When your tasks for the day are done or are to be continued on the morrow, allow yourself time to relax and read about the unassumingly magnificent Sagebrush Sea.

Silvery sagebrush with pale yellow flowers once stretched across approximately 500,000 square miles of the American West including Nevada where it is esteemed as the state flower. Yet thought the Sagebrush Seas provides shelter or food for an estimated 350 species of plants and animals, it is shrinking.

News stories and conservation statements about the perennial flower and its predicament are not, however, simply stories of habitat loss. Rather they are engaging and beautifully poetic stories of our national landscape and compassionate hope as exemplified by the National Wildlife Federation headline quoted on the featured photograph (above) and the Nature Conservancy article lead quoted under Our Inner Landscape (below).

Time spent reading about the Sagebrush Sea can inspire deep appreciation for our American landscape including deserts called "home."

Sagebrush Sea, NWF Article
Sagebrush Sea, Nature Conservancy


Sometimes a landscape can trick you.

What looks barren can teem with life.

What feels endless can face limits.

What seems plain can be magical.

The Sagebrush Sea is not on any tourist must-see lists.

You won’t find it decorating calendars or postcards.

But this landscape has a vital job to do and an epic story to tell. 



The landscape or our daily lives, like the Sagebrush Sea, may not seem postcard worthy. Yet even our most mundane tasks can be vital to our wellbeing, that of others, or the world around us. Consider responding to one of the following prompts.

  • Recall a seemingly mundane task you performed yesterday. Write a paragraph about it using heroic descriptions that might be expected from an epic poem.
  • What, if any, wisdoms were revealed about the importance of the mundane task?
  • What epic paragraph might you begin to write that will shape your tomorrow?


The Compass is a geographic, archetypal community asset that supports the mutual thriving of humans, habitats, and economies. It envisions creating places for grounding in and with nature. These places — Compass Points — fashioned of flat rocks etched with core value words like compassion, hope, and peace, will provide opportunities for rest, reflection, and the renewal of our energies while nurturing appreciation of and attentiveness to the thriving of the natural world.


What core value word would you etch in rock on The Compass? Learn more — and submit your word — by visiting The Compass conceptual website.


THANK A PARK RANGER! Today, July 31st, is World Ranger Day -- an opportunity to pay tribute to the park and forest rangers who protect and preserve America’s wilderness land resources.

Intertwined with the dense human saga, nature has its own narrative.