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Fall 2021

Cary Library Youth Services

Your Foundation Supports Ingenious Programming!

When the library’s doors closed in March 2020, the Cary Youth Services staff had to find new ways to deliver their high-quality programs to their youngest users. Your donations to the Cary Library Foundation provided them with invaluable support.

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This spring, when students were spending school days on a computer, parents asked for screen-time free kids activities. In response, library staff created “grab and go” kits - from science and math projects to hands-on “Take and Make” craft kits. “Grab and go” was an immediate hit; the library staff provided up to 75 kits every other week to our community's families.

“Take and Make” kits focus on process, not product. The contents of each kit provided encourage children to explore their own unique creativity. Science and math kits inspire children to ask questions about their world. As soon as the library staff could assemble "grab and go" kits, they flew out the door, benefiting our community and children.

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Cary Library also responded to the pandemic with an online version of the popular Kids Cooking Green classes. Supported by Foundation donations, Kids Cooking Green and Cary Library partnered to provide families with cooking kits that include the instructions, utensils and ingredients for an extraordinary recipe!

We are so excited to share our first newsletter with you! Your donations to the Foundation allow Cary Library to invest in new technologies, add more digital and hard-copy books and other materials to its collections, and provide hundreds of innovative programs for all ages. These services keep our community engaged, inspired and connected. Thank you for making these priorities possible!


Innessa Manning, President

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Thank You!

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