US EPA: Senior Scientist/Engineer for Community Participatory Research applications due September 30
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This position is located in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Research and Development (ORD) in the Center for Environmental Solutions and Emergency Response (CESER). CESER provides research-based solutions and technical support to assist customers with regulatory, policy, and guidance decisions and to help customers solve environmental problems in the built environment. This position will serve as the ORD Lead for the new Community-Engaged Research Collaborative for Learning and Excellence (CERCLE), located at EPA’s Edison Environmental Center (EEC) in Edison, New Jersey. ORD and EPA’s Region 2 are co-developing CERCLE at the EEC. The vision for the CERCLE is to create a community-focused research center that incorporates local, underrepresented, or underserved communities into all stages of the scientific and research process to co-produce actionable and sustainable solutions that increase and maintain community resilience to environmental issues. ORD’s applied, collaborative, and community-engaged research at the CERCLE will serve as a model and resource for addressing community challenges nationwide, including environmental justice, climate, adaptation, and community resilience. You must have a doctoral degree in a scientific discipline related to CESER’s mission to qualify for this position. The salary may be up to $250,000 per year. However, this is dependent on qualifications, experience, and other factors (e.g., current salary and/or current market rates).
Housatonic Valley Association: Ten Mile River Watershed Manager
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The Housatonic Valley Association (HVA) is seeking an enthusiastic and qualified professional to lead our Ten Mile River Clean, Cold and Connected campaign in the Harlem Valley’s Ten Mile River watershed. Clean, Cold and Connected takes action to protect and restore streams that are free of pollution, capable of supporting native species and habitats as the climate warms, fully accessible to fish and wildlife, and welcoming to watershed communities and visitors. The starting annual salary range for this full-time position is $50,000 to $60,000.
Wallkill Valley Land Trust: Part-Time Temporary Remote Interpretive Educational Content Writer
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We are looking for an enthusiastic and talented writer to create the interpretive content for our signs. This individual will work with the WVLT staff and sign designer, the education consultant, and with assistance from our Education sub-committee to find and develop educational material for four unique signs to be placed on public trails. The individual hired for this role will be responsible for researching information around provided themes through local libraries, historical and environmental organizations, and beyond, as well as working to find related images to be used by our designer. WVLT can help provide them with access to a computer, scanner, and other necessary technology. Working in our office using the internet access is also possible within normal business hours, but remote work with one’s own reliable internet access is preferred. This is a temporary contractual (1099) position that will be paid in installments upon completion of each sign, not to exceed $5000, within the given date range.
Wallkill Valley Land Trust: Part-Time Temporary In-Person Survey Interviewer
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Seeking an outgoing, personable individual to administer bilingual survey questions (Spanish & English) in-person at designated sites across eastern Ulster County using a tablet. Surveys are being used to understand the needs of users and non-users of outdoor recreational areas. You should be comfortable approaching diverse strangers and initiating conversations in a friendly manner. Bias training will be provided. All surveying will take place in public locations during daytime hours. This is a temporary contractual (1099) position that pays $24 per hour for up to a maximum of 40 hours within the given date range. The timeline is from July 18-August 26. Payment will be administered in two parts: $480 after the first 20 hours are complete and $480 after the remaining 20 hours are complete. College credit offered.
NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation: Water Infrastructure Improvement (WIIA) and Intermunicipal Water Infrastructure Grant (IMG) program applications due September 9
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As part of the new York State Clean Water Infrastructure Act, the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC) is offering $225 million in grants for clean and drinking water projects during the 2022-2023 state fiscal year to selected municipalities with infrastructure projects that protect public health and/or improve water quality. WIIA provides competitive grants to help municipalities fund water quality infrastructure projects. WIIA grants are available for wastewater and drinking water projects that protect or improve water quality and/or protect public health. Municipalities may submit applications for multiple projects, including wastewater, sewer and drinking water projects. IMG is available for both drinking water and wastewater/sewer (clean water) projects that serve multiple municipalities, such as a shared water quality infrastructure project or the interconnection of multiple municipal water systems.
Hudson River Valley Greenway; Community Grant applications due September 2 and November 4
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The Hudson River Valley Greenway Grant Program provides matching grants to Greenway Communities and Compact Communities. Greenway Communities are eligible to receive up to $10,000 to develop plans or projects consistent with the five Greenway criteria: natural and cultural resource protection, economic development, public access, regional planning, and heritage and environmental education. Higher amounts are awarded for intermunicipal projects. This grant program is open to municipalities that are within the designated Greenway area and have adopted a local board resolution to become a designated “Greenway Community.”
Partners for Climate Action Hudson Valley: Ecological Restoration Grant applications due September 30
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While climate change is a global issue, there is SO much we can do right here in our Hudson Valley communities to lessen its impacts and prepare for the environmental changes that are headed our way. Restoring the ecology of our natural environment, reducing greenhouse gasses, and improving our air and water are critical actions we need to take now! Partners for Climate Action Hudson Valley are inviting applications for funding from nonprofit organizations and municipalities in Columbia, Greene, Ulster, Dutchess, Putnam, or Orange Counties that are taking direct ecological restoration actions in their localities. Grants will range from $1000-$100,000. They are looking for creative ideas to restore our local ecosystems, energetic organizations with great ideas and well-formed plans, and projects with results that people can see within a year’s time. Applicant organizations and their projects must be located in Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam, or Ulster Counties, and be one of the following: a municipal or county-level government in NY, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization (Projects with the support of a fiscal sponsor are also eligible), a youth-led club or organization affiliated with a public or independent school or college, or a public library.
NOAA: Coastal Habitat Restoration and Resilience Grants for Underserved Communities due October 5
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Up to $10 million in funding is available for habitat restoration and resilience awards for underserved communities through NOAA’s FY2022 Coastal Habitat Restoration and Resilience Grants for Underserved Communities Notice of Funding Opportunity. Through this funding, NOAA will engage underserved communities in habitat restoration activities that promote resilient ecosystems and communities. It will provide capacity for these communities to more fully participate in developing future transformational habitat projects. This engagement is intended to ensure that communities are integral to the visioning and decision-making for coastal habitat restoration projects affecting their communities, and that the benefits of such projects flow back to underserved communities.
NYS DEC: Regenerate New York Forestry Cost Share Grant Program applications due October 7
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The purpose of this grant program is to support the regeneration of forests so they may continue to deliver vital services such as mitigating climate change, protecting air and water quality, and supporting the economy. Young forests in New York face many challenges today that did not exist a century ago, the most significant being wide-spread damage caused by increased white-tailed deer populations and competition from invasive vegetation. Active management of the land is essential to ensure the survival of young trees and allow forests to become established or renew themselves, but this can be an overwhelming and expensive task. Through Regenerate NY, landowners can apply for financial assistance for projects on their land that support the establishment and renewal of healthy forests. This is a cost share reimbursement program, so all costs must be incurred by the landowner or fiscal sponsor before they can be reimbursed.
New York State Departments of Environmental Conservation and Health: Applications for Free Technical Assistance for Municipalities on Drinking Water Source Protection Program (DWSP2) (rolling)
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The Drinking Water Source Protection Program (DWSP2) is a state-run program created to assist municipalities with proactively protecting their drinking water sources. The goal is to help municipalities develop and implement their own unique drinking water source protection plan for the source(s) of their drinking water. In order to do so, the State is looking for communities to work with a technical assistance provider (TA provider), free of charge, to develop a DWSP2 Plan for their source of drinking water. TA providers will work with the community every step of the way, using the DWSP2 Framework, to develop a community specific DWSP2 Plan. As a result of this program, participating municipalities can use their newly developed DWSP2 plan to start implementing protection measures.
NYS DEC: Climate Smart Communities Coordinators Technical Assistance
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Climate Smart Communities Coordinators are available to provide free support services to municipalities across the state as part of the Climate Smart Communities program. Coordinators will assist and support local governments in taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change through outreach, planning, education, and capacity building. Coordinators will also engage communities in participatory climate future scenario planning, developing climate change adaptation and resilience plans, and convening climate and transportation listening sessions to inform sustainable and low-carbon transportation policies. Capital District Regional Planning Commission will lead the multi-region Climate Smart Communities Coordinators teams for the eastern territory (Mid-Hudson, Capital Region, Mohawk Valley, and North Country). Program partners include the Adirondack North Country Association, the Hudson Valley Regional Council, Mohawk Valley EDGE, Planning4Places, Inc, and Climate Action Associates.
Capital District Transportation Committee & Capital District Regional Planning Commission: Community Planning Technical Assistance Program
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CDTC and the Capital District Regional Planning Commission (CDRPC) are seeking applications for the 2022 Community Planning Technical Assistance Program. The program offers CDTC and CDRPC staff time and expertise to local governments undertaking small scale community planning initiatives. Municipalities or municipally convened groups (i.e. appointed committees, planning boards, etc.) within the designated planning area of the CDTC, the four counties of Albany, Rensselaer, Schenectady and Saratoga (except the Village of South Glens Falls and the Town of Moreau) are eligible to apply. If your community is interested in applying, you must contact CDRPC and CDTC to discuss your request. A cash or in-kind match contribution of not less than 25% of the actual project cost is required. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis through December 2022.