Issue 2022-12




Sunday, November 27 @ 11 am

First Sunday of Advent

Sermon - "Take You Bed and Walk" | Scripture - John 5:1-11

Rev. Brandon Davis, Pastor

both in-person and on YouTube or Facebook

WAPC Channel -

The Session approved at its April meeting that masks are now optional during worship.

We will continue to monitor the number of cases locally.

There will be a Called Congregational Meeting on Sunday, December 4th following Morning Worship to hear the report of the Nominating Committee.



Last week was the end of the Christian calendar. We as Christians begin our year with the season of Advent. Advent comes from the Latin word adventus meaning coming. In this time, there is a quick change from Thanksgiving into the preparation of the coming Messiah. Therefore, we wait. This is very different than our modern tradition during the holiday seasons. We are so eager to get all the presents purchased and wrapped. Yet, in this advent season, I want to invite each of us to slow down. To wait and to listen. So that we may hear and believe that the Word that moved into our neighborhood is not done speaking. 

Yours in Christ,



We will be sponsoring the Mitten Tree again this year for our annual contribution to Good Samaritan. It will be placed in the side entry beginning on Sunday, November 27th for convenience and so everyone can enjoy seeing the new items being added week by week. The deadline for giving will be Sunday, December 18th. That's not a lot of time, but we know that you will be generous. Everyone is welcome to bring your items and place on the tree. We are looking for scarves, hats, socks, and, of course, gloves and MITTENS. As you can see our tree is just beginning to shine ... let's fill it up !!!


Thanks to everyone who contributed by bringing in food for our Good Sam families. Thanksgiving baskets were taken to our three families this past Sunday afternoon following worship. They were all delighted and overjoyed to receive our gift of food. We will continue to collect canned goods and non-perishables for these families until December 18. The basket is in the side entry for your convenience.


Our next scheduled walk is for Wednesday, December 7th at 11 am at Founder's Park in downtown Johnson City.  Christmas decorations are already lining the path.  The group will have lunch at White Duck Taco or One Acre Café following the walk.


There are still several plants in the Heritage Room that need to be adopted. Sally Gerhardt is graciously giving away some of her plants as she prepares to move. We know that you will give them a good home.


We have a Potluck lunch following Morning Worship THIS Sunday, November 27th.  We look forward to more tasty treats and delights.

The Lunch Bunch is scheduled for:

December 4 @ Freiberg's (208 E Main St, JC)

December 11 @ Aubrey's (3029 Hamilton Place)

December 18 - The Fellowship Team is hosting and preparing a special Christmas lunch following Morning Worship. Please let the church office know if you will be attending no later than Sunday, December 11th or sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board.

December 25 - Christmas Day  


We are beginning to take requests for poinsettia for this Advent Season. Poinsettias purchased will be placed in the Sanctuary on Sunday December 18th until December 25th. A separate email will be sent out early next week with the order form. We have pricing from Anna Marie's Florists for this season: single plant pots - $30. If interested, they will also have double plant pots - $50; and triple plant pots - $65.


With holiday shopping season in full force, there are alternative resources for giving, not only for friends and family, but also to those who are in need worldwide. The following are just a few of those you may want to consider. Just as a friendly reminder, November 29th is "GIVING TUESDAY." So give generously.

The Presbyterian Giving Catalog (Small Gifts, Big Impact) -

Heifer International Gift Catalog: Holiday Giving Guide -


Gifts of Joy from Save the Children


World Vision Gift Catalog -


Church World Service Best Gift -

HIGHLIGHTS FOR THE MONTH (noted when online)

Thursday, November 24 - Thanksgiving Day

Church Office Closed

Sunday, November 27 - First Sunday of Advent

10 am Adult Library Sunday School Class (in Poteat Library)

11 am Morning Worship, Rev. Brandon Davis, Pastor (in-person YouTube / Facebook)

12:15 pm Monthly Fellowship Potluck Lunch (Christmas theme)

Tuesday, November 29

10 am PW Fifth Tuesday workday

Wednesday, November 30

4 pm Meditation Circle (via Zoom)

6 pm Chancel Choir rehearsal

Thursday, December 1

10 am PW Circle at the home of Linda Brashear

Sunday, December 4 - Second Sunday of Advent

10 am Adult Library Sunday School Class (in Poteat Library)

11 am Morning Worship, Rev. Brandon Davis, Pastor (in-person YouTube / Facebook)

12 noon Congregational Meeting - Report from the Nominating Committee

12:30 pm Lunch Bunch @ Freiberg's (208 East Main Street, JC)

Tuesday, December 6

9 am Holston Presbytery Meeting @ Hopewell PC, Dandridge TN

Wednesday, December 7

4 pm Meditation Circle (via Zoom)

6 pm Chancel Choir rehearsal

Sunday, December 11 - Third Sunday of Advent

10 am Adult Library Sunday School Class (in Poteat Library)

11 am Morning Worship, Rev. Brandon Davis, Pastor (in-person YouTube / Facebook)

12:30 pm Lunch Bunch @ Aubrey's (3029 Hamilton Place, JC)

Tuesday, December 13

7 pm Session Meeting

Wednesday, December 14

4 pm Meditation Circle (via Zoom)

6 pm Chancel Choir rehearsal

Sunday, December 18 - Fourth Sunday of Advent

10 am Adult Library Sunday School Class (in Poteat Library)

11 am Morning Worship, Rev. Brandon Davis, Pastor (in-person YouTube / Facebook)

12:15 pm Christmas Fellowship Lunch (prepared by the Fellowship Team (see sign-up sheet)

Wednesday, December 21

4 pm Meditation Circle (via Zoom)

6 pm Chancel Choir rehearsal

Saturday, December 24 - Christmas Eve

6 pm Christmas Eve Candlellight Service

Sunday, December 25 - Christmas Day

11 am Morning Worship, Rev. Brandon Davis, Pastor (in-person YouTube / Facebook)

Wednesday, December 28

4 pm Meditation Circle (via Zoom)

NO Chancel Choir rehearsal

Visit our calendar

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.. ~ Isaiah 9:2


November Elder of the Month - Sherry Bailey

Next Session meeting - Tuesday, December 13 @ 7 pm


2022 Annual Budget - $ 155,900 (revised)

Budget through November 22nd, Week #47 ($ 140,909)

Receipts $ 127,490.39

Disbursements - $ 129,786.12

Balance $ (- 2,295.73)

Thanks to everyone for your continued support the church with your tithes and offerings during this extraordinary time. Please make sure your pledges and giving is up to date. You are encouraged to mail your pledge to us or to drop it by the church office during regular business hours. Thanks.

We are still receiving the 5 Cents per Meal offering that is usually taken on Communion Sundays. If you would like to make a contribution to this offering please do so and designate it on your checks.


Holston Presbytery meetings 2022 / 2023

All meetings begin at 9 am.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022 @ Hopewell, Dandridge

Saturday, February 4, 2023 @ TBD

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 @ Holston Presbytery Camp

Saturday, August 5, 2023 @ First Presbyterian, Morristown

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 @ TBD

Rev. Diana Moore, Transitional Stated Clerk

Rev. Karen Russell, Transitional Executive Presbyter

Stephanie Ratcliffe, Transitional Treasurer/ Financial Manager



December 7 - David Ramquist

December 15 - Carl Krell

December 25 - Nancy Spahr

December 29 - Karen Clark

December 30 - Pat Mooney


December 4 - Hugh & Lynn Broome

December 18 - Tommy & Anne Causey

December 20 - Dick & Theresa Lura

December 27 - Lanny & Linda Brashear

The Chancel flowers were given in loving memory of

 Cordia Clemons Booth

20 November 1915 – 22 September 1992)

on the 107th anniversary of her birth, by her grandson, Craig Campbell.


Request Chancel Flowers


For Friends

Don Loughry; Rev. Maggie Lauterer; Delaney Estes, friend of Matthew & Karen Clark; Stephen Patrick's cousin, Linda Strock, diagnosed with stage4 inoperable esophageal cancer (squamous cell); Matthew Clark's friend, David F Smith; Sally Gerhardt's son, Fritz, is beginning his second round of chemo for multiple myeloma; Eddie & Pauline Everhart, neighbors of the Danks; Nathan Songer; Sue Sheffield's nephews, Jeremiah Collins and Tanner Frye; Sue Shank's friends, Judy Klein, Mary Murphy and Rev. Dodie Rossell; Sarah Suptin; church neighbor, Dorothy Harvey; Kelly Hodges.

Special Prayers for Clinical and Medical Health Care Workers

The continued COVID pandemic concerns with cases still on the rise with the delta, lambda and mu variant strains, along with the new omicron virus with the highest number of overall cases in the United States, India and Brazil; a new strain BA2.12.1 subtype COVID cases are now on the rise in numerous European countries. And persons now affected by the rise in new active cases of the infectious disease, monkeypox.

Prayers for Others

Special prayers for the people of the Ukraine in light of the military invasion by Russia and the ongoing humanitarian crisis there; for our military members who serve our country here and abroad, as well continued prayers for our fragile planet during this time of extreme weather conditions, and for those who have suffered loss from recent disasters, including a 5.6 earthquake in Western Java, Indonesia and a massive snowstorm in Western New York. Ongoing disasters include flooding in New South Wales, Australia; the prolonged water crisis in Jackson, Mississippi; the aftermath of various hurricanes across the Caribbean islands, Central America and Florida; the Horn of Africa hunger / food crisis; as well as new disasters now unfolding. And especially prayers for our nation and for strength, endurance, faith and courage for all.




Submit Prayer Requests
A Blast from the Past

Who remember this Advent scene?

FRIENDSGIVING at the Campus Ministry (UKirk ETSU)

A modified Thanksgiving (Friendsgiving) worship service with meal was held on Monday, Nov. 21st at the Campus House before many of the students left for the holidays. The meal consisted of a variety of pies from Main Street Pizza Co., Klondike bars, and assorted Hawaiian/topical drinks (all sponsored by WAPC). There was a large turnout of at least 20 people and possibly more due to late arrivals. Although there were 4-5 upperclassmen, the majority were incoming freshmen and included the grandchild of one of our own. This is a tribute to the tireless efforts of Director John Golden in welcoming and recruiting these new students. WAPC was well represented by David Hughes, Brandon Davis, the Clarks, and the Miyamotos.

Afterwards, John gave a homily on some of his own experiences as a young man, and followed up by asking people to share what they were thankful for. Several students mentioned particular faculty members who were both good and caring. However, the majority expressed extreme gratitude for the group as a place to feel comfortable, joy from their friends, and compassionate care by the UKirk director. The Clarks expressed gratitude at seeing our next generation of young people and on how joyfully the students interacted.

John has placed in the UKirk website some information provided by the national UKirk organization. It lists 40 chapters that are located primarily in the midwest and southeast, with a few chapters as far west as Colorado. The organization also provides an inspirational Advent devotional with contributions from people at the different chapters.


This August Congress passed the most substantial climate legislation in our nation's history. The Inflation Reduction Act, first and foremost, sets the country on a firm course to address the climate challenge of our time. We now have a chance to deploy cleaner sources of energy, reduce pollution, lower energy bills, create good jobs, and address long-standing environmental injustices. AND we have a chance to save millions of lives and mitigate the worst climate impacts—the megafires, droughts, floods, heat waves, and hurricanes ravaging communities and leading to escalating migration.   

Although the Inflation Reduction Act is indeed a historic leap forward, it is a floor, not a ceiling. We also need Congress to refocus and recommit to addressing the injustices that plague frontline, rural, and historically ignored communities by passing the Environmental Justice for All Act and ensuring that out clean-energy future leaves no people or wildlife behind.(GSN#125)



Amazing Places on our Planet

( May 2017 | 7:18 min.)

Victoria Falls (Mosi-oa-Tunya - The Smoke That Thunders) is one of the most spectacular, awe-inspiring waterfalls on our planet. It is located on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, on Zambezi River. The mist from the waterfall can be seen from far away and sustains nearby rainforest.

Victoria Falls is considered the largest waterfall, based on its combined width (1,708 m/5,604 ft) and height (108 m/354 ft), even though it is not the highest or the widest. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


NOTE: Please remember that you are welcome to drop by the church library if you are looking for something new to read. We ask that you to sign out any books on the register sheet found on the file cabinet in the corner with the call #, book title, your name and date checked out. The white book cart inside the library has new titles. There is also an orange book cart in the Heritage Room that has books free for the taking. Come and browse.

A Gospel of Hope

By Walter Brueggemann


Beloved and respected by scholars, preachers, and laity alike, Walter Brueggemann offers penetrating insights on Scripture and prophetic diagnoses of our culture. Instead of maintaining what is safe and routine, A Gospel of Hope encourages readers to embrace the audacity required to live out one’s faith.

This must-have volume gathers Brueggemann’s wisdom on topics ranging from anxiety and abundance to partisanship and the role of faith in public life.


Congregational Concerns / Prayer Requests - Please contact the church office or Sherry Bailey.

Flower List - Sign up to sponsor flowers for our weekly worship services in honor or in memory of loved ones. Arrangements are $65 each. 

Liturgists - On Hiatus - We are always looking for new people to be liturgists. Please contact the church office, if you would like to volunteer.

e-Avenue deadline - Please submit information to church office ( or 926-7942) for the January 2023 issue of the e-AVENUE no later than December 15th.  This includes team and committee reports, news, planned events and other newsworthy items.

Facebook - Please remember to friend and follow our Watauga Avenue Presbyterian Church Facebook page [ ].  All news and events will be reported there.  

Photos needed - We welcome contributions to our Facebook page via your comments and photos of church events and activities.  Please also submit your photos to the church office for archiving. It will be wonderful to have a visual record of all of the positive things that Watauga Avenue Presbyterian Church does for our community.

Visit our website

Established 27 September 1892, Watauga Avenue Presbyterian Church is a congregation of the Church of Jesus Christ. Reformed in theology and Presbyterian by way of organization, it is related to Holston Presbytery, the Synod of Living Waters, and to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
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