
Friday, August 20, 2021 | Dr. Colette Pierce Burnette, President & CEO |

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#HTCampus Reactivates: In-Person Classes Start Monday

Huston-Tillotson University is ready to enthusiastically return to in-person instruction for Fall Semester classes on Monday, August 23.

With a series of safety measures implemented around vaccinations and campus safety, the beauty of the East Austin campus was enhanced as students moved in to residence dormitories this week.

As Ram Training Camp builds toward an exciting conclusion this weekend, leading into Welcome Week and the first day of classes Monday, Huston-Tillotson University is poised to begin our 146th year...In Union, Strength.

"Persistence is Our Superpower"

Huston-Tillotson President Dr. Colette Pierce Burnette

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Ram Training Camp Welcomes New Members of #GeniusGeneration

Ram Training Camp officially kickoff two weeks of activities for Huston-Tillotson University students this past Monday, welcoming new students to the #fRAMily aiding their transition to HT.

'Reunited And It Feels So Good' was an appropriate theme, bringing together all new students to the HT campus. In addition to freshmen and transfer students, the 'Sophomore Remix' was a significant aspect of Ram Training Camp, as the Class of 2024 will be on-campus students for the first time.

The first two days featured virtual sessions informing students of the various support services available to them to aid their matriculation as Rams. As arrivals began on Wednesday, in-person events included meeting student leaders, who played a key role in the move-in process, meals with new classmates, gift giveaways, a block party for Jesus, and learning the HT shuffle.

Among highlights of events this weekend will be a pep rally, scavenger hunt, game activities with athletics, movie night and matriculation ceremony.

University Institute Brings Faculty, Staff Together

In preparation for fall semester classes starting Monday, the Huston-Tillotson faculty and staff came together earlier this week as University Institute was held.

The Institute provided a forum for discussion, updates on university procedures, professional development, and a getting-to-know-your-teammates opportunity for the HT Campus.

Click Here For Pictures


Wednesday morning, cars arrived bright and early on the East Austin campus with freshman ready to move into their home away from home.

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Huston-Tillotson University President Dr. Colette Pierce Burnette welcomed students and walked the campus as the newest members of the #GeniusGeneration moved in to Allen-Frazier and Beard-Burrowes Dormitories getting ready to begin this new phase of their life development.

The tone was set and has carried as sophomores, also arriving on campus for the first time, arrived on Thursday, with upperclassmen arriving Friday.

With a full weekend of activities, including Sunday's matriculation ceremony in the renovated King-Seabrook Chapel ahead of Monday's classes and Welcome Week Activities, the #fRAMily is Reunited And It Feels So Good!

Click Here For Photos From The Week

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#HTisIDEAL #GeniusGeneration #CultureOfExcellence
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President Burnette Featured In SoulCiti

Prior to the first in-person commencement convocation ceremony since 2019, Huston-Tillotson University came to life with two nationally known figures visiting the East Austin campus.

With 'Roland Martin Unfiltered' broadcasting live from campus one afternoon, followed by Civil Rights Icon Reverend Jesse Jackson speaking to an invited group of community leaders the next day, the university was not only thrust into the national spotlight but the moments created an elevated profile for HT in the heart of Austin.

Earlier this month, Huston-Tillotson President Dr. Colette Pierce Burnette was featured in a story with SoulCiti that speaks to that local light shifting and shining on the university.

Read More Here

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On my campus…we graduate families, not just individuals. I can have 200 graduates walk the stage for commencement and have 5,000 people on my campus, because they are graduating a family.” 

Click here to watch more



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Previous 2021 Issues Of RamZine

June 17 Aug. 6

June 25 Aug. 13

July 2

July 16

July 23

July 30

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Are you an alumnus/alumna? We want to hear from you!

Contact Chris Cutkelvin, Director of Alumni Relations, at 512-505-3074 or via email at or schedule a virtual meeting below:




Aug. 20-22 Ram Training Camp


Aug. 20-21 Campus Move-In

Mon. Aug. 23 Fall Semester Begins


Aug. 23-27 Welcome Week

Fri. Oct. 22 Charter Day Observance

Fri. Nov. 19 Celebrating HBCU Excellence

Mon. Dec. 6 Last Fall Class Day


Dec. 7-10 Final Exams


Dec.20-Jan.2 Campus Closed



Mon. Jan. 10 Spring Semester Begins

Fri. Apr. 29 Last Spring Class Day


May 1-4 Final Exams

Fri. May 6 Honors Convocation 

Sat. May 7

Commencement Convocation

Class of 2022

Golden Class of 1972

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