President’s Message
July 2022
IFHE-US Newsletter
Happy Summer!
In eight weeks, we will be at the IFHE World Congress in Atlanta! It is really going to happen. Thank you, Bev Card and Janine Duncan, IFHE/IFHE-US Congress Co-Chairs. They have done a tremendous job in meeting all the challenges this Congress has presented during a pandemic. We cannot appreciate them enough for all their time and effort to make this event possible. We are looking forward to a wonderful educational experience and the time to network with international colleagues. We hope to see many of you there. More information about the Congress is in this newsletter. Final registration (both in person and virtual) and hotel reservation deadlines are August 10. Bev and Janine are looking for volunteers to help at the Congress, September 6 – 10. Be looking for their communication about signing up to help.
If you were not able to participate in this year’s IFHE-US Sharon McManus Cultural Event, you missed a great evening. Mary Kaye Merwin, Director of the IFHE Development Fund, organized an excellent program on the Disaster Assistance Partnership (DAP) Guyana Project with contributions by Audrey
Jones-Drayton, Member Representative of the Region of Americas, and Juanita Mendenhall, IFHE DAP Chair. Audrey prepared a PowerPoint presentation about the Aishalton Secondary School in Aishalton, Guyana which is the current focus of the DAP efforts. She also shared videos of the region and the country so that we had a good overview of the conditions in which the school is preparing students for
good life skills and careers. Juanita shared the purpose and work of DAP. Thank you to Mary Kaye, Audrey and Juanita for their time and effort to make the successful evening happen.
IFHE-US held its Annual Business Meeting on June 25 at the AAFCS Annual Conference. At the meeting, we approved the 2023 Budget and the list of official voting delegates to the 2022 IFHE Council Meeting. If you would like more information about the meeting, the meeting minutes will be available soon after the reviewers approve them.
After the Congress, the new IFHE-US Board will begin its work. Many thanks to Roxie Godfrey, President and Past President, for all her contributions during her term of office. We thank Rachel Schichtl for serving as our Director of Communications. She has done a great job with our newsletters and social media efforts. She will be transitioning to her new role as President-Elect. We welcome Lori Myers as the new Director of Communications. We look forward to working both in these positions. The rest of the officers will remain in their roles for the 2022-2024 term. I know they will continue their excellent work in serving our organization.
We have a few exciting months ahead. We hope you will join us in person in Atlanta or virtually as we celebrate the important work of family and consumer sciences/home economics around the world in September!
Sue Buck
President, IFHE-US