Hello Implementation and Scalability SIG member!
We have an exciting joint webinar to announce with the E & M Health SIG!
From tiny trials to at-scale implementation of e-&mHealth technology: steps taken, lessons learned, behaviours changed
Dr Corneel Vandelanotte, Research Professor, CQUniversity,
Alison Brown, Accredited Practising Dietitian and PhD Candidate at the University of Newcastle (School of Medicine and Public Health) and Hunter New England Population Health

Dr. Mavra Ahmed, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto
Dr. Taren M Swindle, Assistant Professor, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
SIG Chair
Andre Matthias Muller, National University of Singapore

Multiple factors combine to support a compelling case for interventions that target obesity-promoting behaviours (poor diet, low physical activity and high sedentary behaviour). Digital technologies are being harnessed to support public-health interventions worldwide and have gained momentum even more so during the COVID-19 pandemic. This timely webinar showcases the scale-up and implementation of novel technological interventions to target multiple factors (e.g., physical activity/nutrition) as implications of behaviour change to subsequently impact the risk of chronic diseases. Introducing this session, Andre Müller, PhD, will present the concept behind scale-up, using an example of the population-level intervention, the National Steps Challenge. Our two speakers include Corneel Vandalenotte, Research Professor, who will speak to the scale-up of the e-&mHealth intervention of the 10,000 Steps program to increase physical activity at the community level and, Alison Brown, PhD Candidate, who will present on scalable interventions to improve the nutritional quality of foods in children’s lunchboxes.
Taren Swindle (SIG Chair)
Nicole Nathan (SIG Co-Chair)
Femke van Nassau (SIG Past Chair, Founding Chair)
Jo Chau (SIG Officer)
Erin Hennessy (SIG Officer)
Jannah Jones (SIG Officer)
Mary Kennedy (SIG Student Officer)
Harriet Koorts (SIG Officer)
Matthew ‘Tepi’ Mclaughlin (SIG Student Officer)
Lisa Moran (SIG Officer)
Elaine Murtagh (SIG Officer)
PJ Naylor (SIG Officer)
Thomas Skovgaard (SIG Officer)
Luke Wolfenden (SIG Officer)

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