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Quarterly News


Greetings ETED Members,

As I prepare for the new school year, I have come to realize we spend most of our lives searching for the perfect destination and sometimes never find it. Which leads me to believe that our lives are more about the journey and our experiences along the way. As we embark on a new school year let us not worry about the beginning or the end, but instead enjoy each day along the trek!

The Engineering and Technology Education Division (ETED) would like to recognize the efforts of members across the country who are making a difference and impacting students’ lives. No one has been nominated for our division awards. To recognize member achievements, the awards deadline has been extended to Sept. 30. Please take some time to nominate a worthy colleague as I know great instruction and partnerships have been delivered this past year.  

Please read below for additional opportunities available through your ACTE membership. 

ETED members should also know there is always a place available for those who are interested in becoming more involved with division activities. Serving at the national level is important for improving high-quality CTE programs on a larger scale impacting student success across the nation. Our work is worthy and it is important. Please contact me at to find out more information about opportunities to serve and lead within the division. 

In closing, remember we are running a marathon and not a sprint. Make self-care a priority as a first step in caring for your students. Please make time to stop and smell the roses. I look forward to connecting with you at Vision22, whether in person or online.

Richelle Downey

VP, ACTE Engineering and Technology Education Division


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Esports Area of Interest Announcements

Please see our latest eTED Area of Interest: Academic Esports

This area of interest is hosting several upcoming webinars and registration is free.

If you need additional information, you may contact Jill Ranucci, Ph.D. at

View schedule

Aspire for More!

Our students are the future! Encourage any high school-aged female student to apply for the Aspirations Award: Sept. 1–Oct. 20. #NCWITAiC23

Apply here

Bridging the College and Career Readiness Gap through Blended Learning


ACTE corporate partner, EVERFI, provides educators with no cost, ready-made digital lessons to bring to life the critical skills students need for personal and educational success. Created by content experts and paid for by leading organizations passionate about education, all 100+ standards-aligned lessons help students understand the world around them through relevant scenarios, responsible decision-making activities, and opportunities to explore the ins-and-outs of possible careers.


Whether you're teaching financial literacy, entrepreneurship, or workforce preparedness skills, EVERFI's standard-aligned resources help students plan for and practice achieving their professional and personal goals.


Join the 60,000+ teachers who used EVERFI this past school year! Register at


Professional Development Opportunities & Events

Join us in Las Vegas — Advance deadline ends Oct. 14! 


ACTE’s CareerTech VISION, happening Nov. 30–Dec. 3 at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, brings together thousands of secondary and postsecondary career and technical educators, business leaders and industry professionals. Attendees enjoy featured keynote speakers and leaders on our mainstage, hundreds of educational sessions and networking events in a variety of formats and a massive CareerTech Expo. We are excited to offer a full in-person event with a robust virtual component for remote attendance!

Learn more

Introducing ACTE’s New Work-Based Learning Division

The new Work-based Learning Division provides ACTE members with valuable resources and opportunities for professional development, leadership and networking as we help students build awareness of potential careers, explore career opportunities and prepare for their future. This new Division includes a diverse group of professionals including work-based learning and apprenticeship coordinators, K–12 and postsecondary educators, business and community partners, program administrators, and state workforce representatives. ACTE members have the opportunity to choose from among 11 Divisions in ACTE and join a community of professionals with shared CTE interests.

Learn more and join

Inclusion, Access, Equity & Diversity in CTE

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2022 Cohort of IAED Mentors & Mentees

ACTE is excited to announce this year’s class of mentors and mentees for the 2022 Inclusion, Access, Equity and Diversity (IAED) Mentorship Program, sponsored by IMAGO, which provides yearlong leadership development to ACTE members interested in IAED issues in CTE.

Meet the 2022 class

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