President's Message
Ellen Harmon
It is a season of change with fall colors and temperature drops, along with changing leadership in the political world. Fall bird migration is nearly complete. Elections are over. People and animals are preparing for cold weather. As transitions take place, it is important to stay ever vigilant in our conservation and bird safe practices. There are a number of ways to be involved in the St. Louis Audubon Society’s environmental practices and activities. Check out our volunteer opportunities here: or consider sharing your talents by joining our Board of Directors.
A bird activity that I enjoy each year is Project Feeder Watch through the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. This program allows individuals to participate in gathering important data that scientists use to analyze winter bird abundance and distribution. The data gathered monitors more than 100 bird species who winter in North America. If you have a bird feeder or a place you like to watch birds – you can participate and know that your input matters ( ). After filling my feeders, I grab a cup of coffee and my binoculars and start counting. The Cornell Lab’s Living Bird magazine published an article highlighting some of the things researchers have learned from FeederWatch data over the years.
My husband and I recently celebrated our 25th anniversary with a trip to Sausalito and the Muir Woods. Amongst the magnificent redwoods and sequoia trees, we also saw and heard a number of birds. I was able to add two species to my Life List on eBird – the Black Phoebe and a little Wrentit. While the hiking was vigorous, I managed to take time to enjoy the small, feathered friends along the way. One of my favorites of this trip was the beautiful Chestnut-backed Chickadee (see photo above).
SLAS’ recent Trivia Talon(ts) and Silent Auction was a huge success. I want to thank our staff, volunteers and Board members for helping to launch this event. In particular, I would like to thank the planning committee members – Amy Weeks, Rachel Odman, Michael Meredith, Karen Meyer, Ruth Huebner, and Kathy Dailey (who not only donated her time and talents, but also allowed us to store the many items for our Silent Auction in her home). During the trivia event, we celebrated the SLAS award winners, and I would like to acknowledge them here as well.
The Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Herb Huebner in recognition of his dedication, passion and excellence providing a lifetime of exceptional conservation work. This is the highest award conferred by this Society.
The Outstanding Volunteer Award was presented to Mary Dueren who has generously donated her time and talents over the years to the education and conservation programs and operational activities of SLAS.
The Outstanding Conservation Advocate Award was presented to Michael Meredith in recognition of his significant contributions over many years to conservation of birds, other wildlife and their habitats through his professional service, volunteerism and communications.
The Outstanding Bird Protector Award was presented to Jean Favara for her significant contributions over the years to programs and activities that support and promote bird-safe practices and the prevention of bird fatalities.
The Outstanding Educator Award was presented to Erin Goss for her significant contribution of many years educating our community on birds and wildlife conservation so that people can appreciate and make informed decisions about our natural world.
Photo: Chestnut-backed Chickadee
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The 50/50 raffle winner with Dan,
our BCH Director!
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The Missouri Lottery raffle winner! | |
A few of the SLAS Trivia Night's no-so-trivial volunteers! | |
Ornithological Forecast, November 2024
Bill Rowe
Right now, it’s a bit warm for November, but it should be getting cold—is that good? Emphatically, yes. The colder weather brings us a new set of birds, both migrants and winter residents. Prominent among the migrants are the waterfowl, a term that refers specifically to swans, geese, and ducks. November is a prime month for their southward movement, and places like Clarence Cannon National Wildlife Refuge have duck populations in the tens of thousands right now. Smaller numbers will show up on almost any body of water, along with coots, loons, grebes, and gulls of several species, all of which are lake and river birds even if not technically waterfowl. November is also a good month for raptors, like some of the later-arriving Merlins, Sharp-shinned Hawks, and Northern Harriers, or western-type Red-tailed Hawks, or Short-eared Owls. Depending on the year, it could be a good time to watch for a Rough-legged Hawk, or even the rare American Goshawk (making sure you know what to look for). Among the passerines, it’s time to watch for the arrival of Lapland Longspurs out in the open fields that are now shorn of their corn and soybeans, plus many more sparrows (including juncos) in the woods and brush, while also hoping for an early influx of winter finches like Pine Siskins or (cross your fingers) Red Crossbills or Redpolls. Uncommon icterids are either passing through, like Brewer’s Blackbird, or arriving for the winter, like Rusty Blackbird and Western Meadowlark. And there is also the chance of a mega-rarity, as some birds, especially juveniles, do get disoriented or blown off course at this time of year. So haul out the sweaters, down jackets, and long johns, and join a field trip, or just go out by yourself. Consider it practice for the Christmas Bird Counts that begin in about six weeks!
Photo: Lapland Longspur
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At Home Ecology, Curated Conservation
November 2024
Shannon Callahan
As we come to the finale of the gardening season, take a bow. Native plant enthusiasts across the area have spent the last eight months feeding pollinators and providing beauty to their communities through a succession of blooms.
November typically brings repeated frosts, sending most deciduous plants into dormancy. Except, of course, for the strange habits of the American Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana), whose blooms peak just as most others’ end and continue into December.
With the right planning, a native garden can bloom year-round, a constant cycle of color. There are a few things you can do now to set yourself up for success in the spring. To best support overwintering insects, leave fallen leaf litter, especially under native trees. More overwintering habitat means more mature pollinators to visit your flowers. Wait until dormancy to prune shrubs and trees. If you are not one to leave a lawn full of leaves, consider raking things into garden beds. If you plan on mulching landscape beds, look to leaf mulch, either ground-up and store-bought or free leaf litter. While hardwood mulch is attractive, it is not functional habitat and is often more expensive than its ecological counterpart. November is a time to appreciate your successes and make plans for the next project.
Photo: American Witch Hazel
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Caring for St. Louis Birds: How Responsible Pet Ownership Supports Local Wildlife
With its lush parks, scenic riverfronts, and green neighborhoods, St. Louis is home to hundreds of bird species, from vibrant Northern Cardinals to migratory visitors like the Ruby-throated Hummingbird. These birds not only enhance our landscapes but also play essential roles in keeping our ecosystems healthy. However, household pets, especially cats and dogs, can pose risks to local bird populations. By understanding these impacts and practicing responsible pet ownership, St. Louis residents can help protect and preserve our local wildlife.
Outdoor Cats and Their Impact on Bird Populations
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Cats are instinctive hunters, which can make them a significant threat to bird populations when they roam freely outdoors. In the U.S., outdoor cats are estimated to kill billions of birds each year.
In St. Louis, where urban and suburban green spaces—both parks and residential areas—offer habitat or nesting and ground feeding birds, the presence of roaming cats can have particularly harmful effects.
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Why Birds Are Vital to St. Louis Ecosystems
Birds are crucial to maintaining the balance of our ecosystems. Here are some of the vital services they provide:
- Pest Control: Birds like the Barn Swallow and Purple Martin are natural insect controllers, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.
- Seed Dispersal: Many birds, including Blue Jays and American Robins, aid in seed dispersal, promoting the growth of native plants across our green spaces.
- Pollination: Hummingbirds and many other species contribute to pollination, supporting the diversity of local flora.
- Scavenging: Vultures and crows help clean up carrion, preventing the spread of disease and contributing to a balanced ecosystem.
- Nutrient Cycling: Birds enrich the soil with their droppings, aiding plant growth and promoting healthier habitats.
- Biodiversity: By occupying various ecological roles, birds support the resilience and diversity of ecosystems, enhancing stability.
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Responsible Pet Ownership: Key to Coexisting with Birds
Responsible pet ownership involves more than basic care—it’s about making thoughtful choices to protect local wildlife and your own pet. Here are steps St. Louis pet owners can take to ensure their pets coexist harmoniously with birds and other wildlife:
Keep Cats Indoors or in Catios: Keeping cats indoors or allowing them safe outdoor access with an enclosure (like a catio) prevents them from hunting birds and reduces risks to their own safety such as coyotes, raptors, and especially traffic.
- Leash Dogs in Natural Areas: Leashing dogs, especially in natural areas, prevents the disturbance of nests and young birds.
- Create Bird-Friendly Spaces: For those who love both pets and birds, combining bird-friendly landscaping with responsible pet management is a wonderful way to enjoy both.
Catios: A Safe Outdoor Option for Cats
For cat owners who want to give their feline companions a taste of the outdoors without the risks, catios offer a safe and enriching solution. These enclosed outdoor spaces allow cats to experience fresh air and watch wildlife safely from within. Available in a variety of sizes and adaptable to nearly any setting, catios offer enrichment for your cat without the risk to local bird populations.
Catios are also an excellent option for providing year-round mental stimulation for cats, especially if you add a cat flap door connecting the catio to the house, giving them free access at any time. This setup lets your cat enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of nature on their own terms without disrupting local wildlife.
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2024 Purple Martin Season at Creve Coeur Park/Mallard Lake
Karen Meyer
The first scouts arrived at the well-established colony of 3 Purple Martin housing units just before mid-March this spring. It wasn't long before more arrived and we quickly began opening multiple units for the influx. The nearby trail users and restaurant patrons were in for another few months of enjoyment and wonder provided by the Purple Martins' activity and song.
On the nest check of April 27 we found quite a few nest starts. Eggs were being noted from May 5-25, with some nestlings on May 25. Nest checks conducted weekly through June 17 found the martins ranging from 11-22 days old. By early July the birds had all fledged and had begun staging their journey back to Brazil, seemingly a bit earlier than other years we've recorded.
We estimate that from a total of 168 eggs, 120 birds hatched, with a final count of 100 Purple Martins fledging out of the 32 units. This was a bit lower success rate from previous years, which was due to difficulties in the north house. One female parent was found dead inside, and other north units had issues of missing eggs and missing hatchlings. We speculate that most of the problem was due to first-year males competing for females and nesting cavities.
Volunteers this year included Karen and Glenn Meyer and Julie Leemann. All data is reported to the Purple Martin Conservation Association.
Photo: Purple Martin
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Join others who share your interests in nature, birds and wildlife!
Click on the link to register.
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A beginner bird walk is a short (two hours or less) walk along a path or trail, either around a loop or out-and-back. It is designed, broadly, to help participants see as many birds as possible, and in particular to become familiar with a good variety of our commoner birds.
A field trip is an excursion to a natural area around St. Louis that is promising for finding birds and other wildlife. Generally it involves taking a walk at several points, noticing and recording as many birds as possible, and (as a goal for the leaders) helping all participants get a good look at each bird and learn something about it, such as its field marks, its song, its behavior. Some areas may be covered entirely by walking, while others may involve many short drives with stops in between to check fields, lakes, etc., often with the use of a scope. Field trips typically last a full morning, sometimes into the afternoon; the pre-trip announcement will let you know what length to expect and whether to bring a lunch along.
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Next meeting: Tuesday, December 10
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Please Note: Some Board meetings will be held in person and some by Zoom. If you have an interest in joining our volunteer Board, please contact one of the officers or staff members. | |
Officers & Staff
Ellen Harmon, President
Michael Meredith, VP Conservation
Stephanie Schroeder, VP Education
Gail Saxton, Secretary
Nick Eaton, Treasurer
Amy Weeks, Executive Director
Dan Pearson, Director, BCH
Shannon Callahan, Conservation Ecologist, BCH
Matt Barton, Urban Conservation Specialist
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