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N E W R E L E A S E!

If you're in the Columbus, OH area, please join the author for a book discussion

at the Bexley Public Library

(main auditorium),

2411 E. Main Street, Bexley, OH

7 p.m., Thursday, September 5, 2024

for a discussion of "The Matter of Honor."

Books will be available for sale after the presentation and at Gramercy Books.

Millie Rivers, mother of a woman wrongly arrested, asks attorney Alan Gold simply to find out how her daughter died while in jail awaiting trial. Although he has avoided stress his entire life, he only agrees to report back to her after a brief investigation and close his file. Slowly, lies and emotions draw him into the battle of his life, a case in 1979 that tears Columbus, Ohio, apart. We meet the old white establishment defending the mayor, who is running for reelection, and greet emerging black forces demanding a stake in government.

Gold is middle-aged and ill-equipped to carry the cause further, while the mayor has nearly all the levers of power at his disposal. His intriguing journey takes us from marble halls to prison cells, smokey bars, and finally to a common pleas courtroom where a jury of eight grapples with intractable issues dividing the city as they deliberate a lawsuit based on newly created laws. A legal thriller exposing the dynamism of truth facing power.

  Order your copy today

Available in Paperback, Hardcover, and e-book formats

About the Author

Before he was an artist and writer, A.S. White practiced law. He received scholarships to undergraduate (BA Economics, The Ohio State University) and law school (JD American University). Before he practiced law full-time, he was a parole officer with the Ohio Adult Parole Authority.

During his 51-year law career, he was Chief of Legal Services Ohio Department of Urban Affairs and Ohio Department of Development and City Attorney for the City of Gahanna, Ohio.

His experience in journalism includes editor of a teen page in a local newspaper and editor of his law school paper. He has interviewed legal luminaries, including a U.S. Supreme Court justice, and has moderated published discussions.

Arnie is working on his second book, a dystopian novel. A short piece of his was published in the Jonestown Review (San Diego State University) and another in the law school paper, the Arizona Advocate. His art has been exhibited and can be viewed in homes in Columbus, Pittsburgh, San Rafael, and Nantucket.

He was twice a candidate for office (Franklin County Commissioner and Judge, Franklin County Court of Appeals). Diagnosed with multiple myeloma during his second campaign, he received a successful donor-based bone marrow transplant in 1990, making him one of the longest-surviving transplant

recipients suffering from that form of cancer.

Arnie is also a member of the Harmony Project, a 550-member choir that requires all singers to donate hours to community service. He has been married to Susan since 1971. They live in Columbus and have four children and six grandchildren.


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