Newsletter, August 2024

Summer Research Event Showcases REU Student Work

The 2023-2024 cohort of our National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates program site presented their capstone research projects at the Summer Platform for Undergraduate Research symposium in August. Congratulations to Raven Bacchas for her award winning poster on "Primary Motivators in Child Development Research: Perspectives of Diverse, Low-SES Caregivers." Thank you to REU research mentors Drs. Margaret Owen, Jingyi Xu, Candice Mills, Alva Tang, and Pumpki Lei Su for their support and guidance. Read more about the symposium...

Babies' Speech Development More Robust Than Previously Thought

The sounds babies make in their first year of life may be less random and more self-driven than previously believed, according to new research by CCF faculty member Dr. Pumpki Lei Su. Dr. Su, an assistant professor of speech, language, and hearing, is co-lead author on two recent articles in which researchers examined the sounds babies make. The results suggest that children in their first year are more active than previously thought in their acquisition of speech. Read more...

New Dean for School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences

Dr. Adam J. Woods, a leader in neuromodulation who is focused on finding noninvasive methods for remediating age-related decline in thinking and memory, has joined The University of Texas at Dallas as dean of the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences (BBS). “UT Dallas’ meteoric rise is a big part of what got me excited about this opportunity,” he said. “Strategic development and growth, hiring spectacular faculty, having great staff and attracting incredible students — UT Dallas is realizing its potential, and there’s still room for continued growth and refinement.” Read more...

Meet the New REUs!

Our next cohort of students in our National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates program site have begun their year-long experience with us. We look forward to introducing all 11 of them over the next few months!

Isadora Mello da Costa

"Hello everyone! I'm very excited for this opportunity. I'm mainly looking forward to learning more about research and to be able to interact with the community in such a productive way!"

Christine Figiel-Nadir

"What I’m most excited for about this experience is being able to give back to the community in a sense since I’ve been in a place of struggle myself before."

Princesse Muteba

"I look forward to making connections with the families I get to work with, my preceptors, and the students in my cohort!"

From the Director

The new semester is here and we are excited to welcome new students, new faculty, and our new dean. Alongside this newness, we've also added a new Instagram site, and would love to have you follow us. There, we will share stories about the work we are doing in the community and how students are involved. Our researchers will also share their work, as well as common misconceptions and findings in child development that are interesting, surprising, and important for parents. Our new website and new 5-year strategic plan is forthcoming in the next month or two. My goal for CCF is to bolster and expand our existing programs and impacts, merging the old with the new. I'm excited to dive into this work this Fall and look forward to showing you the results!

-Mandy Maguire, PhD, Fellow, Robinson Family Professor, Director, Center for Children and Families, School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences

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