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What’s Your “Tude” Dude?

When our granddaughter Lily was about four she had a favorite word that ended most of her sentences, it was the word “Dude.” At Thanksgiving a few years ago she asked for ketchup for her turkey (I about passed out), she noticed my horrified look and stated, “It’s chicken dude.” So I gave her the ketchup --- my brothers Doug and Dirk, who love ketchup on everything, would have been proud!!!

As I was working on my article this month this idea came up to use “dude,” in the title. I hope you’ll enjoy what I’ve come up with. I think you’ll agree these “tudes” are good antidotes for healthy, happy “Dude” living!

These six “Tudes” have the capacity to transform and empower our lives:

1. Gratitude – Begin each day with thankfulness and gratitude. A great way to begin is to start a gratitude journal. Each day write down three things for which you are grateful. Start saying “I am thankful for…” When what we have becomes enough, we will have more!

2. Attitude – Your attitude is like a price tag; it shows how valuable you are! It is a small thing that makes a huge difference and the cool this is, you get to choose your attitude. My grandma Hayes used to always say, “Watch your thoughts because they will become your actions.” I think we can all agree that actions often become your habits. Choose to have a positive attitude – always!

3. Solitude – It’s a good thing to be comfortable with your own solitude. There is a difference between loneliness and solitude, one will empty you and one will fill you up – you get to decide. It’s in solitude that you can turn inward and discover the answers you seek. There are a number of ways to take a look inside and connect with your soul, your purpose and with Creator. Include in your daily routine a time to just be, alone with your thoughts in prayer, meditation, journaling, walking, singing, or daily contemplation. Find something that works for you and commit to doing that thing on a regular basis.

4. Aptitude – This refers to your natural skills and your innate ability to do something well. I call them your gifts! You have a purpose and you’re here to do something special with your life. Think about what you enjoy that you’re also good at doing and you’ll discover your gifts. Use those gifts to help and serve others and you will never work a day of your life.

5. Fortitude –Patience and fortitude conquer all things. When you are faced with a difficult or painful situation it’s fortitude that gives you the will to move forward and begin anew. It is the inner strength you need to stand up and say, “I will rise for another day, I will move forward with courage and determination because I am worth it and my life is worth it.”  

6. Magnitude – My good friend, (and news anchor for Channel 5 in Phoenix), Catherine Anaya has often said, “It’s not the title on your business card that’s important but what t you do with that job title.” You should aim for a life of significance. You cannot truly live a fulfilled life until you understand the magnitude of your ability to change the world through your thoughts and actions. In every moment of every day, you matter, and you choose how you impact the world. You can leave a legacy of love, of kindness by the magnitude of your choices! #KindnessMatters

I love writing these articles because I always learn something for myself as I write. I hope that this coming month, February the month of love…will find you full of love, joy, and fulfillment.

Love from Arizona, Jeff and Katreena  😊

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