Breaking News!
Congratulations to Our
2021 Grant Finalists
Impact 100 Jersey Coast members gathered on October 12 at the rooftop deck at Bell Works
in Holmdel for the 2021 Grant Finalist Reveal!


We are delighted to announce the names of our 2021 Impact 100 Jersey Coast Finalists and to thank all our Focus Area Committee (FAC) members who worked together tirelessly throughout the year with such passion and determination.

As always, we were so inspired by this year’s applicants - what an incredible group of organizations! After much debate and discussion, including an in-depth review of financials and site visits for the strongest candidates, each FAC had the difficult decision of choosing a finalist.

It is hard to put into words how much effort and thought has gone into this decision, and we are truly grateful to our FAC members for their dedication and stewardship.
"I am still smiling from last night's event. I thought it was fantastic. The setting (and weather) couldn't have been better and there was great energy all around. I loved how we could properly thank the women who spent so much time reviewing the grants.
The night was a HUGE WIN all around!"
- Deirdre Spiropoulos, Co-Founder, Impact 100 JC
Click play below to watch our 2021 Grant Finalists being announced!
Next month, we will enter the next exciting stage in our grant process when our members will gather virtually for the Impact 100 Annual Meeting on November 17. They will hear a compelling short presentation from each finalist as they describe their proposed use of our funds--and cast their vote for our 2021 grant recipients.

So look out for our grant recipient announcement next month!

At Impact 100 Jersey Coast, our impact extends well beyond the grants as we connect philanthropic women to many worthy causes with the aim that they can actively support them and get involved.

The projects submitted by this year’s applicants were, as always, an inspiration!

Inspired to help?
Every nonprofit that received a site visit from Impact 100 this year has undergone a vigorous vetting process so you know that your donation is going to a worthy cause. Please take a look at their Wish Lists and consider volunteering or giving a donation in lieu of a traditional gift this holiday season.

Thank you for your support!

You are invited to join our collective for the Class of 2022!

We will be hosting both virtual and in-person events over the next few months where you can learn more about our giving circle, how our grant model works, and the impact of our transformational grants on the local community.