Faith Academics Service

August 20, 2024 ~ Newsletter

One Community One Family

Dear Christ the King Catholic School Community,

This year we plan to incorporate a virtue program into morning and spontaneous prayer, our curriculum and classroom learning, and days together as we experience Catholic education and the lived experiences of faith.  A synopsis of the programming rests below:

Education in Virtue offers support as you learn, teach, and practice virtue. With time, you will begin to naturally incorporate the language of virtue within your daily life and grow as a disciple of Christ. Recent studies in interpersonal neurobiology and positive psychology support this way of life and show that an integrated way of life leads to the betterment of the human person. 

When you learn, live, and witness in virtue, it will overflow into every aspect of life—transforming you into the best version of yourself. Simply put, Education in Virtue is happiness simplified. 

Disciple of Christ, Education in Virtue is more than a curriculum that we will lean toward for morning prayer and incorporate in our classroom and communications; it’s a way of life that leads to happiness.  The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist and based on Saint Thomas Aquinas teachings on virtues and gifts of the Holy Spirit have inspired this program. 

Can’t wait to see you all tomorrow morning as we begin another school year in faith, knowledge, and service in Christ.  Looking forward to seeing you at our Prayer of Blessing Prayer Service in our church at 11:00 a.m. – that is awesome!

God bless you and may God continue to go before us always with His immense blessings and joy leading our days,

Mr. Joseph M. Silveira


Christ the King Catholic School


Dear Heavenly Father, our school year is about to begin. So much possibility and promise in this new beginning. Please guide the path of our students and lead our families in Your loving light. Let this school year bring our families together to see the true meaning of one community one family. Please hear the intentions in our hearts for one another.

 If you have special intentions please email Mrs. Meran here so we can include them in our next newsletter.

Important Dates

Friday, August 16 - Spirit Wear Store Closes

Wednesday, August 21 - First Day of School - Welcome back CTK! Dress Uniform, 11:00am Welcome Blessing, 12:00pm Dismissal

Thursday, August 22 - 12:00pm Dismissal

Friday, August 23 - 12:00pm Dismissal

Monday, August 26 - Kindergarten 12:00pm Dismissal, Full Day Grades 1 - 8, Start of 7:00am 8th Grade Math Class

Tuesday, August 27 - Kindergarten 12:00pm Dismissal, Full Day Grades 1 - 8

Wednesday, August 28 - CTK Spirit Wear Kindergarten 12:00pm Dismissal, Grades 1 - 8 2:15pm Dismissal

Thursday, August 29 - Picture Day, Dress Uniform, Kindergarten 12:00pm Dismissal, Full Day Grades 1 - 8

Friday, August 30 - Liturgy Grades K - 8, Dress Uniform, 12:00pm Dismissal

Monday, September 2 - Labor Day, School Holiday


CTK Uniforms

As students get ready to return from summer, we ask that families take time to review the school’s uniform policy, available here. The goal of the dress code guidelines is to help maintain focus on learning, promote equity, and avoid distractions and health or safety hazards. We truly appreciate family support in ensuring that students follow these guidelines!

2024-2025 Key Dates

The 2024-2025 school year is right around the corner! The online school calendar is updated regularly and includes many of our dates next year. Below you will find some of the key dates.

  • First Day of School: Wednesday August 21st
  • Parent Teacher Conferences: Thursday October 10th & Friday October 11th
  • Thanksgiving Break: Monday November 25th - Friday November 29th
  • Christmas Break: Friday December 20th - Friday January 3rd
  • Easter Break: Friday April 18th - Friday April 25th
  • Graduation: Wednesday June 4th
  • Last Day of School: Wednesday June 11th

Picture Day

School pictures will be taken on Thursday, August 29th. It is a Dress Uniform Day for all students. Instructions will be sent home in your family envelopes. Purchase is not required. If your child will be absent on picture day, we have a makeup day scheduled for October 1st.

We are looking for two volunteers to help with school pictures. If you are interested please email Mrs. Rubino here.

Choice Lunch

Choice lunch is back for the 2024-2025 school year! They have new menus with lots of options! Click here to learn more. Registering is easy at The first day of service will be August 26th.

If you interested in volunteering for Choice Lunch please click here to sign up.

Drop off & Pick up Reminders

Safety at drop off and pick up is of upmost importance to all of us at CTK. We cannot emphasize strongly enough how important it is to follow the guidelines we have set out. Please comply with the following no matter how tempting it might be to do otherwise:

  • Always use the upper lot to drop off and pick up students. DO NOT use the small lot, drive in front of the church or up the service road off Brandon Road for any reason.
  • Morning drop off begins at 7:50 with orange vested supervisors on the lower yard. If you are here before 7:50, you can keep them in your car or sign them into CLUB CTK. NO child should be on campus without adult supervision for any reason.
  • If your child walks or bikes to school please time their arrival as close to 7:50 or later as possible.
  • Friday Morning Choir at 7:30: Please ensure that your children have reached the front of the church safely and remain with them until school personnel arrive to open the church. Please keep in mind the safety of all students and resist the temptation to drive by church or to leave your children unattended. The few extra steps are always worth it!
  • Please drive SLOWLY and CAREFULLY in the school parking lot during morning drop off and afternoon pick up. It is always important to pay attention to the crossing guard and signals near school. Small children can be hard to see in a crowded lot, so we ask that you be aware of their safety at all times. Also, when parking please pull forward to the front spaces, if available, and park facing the gym.
  • Please leave all parking spaces along the fence empty. The area all along the fence is for carpools only. Parking in these spots prevents the flow of carpool traffic and backs up traffic onto Gregory Lane. Please park in the center of the lot.

Please click here for guidelines form our handbook. Our children are one of our greatest gifts; we appreciate your help in keeping them all safe!


As much as we all love our furry friends, per the Oakland Diocese policy we can not have dogs on campus. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for leaving your pets at home.

Please click here for the statement from the Oakland Diocese

Volunteering on Campus

We are so happy to have volunteers on campus! We want to thank everyone for giving their time to help our school year be the best that it can be. Please remember all volunteers must have the following on file in the school office prior to volunteering on campus:

  • Complete the Virtus Training, and submit the certificate
  • Submit proof of a negative TB test or TB Risk Assessment questionnaire completed and signed by licensed health care provider
  • Have a completed Volunteer Application Form on file in the office
  • Livescan Fingerprinting

If you are unsure if you are up to date, please email Mrs. Rubino here to check.


CLUB CTK is excited to welcome everyone back to school. Club will be available before and after school starting on August 21st! If you are planning to attend CLUB the first week of school either in the morning or afternoon, please email CLUB at

If you have not done so already, please turn in your completed Club registration forms. Click here for registration forms.

Health & Safety

All student medications, EPI Pens and inhalers must be checked in through the school office. If your child requires an epi-pen or inhaler and attends CLUB CTK, you will also need to supply CTK Club with those items. Please click here for our medication on file form.

Back to School Night

Back to School Night for all grades will be Thursday, September 5th beginning at 6:00pm in the Church. This is your opportunity to meet your children's teachers and hear their expectations first hand. This evening is for parents only. Please make childcare arrangements for your child.

Hot Lunch

Ice Cream Sales

We’ve got some exciting updates to the Milk & Ice Cream program this year!!

Starting in September, Milk & Ice Cream tickets will be available for purchase online through Raise Right

ONLY. Parents will be able to purchase tickets online in quantities of 10, 20 or single tickets.

When does this start?

The first Milk & Ice Cream day will be served on Wednesday, September 11th.

How will this work?

Milk & Ice Cream tickets can be purchased through the RaiseRight website. If you have not signed up for a RaiseRight account, our school Enrollment Code is: L54D412C9999. Tickets can be purchased in groups of 10, 20 or single tickets. Once purchased online, they will be delivered in the same process as other Scrip orders and can be picked up at the Front Office or delivered in the Tuesday Envelope after signing the Scrip Waiver here.

What is the deadline to order?

Orders are fulfilled on Monday mornings by 8:00am. Similar to the Scrip program, once orders are fulfilled they will be delivered through the Tuesday Family Envelope.

What if I miss the order deadline?

We want to encourage all parents to place Milk & Ice Cream orders on time. Every possible opportunity to send reminders will be taken as we all become oriented with this new process. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Demi Marquez directly

Substitute Teachers

Hello! I hope you have all had a great summer! As we get ready to start the new school year, we are working to update our database of available substitutes. We really appreciate you expressing interest in or working as a substitute in previous years, and it would be very helpful if you could fill out this Google form to give us an idea of your interest, availability and preferences for the coming school year. Also, if you know of anyone else who might be interested, please let me know! Updated job descriptions and pay rates can be found here. Thank you, and we look forward to hearing from you!


Hello CTK families!  My name is Ginny Halstead, and I am so excited to be here to teach your children music and art this year!  I look forward to building connections with you all and learning how I may best serve in this vibrant faith community.

Interested in choir?  Students in 3rd through 8th grade who are considering joining choir AND their families are invited to a very casual meet-and-greet on Thursday, August 22 from 12:10-12:30 in the Media Center.  Our first choir practice will be held in the church right after school on Wednesday, August 28.  If your child is “on the fence,” please encourage them to come to this first practice to see Mrs. H. in action and to decide if choir is a good fit this year! 

Library News

Mrs. Nuti has been busy loading the Library shelves with new books, as well as preparing various levels of summer reading prizes!  Please remind students to bring their summer reading form the first week of school.  Anytime a student completes a book during the summer is a reason to celebrate, so please have them bring in their form even if they read a small amount.  

Grades 1-3 Summer Reading100 Books

Grades 4-8 Summer Reading Bookmark

CTK Dads Poker Night

Check, bet or fold at this lively evening of poker (Stakes), good food (Steaks), spirits (Stogies & Scotch) and camaraderie.

Never played? Your friendly hosts will show you the ropes, and laugh all the way to the bank!

Bring a Texas-sized appetite to enjoy a delicious spread of food and tasty cocktails at the House of Cards.

Where: The Woods’ Home 

When: Saturday August 24th @ 5pm

How Much: $100/person

There are a few spots still available, first come first serve! Please contact Greg Woods here or Sergio Urcuyo here to register


The County Fair Festival is back and it's bigger and better than ever!

Mark your calendars for September 27th (4-10 PM) and September 28th (1-8 PM) for a weekend packed with the charm of a classic county fair.

To make this event a success, we need your help!

- Sponsorships/Corporate matching: contact Stacy York at or Nicole Polizzi at Thanks to our AMAZING Sponsors and Corporate match to date we’ve been able to build

and bring in all new games and activities. We still have time to add more – so please consider a donation!

- Stuffed animals: Gently used stuffed animals. Drop off at the school office.

- Wine: for the wine toss. Drop off at the school office.

- Local Vendor Booths: Sell your products at Festival! Booth spaces are available.

Limited edition t-shirts are only available for purchase through August 30th . Discounted wristbands, and tickets are on sale now through September 20th—avoid the lines and grab yours today!


- Contact if you want to get involved in planning CTK Festival County Fair! Family volunteer sign ups will come out in early September.

Stay Informed: For everything you need to know and for the latest updates about our entertainment line-up, food vendors, reserve a sales booth, buy t-shirts, wristbands, and tickets visit our website at


One of the best ways to meet your $250 School Fund Assessment fee is by purchasing gift cards through our RaiseRight program. Signing up is very simple to do! Visit and enter our School Enrollment Code: L54D412C9999.

Our school submits orders by 8:00am on Monday mornings and the cards are delivered the following week. If you would like your Scrip order delivered in your Tuesday Family Envelope, please click on the link here to sign the Scrip Waiver form. 

We will be reducing our local Scrip vendors, but we have a few left in office for Lunardi's and DeVino's. If you would like to purchase these specific items, please contact Demi Marquez at

Parents and family members can start shopping today to take advantage of back to school deals through several vendors on the website. Happy shopping!

CYO Basketball

Who else is looking forward to the 2024-2025 CTK CYO Basketball Season?  

If you need a refresh before season starts, join our summer skills program for 2nd-8th graders!! More info (including dates) can be found on our website!

For all 3rd-8th graders, registration for this season and coaching information can be found on our website (

Be sure to give us a follow on social media (Instagram: cyoctkph / Facebook: CYOCTK Pleasant Hill) to make sure you don't miss out!!!

Upcoming deadlines:

August 9: Summer Skills registration CLOSES.

August 15: Player registration CLOSES. Any player registered after this date will be waitlisted.

Thank you for your continued support and LET'S GOOOOOO CRUSADERS!!!

CYO Cross Country

CYO Cross Country Team
Hello runners and parents of runners in grades 2 - 8! The 2024 Christ the King/St. Catherine’s CYO Cross Country season is here. Returning runners from last season as well as all those interested in trying the sport for the first time are encouraged to come out and join us. No experience necessary.  Unlike track and field, in cross country we run longer distances and on dirt trails in parks rather than on a track.  If you think your child might like this sport please join us and have them try it out.  If they do not like it after the first week or two you can drop out and we will refund the $60/runner participation fee.
Practice Schedule: Monday - Wednesday - Friday 5:30-7:00pm 
Practice location: Hidden Lakes Park, Morello and Chilpancingo (we meet at the picnic tables between the soccer field and the baseball fields)
We will hold our first practice and take signups on Monday, August 26th. If you cannot attend on the first day, no worries, we can take signups for the next week or so.

Questions? Please call James Ford at (619) 933-5772 or via email at

Virtue of the Week


Honesty in the eyes of a child - tell the truth even if it means you will get in trouble. What I am saying is true. Not covering up mistakes, telling the truth in all situations, speak up, when someone is being treated wrongly. Be aware that God knows your heart; don't hide things form your parents of friends. Seek to live and speak the truth even when it's hard.

Parish News


Have you considered becoming Catholic but are not sure how to proceed? Possibly married to a Catholic or have children in Christ the King School – and interested in sharing their faith? Or possibly just looking to clarify your own faith journey?

Investigate our RCIA program, which facilitates your consideration of baptism or conversion. Learn more by emailing Tom Bobich at

CTK Parish Newsletter: Please click here for the August 14th Parish Newsletter

CTK Parish Prayer Line: Please email prayer requests to Rosa Grand via
Quick Links!

Parent Student Handbook: Click Here

School Supply List Grades K-8: Click Here

Club Registration Form: Click Here

Walk to School Form: Click Here

Student Medication Form: Click Here

Virtus Safe Environment TrainingClick Here to access the online training site and Click Here for instructions.

Diocese of Oakland Volunteer Application form: Click Here

TB Assessment Form: Click Here

CTK Parish Prayer Line: Please email prayer requests to Rosa Grand via