date will be set to do the work. It is hoped to be done by Memorial Day weekend. Thank You!

FYI---T-Shirts---Grace sample shirts are hanging in the Narthex. Orders can be placed May 7-28th. They will be here in time for the Rummage Sale. Speak with Jody Perrine if interested. 

Confirmation Sunday is May 21st.

Plans are underway for VBS in July. There will be volunteer opportunities available. If you have empty 2-liter bottles and larger cardboard boxes, we need them.

If you have something that should be added to this newsletter from your group or mission, please speak with Pastor Jen or email the details to her at jenmatt20@gmail.com. The E-Grace is generally completed by noon on Thursdays, so articles need to be received by Thursday 10am at the very latest.

If you wish to connect with me directly and it is not an emergency, please know that I will respond as needed during pretty regular office hours. I am generally in the church on Tuesdays--Fridays, from at least 10-12, call the office to be sure, as my weeks may vary. Ann has my detailed schedule and can find me if needed. I check my emails frequently throughout the day, and this is the best way to contact me.

-Pastor Jen

Contact us concept with wood block and symbols at_ e-mail address and phone

Important note

If you are mailing something to the church, you must use our P.O. Box for the address. We do not receive mail at the church, and if you use the physical church address it will get returned and could delay your notices to us or offerings.

P.O. Box 276

Pequot Lakes, MN 56472

Visit our website
Contact Information

 Grace United Methodist Church 

29318 Patriot Ave - P.O. Box 276

Pequot Lakes, MN 56472

Phone: 218-568-5755

Email: graceumcpequotlakes@gmail.com

Website: www.graceumcpequotlakes.org
