City of Cumming
September 2024
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Help Cumming PD Support Creative Enterprises | |
Come out to the Cumming City Center Lou Sobh Amphitheater on September 6th from 7-10 p.m. to join the Cumming Police Department as they raise funds for Creative Enterprises-Forsyth. This year's Summer in the City Concert features The Jason Gardner Band, which has been described as "a holy fusion of electrifying blues, warm soul, and smooth country." In addition to wonderful music, the event will also feature a number of raffles. While Summer in the City is a free event, donations will be accepted and all raffle sales will go to Creative Enterprises-Forsyth, which works with special needs adults to help them develop life and employment skills through a variety of programs.
Last year's Summer in the City event raised approximately $78,000 for Creative Enterprises' building campaign, which has a goal of raising $1 million to construct a new facility. The new building would allow Creative Enterprises-Forsyth to expand its capacity from 90 clients to 200 clients by increasing its seven classrooms to 16, adding an art sensory room, and creating an on-site production facility for clients to have employment opportunities while working under the direct supervision of job coaches.
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Dog Days at Cumming Aquatic Center Sept. 7th, 8th & 14th |
Bring your furry best friends out to the Cumming Aquatic Center for some water fun! Dog Days at the CAC will be September 7th, 8th and 14th. Large dog sessions (45 pounds and up) are September 7th from 1-2 p.m., and 3:30-4:30 p.m.; September 8th from 1-2 p.m., 2:15-3:15 p.m., and 3:30-4:30 p.m.; and September 14th from 1-2 p.m. Small dog sessions (less than 45 pounds) are September 7th from 2:15-3:15 p.m.; and September 14th from 2:15-3:15 p.m. Proof of current vaccinations (vaccine records required; tags are not acceptable proof) is mandatory for every dog. Cost is $15 per dog per session (no charge for humans). Click here to register! Questions? Email
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Registration for Youth Winter Basketball League Begins Sept. 16th | |
Registration for City of Cumming Recreation & Parks Winter Youth Basketball League for boys and girls ages 5 to 16 will begin on September 16th and will continue through October 11th (or until all slots are filled). Registration will be limited due to facility availability and program demand. Spaces will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis until program maximums are met.
Practices will begin in early November with games beginning in December. Teams for 5-6 year-olds will be co-ed, and ages 7-16 will be divided into boys and girls teams. For more information, click here.
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Cumming Art Fest Returns to City Center | The Cumming City Center will again partner with Splash Festivals to bring the Cumming Art Fest to town on September 21st and 22nd! The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days, and will feature a wide variety of vendors selling all types of hand-crafted art work. Come check out works from more than 100 Southern artisans and craftspeople, as well as food, beverage, live music, activities for kids, and more! | |
Reminder: Utilities Customers Must Register for New Payment Portal | |
Cumming Utilities has a new online payment portal which makes paying your Cumming Utilities bill much easier! The new portal has many great features, including:
- Mobile-Friendly
- Enroll in Monthly Email Reminders
- Multiple Payment Channels, Such as Web, Phone, Text and App (Coming Soon!)
- Track Your Usage Directly in Your Online Portal!
Customers who have not yet registered for the new payment portal, MUST DO SO NOW in order to avoid credit card draft issues, possible late fees and possible service disconnection. ALL Cumming Utilities customers who have not yet done so should log on NOW and create their new payment portal profile. Previous payment options are now disabled, and all auto draft enrollments have been disconnected, so creation of your new portal account is essential!
Next Steps:
Register here for your new online portal profile.
- Link any existing Cumming Utilities accounts with your new online portal profile.
- Pay your existing balance or re-enroll in Auto-Pay.
Questions? Contact Cumming Utilities at 770-781-2020 or email
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Cumming PD Launches New Community Autism Program | |
The Cumming Police Department is currently rolling out a new program to help keep local special needs individuals stay safe during interactions with the department. The Community Autism Program, or CAP, allows family members of children or adults with Autism to register with the department by filling out a form that includes various information about the individual such as name, age, address, as well as more personal information such as their communication methods (non-verbal, sign language, visuals, etc.), signs of escalation, sensitivities (such as bright or flashing lights, loud noises or sudden movements, etc.), favorite things and dislikes.
The information is then entered into the Cumming PD's computer system and the family receives decals for vehicles and homes, as well as wrist bracelets for the individual with Autism. If officers are ever called to that person's home or vehicle, they can identify that an individual in CAP may be nearby and thus look up information on how to best approach and communicate with that individual. To learn more about the program and to register a family member with Autism, click here.
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Mayor & City Council August Meeting Recap |
During their Regular Meeting on August 20th (the August 6th Work Session was canceled), City Council took the following actions:
- Approved alcohol licenses for: Taqueria La Perla, 433 Canton Road, Suite 101, and Desi Street Restaurant, 1645 Market Place Blvd.
- Approved the low proposal from Vertical Earth Inc. for resurfacing of Buford Dam Road from Market Place Blvd. to Sanders Road.
- Approved the low proposal from Reeves Young LLC for replacement of a water main along Hwy. 9 South due to a Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) road widening project along that roadway.
- Authorized Mayor Troy Brumbalow to sign documents relating to sell of right-of-way by the City to GDOT along a portion of Ga. Hwy. 20.
- Approved the low bid from Sandford Construction for work on the Heirloom water booster pump station pump house in order for the architecture to match that of the subdivision.
- Approved a request from the Cumming Police Department to purchase and outfit three new patrol vehicles. A portion of the cost will be funded by the Police Foundation Fund.
Click here to view meeting agendas and minutes.
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SAA Arts Center Fall Exhibit: Elements | |
The Sawnee Association of the Arts presents "Elements: Fire, Water, Earth & Air" though October 26th. SAA members and non-member local artists used themes inspired by the natural elements to create unique artworks in various media. Come by the Arts Center at 111 Pilgrim Mill Road from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday-Sunday to view the exhibit and shop in the artisan gift show.
For more information about Cumming Arts Center events, click here.
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"Sweeney Todd" Haunts School Street Stage | |
"Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street" will haunt the School Street Playhouse stage in September and October. Performances are at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, and at 2:30 p.m. Sundays from Sept. 20th through Oct. 13th. In this infamous tale, which was made into a blockbuster movie featuring Johnny Depp in 2007, an unjustly exiled barber returns to 19th Century London seeking vengeance against a lecherous judge who framed him after ravaging his young wife. The road to revenge leads Todd to Mrs. Lovett, a resourceful proprietress of a failing pie shop, above which he opens a new barber practice. The partnership, and Todd's bloodlust, leads to the introduction of a unique and ghastly ingredient into Mrs. Lovett's meat pies that has the people of London lining up for a taste. Click here to purchase tickets.
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City Council Work Session - Canceled
Planning & Zoning Board Meeting - September 17th at 5 p.m.
Regular City Council Meeting - September 17th at 6 p.m.
All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance.
Click here for previous meeting videos.
Click here for City Council Agendas and Minutes.
Click here for Planning & Zoning Board Agendas and Minutes.
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