April 7, 2022
Grandfamilies Alert
Hello Friends of Grandfamilies,

Below you will find some recent updates and resources from the field. If you know anyone who may be interested in receiving these alerts, please forward this to them and/or encourage them to sign up here.
Top News
Just relaunched! Check out the newly updated website.
Check out Generations United’s Summary of the Intergenerational Provisions in the President’s Budget. On Monday, March 28, President Biden released his $5.8 trillion fiscal year 2023 (FY23) budget proposal. While the proposal is simply a request to Congress, which ultimately determines the budget, it is seen as a snapshot of the president’s priorities and where the administration wants to direct its energy.
Keeping the Spark of Activism Alive: An Intergenerational Conversation on Racial Justice Save the date and join Generations United for an intergenerational dialogue on civil rights and racial equity facilitated by author and journalist Juan Williams and featuring speakers from Stories of Atlantic City. This virtual event is free and open to the public and will take place on Thursday, April 28th at 3 p.m. ET. Register today!
Digital Dialogues – Addressing the Systemic Inequities that Stand in the Way of Children’s Well-Being April 19 at 2 PM ET – Poverty, race, culture, or zip code should not predetermine a child’s school and life success. This digital dialogue will explore the historical roots and current practices and policies that may lead to racial disparities (e.g., conflation of effects of poverty and neglect/abuse) within early childhood and child welfare. Participants will explore how policies and practices to dismantle racism in early childhood education can serve as a pathway for addressing racial disproportionality in child welfare and ensure child wellbeing. Attendees will be pushed to self-reflect and be provided with tools and resources to incorporate a racial equity lens in their work with children, families, and communities to dismantle racism and other systemic barriers and ensure equitable opportunities.
Training Opportunity with Social Security Administration
The Social Security Administration has a new opportunity for third party organizations to participate in a training to help people start and/or complete applications. Generations United is working with SSA to set up a training. If you are interested in attending, please email Diane Roznowski at
Get Help Paying for Low-Cost, High-Speed Internet. The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a government program that replaces the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBB Program) to help low-income households pay for internet service and connected devices.
Caregiver Corner
Are you a grandparent raising your grandchild? We need your input! We are researchers from the department of Human Development and Family Studies at Colorado State University and we are looking for grandparents raising grandchildren to complete a survey about their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.

You can complete the survey if you are an adult who has at least one grandchild under the age of 18 years-old. The survey will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.

Your input will help us understand grandfamilies’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and how the pandemic has impacted your overall health and wellness, your grandchild(ren)’s development, and what services and programs would be useful to you. 

To complete the survey online, go to this link to get started: Grandparent Caregivers Survey | Qualtrics Survey Solutions 

Share Your Perspective
Family Voices United Opportunity to Share Your Perspective

Each month, Family Voices United presents an opportunity to Share Your Perspective (SYP). These stories are gathered and published in a SYP Paper, which can be a great way to engage and advocate at the local, national and state level. Share your perspective on this month’s question here.
Thanks for reading this newsletter. If you have anything you would like included in future newsletters please send them to Diane Roznowski at We’d love to hear your thoughts on this newsletter, feel free to reply with any feedback or comments.

The Grandfamilies Team