RCHP March Newsletter

Dear Church Family,

I had an opportunity, over this past weekend, to travel to Kitsap County, Washington State.  It was a fleeting trip, just Friday night until Monday morning.  Pastor Stephanie and I are ‘consulting’ for a wonderful Presbyterian church in the city of Bremerton that is seeking a new approach to following Christ and the Spirit into the heart of God.  Somehow I was the lucky one who got to travel this time and to visit this church that is tucked between the Olympic and Cascade mountain ranges on the shores of Puget Sound.  

Every turn on the road in Kitsap county I was exclaiming again about the beauty of the place.  God’s beauty on display!  What, you get Orca whales swimming almost into your backyard?  Sea Otters and huge numbers of Bald Eagles, feasting here?  Look at Mt. Rainier, out on display, so majestic over everything else!  Thanks be to God!

RCHP, just in case you haven’t stepped back to look at our church from an outsider perspective recently, we are very unique.  What God is doing here is awe-inspiring for ‘newcomers’ too.   The church I was meeting with was fascinated by every twist and turn on the road of RCHP that I described.  “You have housing on your roof, and it was the result of people praying about foster care?  You housed people in sanctuary, and it was the result of your love for an immigrant child who the church recently baptized?  You have a huge refugee program and it was inspired and literally kicked-off by children singing a song and sharing stories from a refugee camp they learned about?  You have programs for reentering citizens, and it started with an intern’s dream?  Thanks be to God!…and, we’ve got dreams for God’s kingdom come and will being done too!”

The racial and ethnic diversity of RCHP, the variety of musical styles, the different ways we chose to pray and worship, the incredible outreach ministries that have blossomed into significant ministries that have touched thousands of lives, and given some level of statewide and regional acclaim…it is pretty amazing.  I love to tell the story of God at work in and through all of you.  I love to tell how sparks of the Spirit, planted in you, have led new ministries to rise up.  I love to share how congregational leadership, through cheerleading, troubling shooting, dreaming, fundraising and ‘not worrying,’ help the church, as a whole, to ‘step out on the waters’ if you will.   

This Lent, as the pastors lead us through reflections on “Jesus and the Psalms” I hope you take special time for Psalms of gratitude for our church, and, specifically, for the ways that God has kept our church nimble and ready to respond to God’s leading.  Our God is awesome, and, though we don’t have the Cascade and Olympic mountain ranges poking up through the clouds, I see God’s love poking up through the clouds of this life all the time—in and through RCHP—leading to splendid experiences of miracles and joy. Amen!

The Peace of Christ to you,

Pastor Seth

P.S. Check out the photo gallery at the end of this email for church family highlights!

Upcoming March Events & Happenings

TODAY! WIMNI LEGO Community Building Day 10am-4pm

Help build (a) community in the RCHP social hall on March 4th! There's still time to register the creative youth in your life for "Community Building Day," a Who Is My Neighbor, Inc. event and mini-fundraiser. It's a day for youth (ages 5-17) to have fun and work together to create a city with Lego® building bricks. Please share the news about the program with your children and other youth in your life! Complete details and a registration form can be found here: https://forms.gle/29JVnRddcyzytU2MA 

TODAY! Game day - Saturday March 4th at 11:00 in the quilt room

Come on out and spend some light-hearted and fun quality time with your church family playing games and catching up. Games provided, but feel free to bring your favorite.

Sunday March 5, New Members to Join RCHP—A good number of regularly attending newcomers have made the decision to join RCHP! We will welcome them, as part of our worship, at first and second service on March 5th. If you’ve been thinking about joining RCHP, or if you want to learn more about what it means to ‘join’ please talk to Pastor Seth or email him at seth.kaperdale@gmail.com  

Creative Conversation - Wednesday, March 8th, 10:30am-12 pm. Meet in the Quilt Room

Doing art at home can be lonely, so let’s do it together! Bring your own art supplies. Some basic supplies will be provided. Let’s chat, laugh and create! No skills needed - just a desire to have some fun. Questions? Contact Wendy Nussman at wendynussman@gmail.com 

Easter Labyrinth, Artists Needed!  RCHP is carrying on our tradition of seeking artists for the Easter Labyrinth.  If you’d like to put together an artistic rendering of one of the stories of the life of Jesus, interpreted through one of the Psalms, we encourage you to reach out to Pastor Seth or Jenni or Becca Chapman. Jenzebel@gmail.com   Throughthemoongate.mail@gmail.com  A dedicated announcement about this opportunity will be forthcoming.  Art will be displayed on Good Friday and Holy Saturday, April 7th and 8th.  

New Group! DEPTH - Thursday, March 9th at 7pm

Join the next DEPTH (Discussing and Exploring Personal Theologies Honestly) gathering on Thursday, March 9th at 7pm, where we'll share which texts, spaces, and places hold sacred spaces in our lives. The March meeting will be virtual so email Austin at retroboi319@gmail.com  for the Zoom link and the full prompt. All are welcome!

Friday March 10—Senior Prayer Breakfast—Everyone who is a ‘senior at heart’ is invited to the Senior Prayer Breakfast, which has restarted as a monthly fellowship event.  10am in the newly renovated Quilt Rm!

Friday March 10th-Sunday March 12th—Crossroads Retreat for Middle/High School Youth—On March 10th-12th Pastor Terry, Pastor Amos and Carrie Dirks will be leading our youth to Crossroads Retreat, where our youth group will join others from around the region for a weekend of fun, friendship and faith. Please speak to Pastor Terry immediately if you are interested in attending. terryjon.stokes@gmail.com

Saturday March 11th from 11:00-12:30 - Game Day in the quilt room.

Come on out and spend some light-hearted and fun quality time with your church family playing games and catching up. Games provided, but feel free to bring your favorite. Questions? Contact Wendy Nussman at wendynussman@gmail.com  

Saturday March 11, 8:30am-Noon, Spring Cleaning Day at RCHP—the Property Committee will host a morning of cleaning church spaces that, over the course of years(s) get cluttered.  We’ll work inside, and, if we have time, we’ll do some early season outside work as well.  

Saturday March 11 - Nature Club Outing at 9am - located to be determined - stay tuned!

Thursday March 16, 2:15pm South River Steering Committee Meeting—Every other week we hold a meeting with those interested in the flourish of ministry in South River. We have a strong team but we’d love to add your ears, eyes and perspective. Reach out to Pastor Seth if you’d like to know more about being on this important steering committee.

Sunday March 19th, Adult Education on Women Owned and Operated Cooperative of Global Grace Marketplace. In celebration of women’s history month we thought it would be good for the church to learn a bit more about Fair Trade and the role of women within some of our cooperatives. If you’re interested in helping to prepare for this class please reach out to Pastor Seth. 

Saturday March 25, Rutgers Service Day—By the end of March we’ll definitely be ready for mulch and outdoor work, and Rutgers students will arrive for a day of service! If you’d like to interact with students and help to oversee some beautification of the property please let us know. Time to be determined, but probably late morning to early afternoon.

Do you feel called to leadership at RCHP?

The Consistory of RCHP, in the church bi-laws, is tasked with coming up with a slate of nominees for Elders and Deacons.  However, we are to listen to the congregation, to consider who might be called to leadership, as part of that process.  If you'd like to suggest someone to the Consistory, for consideration, please reach out to Pastor Seth or Stephanie.  A suggestion does not lead, of course, to immediate endorsement.  It just helps inform the decision making process.  You can suggest someone else, or, you can also suggest yourself, if you are feeling this is a moment when you'd like to take on a 3-year term to help lead the church.  


Caregivers Please RSVP. Caregivers are invited to an afternoon of recognition, renewal and ongoing connection. 

Purpose: Connect with other caregivers and reconnect with sources of joy 

Sunday, March 19th 1:00pm-3:00pm in the RCHP Parlor. Sponsored by the WISE CARE Committee. RSVP Carol Turner, cjteddpc@mac.com  or Lisa Berman, ‭(732) 249-7349‬.

****Please see our Supporting Each Other During Difficult Times section for how to become a Stephen Ministry receiver or giver of Christian caregiving.****

Readers and Oilers needed for Healing Sundays (especially 2nd service)!

You don’t have to be on Consistory to serve on a Healing Team. If you’re interested in being a part of this meaningful ministry, please reach out to Carol Page carolwatson@aol.com 

Prison Correspondence Team 

Pastor Amos has been gathering a team each month to correspond with a list of elderly people who are incarcerated in New Jersey prisons. This team is a vital part of a policy campaign that Salvation and Social Justice is driving, to create second chance opportunities for incarcerated senior citizens to return to their communities. Our upcoming meetings will be held at 1:00pm on the following Sundays:

March 12

Please contact Pastor Amos for more details.  amoscaley@gmail.com

Save the Date! Hold the Door Day - Saturday, April 1st, 10am-4:30pm

Join NJIC3 and Hold the Door for Others on April 1st for Hold the Door Day! Hold the Door Day is a free, day-long event to help individuals and their loved ones grow as they experience loss and adversity. At Hold the Door Day, you'll build skills to help you and your loved ones as you prepare, live with, and grow through grief and challenges by participating in activities and professionally designed small group workshops. Register today at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PZ89GXZ and email questions@holdthedoor.com  for more information.

Save the Date!

April 1, RCHP Community Easter Party and Easter

egg hunt, 10am-Noon

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Worship and Education Opportunities

Sunday Worship and Education/Fellowship Schedule

In Highland Park:  

Worship is at 9am and 11:15am. Services are identical (or at least close to identical). The first service is also streamed online, through Facebook, Youtube, and our website.


Sunday school for all ages is so incredibly meaningful! Bring your children to learn stories of God’s love and to connect with other church kids and caring adults.

In South River: 

Worship is at 11:00am - It is our desire for a growing number of RCHP members to join Keiko Kereh, on a regular or semi-regular basis, for worship in South River. 

Sunday Afternoon and Evening Schedule 

Kids in the Cave-Youth Group for 4th and 5th graders (right after 2nd service, 12:30 or so…1st and 3rd Sundays).

Confirmation Class 4:30pm-5:30pm

Middle School Youth Group-5:45-7pm

High School Youth Group-7:00-8:15pm

Sunday Nights—The Table, 5:30pm: RCHP offers a terrific evening gathering, each and every week, for around 40-50 people. We are so thankful for Faros, for Garden State Deli and for Harvest Moon Cafe, all of which have been providing delicious meals and delivering them to the church each week!

Sunday March 5, Spanish Worship at RCHP—All are invited to a purely Spanish language worship service on Sunday night at 7:30pm.  The service includes communion and worship songs.  If you’d like to help lead this service please reach out to Pastor Seth.

Wednesday Evening Choirs for All Ages:

Voices of Praise 5pm-5:30pm (followed by pizza and fellowship) 

Gospel Choir 6:00pm-7:00pm (childcare is offered during this time)

Chancel Choir 7:00pm-8:00pm 

In addition to Voices of Praise, Pastor Seth and Ms. Megan offer ‘First Voices Choir’ and Story time for young children (2yrs-6yrs) starting at 5:00pm. We generally meet in the church nursery.     

Save the Dates!

April 6, Maundy Thursday Potluck and Tenebrae Worship Service, 6pm-8pm

April 7, Good Friday Worship: Jesus and the Psalms Theme, 7pm

April 8, A morning at the Labyrinth (walking the Labyrinth) and then at Global Grace Farm, 9am at church, 9:30-11:00 at the farm

April 9, Franco Juricic Annual Easter Run to Donaldson Park, 6am

Easter Sunrise, 6:30am

1st Service, 9am

2nd Service, 11:15am

Children and Youth

WIMNI Cave Afterschool Program

Explore the Cave! The Cave is an afterschool center for middle school students located in the basement of RCHP. From 3-5pm, middle schoolers can hang out with their friends, eat snacks, play games (pool, ping pong, video games, air hockey, and more), and paint or do other arts and crafts. (They can even receive help with their schoolwork from an intern from the Rutgers School of Social Work if they want.) The Cave is sponsored by Who Is My Neighbor, Inc. (WIMNI) and the youth are supervised by WIMNI staff, volunteers, and Rutgers interns. Email info@whoismyneighbor.net  for more information.

The Family Den

The Family Den is an early childhood enrichment, community building, caregiver, and me program, sponsored by Who Is My Neighbor, Inc. It meets Thursdays and Fridays, 9:30-11:30a, in the basement of The Reformed Church of Highland Park 19 S.2nd Ave. Ages birth to 4. Please join us for art, circle time, story time, music and indoor climbing fun!

Connecting With God

Opportunities for Daily/Weekly Spiritual Growth, through discussion, study and prayer

Morning Prayer, 9am-9:30am, Zoom: Each morning, since the pandemic started in March of 2020, RCHP has held a daily morning prayer. Different church members and pastors share for 10 minutes or so and then there is a time of prayer and sharing. All are welcome.  

https://us02web.zoom.us/s/442816580 pwd=cTBQT2xwWWpOL3UrM0t2emRlUzU0Zz09#


Wednesday Morning Bible Study, 7:45am: A strong group of around 10 gather for an hour on Wednesdays in the church parlor, to read the Bible together and then to discuss how the text resonates with our lives as individuals and as a community of faith living in this world. Conversations are excellent. You are also welcomed to leave early to get to work on time. Pastor Seth leads this group.

Contemplative Thursdays

We've begun our practice of creating space on Thursdays for contemplation and meditation. Each Thursday morning from 7:00 to 8:00, the sanctuary is open and prepared for quiet prayer and meditation. Every two weeks we're also journeying through a podcast and/or book by Richard Rohr, exploring spiritually what it means to recognize the presence of and live in the faith of Christ. Learn more about these opportunities at www.rchighlandpark.org/thursdays.

Connecting With One Another
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"Tricky Topics" Book Study in March!

Our next session of "Tricky Topics" (a journey through difficult issues in faith and society) begins the first week of March, as well be journeying through Lent by walking with the historical Jesus, and viewing his life and ministry upon the backdrop of the Roman military occupation. The book is called "Jesus and Empire," written by biblical historian Richard A. Horsley.

If you are interested in joining us, please reach out to Pastor Amos (amoscaley@gmail.com), and pick up a copy of the book on your own, or request one through the church.

"LitLovers" Reading & Culture Group

If you love talking about media and arts, and would like a lightly structured format for sharing, give LitLovers a try on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Each week, participants are welcome to share about books, movies, TV shows, music and culinary delights. For more info, contact Cecilia Rowedder czr852@yahoo.com Please email to receive the Zoom link.

Weekly Virtual "Drop-In"

All are welcome to drop-in for an hour of friendly, free-wheeling conversation on Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Contact our host, Carol Perry caca98@aol.com for more information and for a Zoom link.

Opportunities for Spiritual Growth through Sewing & Knitting/Crocheting

On Thursdays, from 10am-1pm, the Women’s Sewing Circle meets to create beautiful items that are incorporated into the annual bazaar.  This group, meeting year round, also is a wonderful form of support and encouragement for all who are involved.

On Tuesdays, from 7pm-9pm, the Prayer Shawl Ministry creates beautiful shawls that are then distributed to church members and to others who are prayed for in our worship services.  All are invited to learn this craft and to contribute in this way.

Serving and Working For Justice & the Beloved Community

Opportunities for Spiritual Growth through Ministries of Justice and Mercy

Wednesday March 15, 8pm—9pm—DIRE Monthly Meeting On March 15th we will hold our monthly DIRE zoom meeting.  This is a way to keep up on how we are doing, as a community, supporting those immigrants who are here seeking asylum and how we support those whose families have been faced with the hard reality of deportation of a loved one.

Topic: DIRE Monthly meeting 8pm 

Time: Mar 15, 2023 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting


Thursday March 16th, Noon, IRISE Monthly Meeting - Stay up with us on the development of ministries to serve refugees.  We do not know what the next weeks and months will hold.  Will we continue to get lots of Ukrainians and Russians?  Will border policy changes increase the numbers of Haitians and Cubans, or slow it?  Will the earthquake in Syria and Turkey lead to increases?  Will Congolese and Burundians, long delayed in camps, finally get their turn to travel?  Join us in person in the parlor, or, on line.  

Topic: Interfaith-RISE Monthly Meeting, Noon

Time: Mar 16, 2023 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

        Join Zoom Meeting


HP Food Pantry

Food Pantry needs for February:

During these challenging times the Highland Park Community Food Pantry is currently not taking individual donations. Instead we now have an Amazon Wishlist where folks wishing to donate have several options to choose from as well as an option to donate Gift Cards. We appreciate greatly any donation as we are facing an increase of folks in need. Thank you all so much. You can access the Wishlist here: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/11AKRFJFUGZPF?ref_=wl_share

Most urgent needs are:

Peanut Butter 





Adult Diapers- all sizes, mens and ladies. 

Baby Diapers- all sizes (esp 2, 5, 6)

Baby Wipes


Stayfree menstrual pads

In addition to the Amazon wish list, items may be purchased from big box stores like Costco or Sam's Club; contact Kathi for further details: foxyrox18@gmail.com

Supporting Each Other During Difficult Times

An Introduction to Stephen Ministry 


Stephen Ministry is a unique ministry in our congregation in which trained and supervised lay persons, called Stephen Ministers, provide one-to-one confidential Christian care to individuals facing life challenges or difficulties.  Stephen Ministers have engaged in 50 hours of training in Christian caregiving, including general topics such as listening, feeling, boundaries, assertiveness, and confidentiality.  All Stephen Ministers attend ongoing supervision and continuing education with their Stephen Leaders to ensure they continue to provide the best care possible.   


So for what type of issues do Stephen Ministers provider care?  They can help those who are discouraged, lonely, grieving a loss, struggling with their faith, facing unemployment, experiencing divorce or separation, or coping with a serious illness.  Stephen Ministers are not therapists, problem solvers, or casual visitors, and aren’t a replacement for mental health treatment.  They listen and care, and most importantly, bring the stability of God’s love and grace into people’s lives.  


If you are interested in learning more about Stephen Ministry or becoming a Stephen Minister, please reach out to Pastor Stephanie, Anthony DiGrigoli awdigrigoli@gmail.com  or Renee DiGrigoli rmdigrigoli@outlook.com 


Has your life has been changed by chronic physical pain or illness? Are you willing to share your experience, strength and hope with others on this lonely journey? Join a new Weekly Support Group on ZOOM sponsored by the WISE CARE Committee of RCHP. This Support Group meets Tuesdays from 5pm-6pm.  

Contact Facilitators: Carla Epstein-Teliha, epsteinteliha@verizon.net  or Pat Kaufman, patbkauf@gmail.com for additional information and for a Zoom Link

The Self-Help Support Group

Join co-leaders Jess Munger and Terry Horyn for nurturing support for the body, mind and spirit every Monday and Thursday from 4-5 p.m. in the parlor. Seating is socially distant and masks are required. Topics addressed can be anything from Covid fears to physical ailments to emotional challenges. All are welcome! For more info, contact Jess at jessmsn409@gmail.com

Bereavement Calendar

RCHP remembers all those who died in March and all those who still mourn

The following names have been offered for remembrance in March 2023: 

Heinz Betz, Beloved Husband of Kathe Betz

Esther Buck, Beloved Wife of Ray Buck, and

Beloved Mother and Grandmother of the Buck Family

Sarah Buell, Beloved Grandmother of Sarah MacKinnon

Mavis Dyght, Beloved Mother, Grandmother, and Mother-in-Law of the Beckford Family

Victor Feliciano, Beloved Husband of Carol Feliciano

Franco Juricic, Beloved Husband of Jacquelyn and Father of Noah and Ana

Nana Lee, Beloved Mother of Tim Cassidy

Tom Monroe, Beloved Husband of Ellie Monroe

Walter Wilpiszeski, Beloved Father of Cathy, and Grandfather of Anna Laycock

If it would be a comfort to include your loved ones in a monthly memory calendar, call Lisa at the RCHP office at 732-249-7349.


Summary of Raritan Valley Road Runners Feb 11th Blood Drive

38 people registered; Collected 26 units of blood; 4 units of packed red cells using Alyx;  3 single donor platelets and…21 units of plasma  manufactured from the whole blood units.  Amazing!

As many as 54 lives will be sustained or saved because of hard work and the generosity of the blood donors.  Thanks to everyone who came out to make this event a success!

Devasay hard at work at Global Grace Farm during planting day event

Senior Prayer breakfast is back - thanks be to God!

Youth Group did Super Clean-out of a new home for RCHP Affordable Housing on Super Bowl Sunday

RCHP congregant and photographer/poet, Michael Martin leads Adult Ed while Tammy, wife and inspiration for much of his work, looks on.  We thank Michael and Tammy for sharing Michael’s amazing art.

Jumoke shines in her Sunday best as she serves as a greeter/usher. Interested in serving as a greeter/usher? We can always use more help.  Contact Cecilia at czr852@yahoo.com

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