Feng Shui Design Concepts

April-May 2023 Newsletter

Clearing your Mental & Physical Spaces

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Daily Feng Shui Space Clearings

Did you know that you can and should clear your surroundings daily or at least every couple of days? I know that in my own home, I can feel the energy getting a little wonky when things start getting messy and stacked in untidy piles and when I am having a particularly busy or distracting week. There are many ways to do daily space clearings, but today I want to share one called the Violet Flame, mainly because it is so powerful and so quick and easy to employ. With just a few minutes of concentrated visualization, the shift is immediate. If you would like to learn more about the Violet Flame, and I encourage you to do this if it resonates with you, one of the best and most authentic resources can be found on the St. Germain Foundation website here.

The violet flame is essentially a tool that we can use to help clear the residue of our own negative thoughts, words and deeds from all of our layers and our surroundings. This is a great tool for transmuting and transforming all forms of negativity.

When I was teaching yoga in Austin, I used to mentally and silently do this space clearing while my students were lying in savasana as a way to energetically clear the room of all that had been released during the practice and it always made the space feel amazing. When I do this space clearing in my own home, I also can feel the improvement instantly.

It has been an absolute mission to figure out how to share to audio files below, and in spite of Mercury Retrograde, I finally did it. When you click the links below, they will take you to my website and jump you to their exact location on that page! Enjoy!

Guided meditation for clearing your surroundings with the Triple Grid.

Guided meditation to clear your Self with the Violet Flame.

I received the instructions about the Violet Flame "I am" Version from my friend and teacher, Stephanie Morgan, of Finer Solutions and I found the Triple Grid instructions in a book call What is Lightbody? by Tashira Tachi-ren.

How to Use (& Not Use) a Feng Shui Ba kua Mirror

This past week, a client messaged me about a Feng Shui ba kua mirror that he saw on Amazon. He was looking for something to hang inside his workspace. Mirrors are amazing and have a lot of uses, but a ba kua mirror is not what I would call your typical user-friendly Feng Shui mirror. In fact, it is most often used when someone or something is being rather unfriendly!

First of all, ba kua mirrors are typically 4-5" wide, are made of wood and have a small mirror in the center. The wood is usually painted with the fu hsi trigram sequence, and should only ever be used outside and pointing at something that you want to deflect, like a poison arrow (read: giant transformer) or sharp edged object (like someone's pointed roof corner). Some of these ba kua mirrors have a convex mirror that will actually turn an image-upside-down, so it is very important to consult with a professional to determine if this type of mirror is right for the problem that you are trying to solve. I am intentionally not sharing a photo of it here for the very reasons I mentioned above.

Mirrors are considered the "aspirin of Feng Shui" and as such they have a multitude of uses. They can help create a sense of space and light when the area is small, they can allow the chi to flow when it is blocked, they be used to attract good energy toward you space, they can strengthen, show movement, reject and reflect. Mirrors have a lot of uses, but it is our intention that gives them a sense of purpose. Alway employ the Three Secrets Reinforcements to direct the energy of a mirror to serve a specific purpose.

Feng Shui Design Concepts



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