We hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful start to their Fall Ball season. However, the weather outside isn’t particularly Fall-like now with summer temperatures returning in sizzling fashion!
We are monitoring the weather conditions, namely the temperatures, this week just as we did on Sunday. Even though practices begin at 6 p.m. and the temperatures will taper off as night progresses, it is still very warm outside.
The decision for conducting practices is left with each individual coach and team. Nonetheless, we encourage your ballplayers to remain hydrated throughout the day as it will improve their well-being during their outdoor practices. (And, yes, all practices must take place at OYO and should not be moved to an indoor facility at any time.)
Since 2012, OYO has followed a Safety Policy for Extreme Heat conditions for all activities scheduled at Veterans Memorial Park. And, we will continue to adhere to the policy during the this week, too. This policy is posted on the OYO website and posted in every dugout at the ballpark. And we did our best to adhere to it on all fields this past Sunday.
The Safety Policy for Extreme Heat reads as follows:
The heat index is the main determinant in appropriate outdoor activity. While it is important for athletes to stay hydrated in all circumstances, in extreme heat, it is essential that coaches, parents and league officials provide a safe environment for play.
When the heat index exceeds 95 degrees, the Advisors on Duty (AODs) will make frequent announcements (approximately every 30 minutes) to remind coaches, umpires and parents to make sure the athletes are taking breaks and taking in fluids.
When the heat index exceeds 105 degrees, it will be at the discretion of the AODs to cancel or reschedule games as they feel appropriate and safe.
We appreciate your understanding and teamwork in making OYO a positive and safe experience for all our ballplayers, coaches, fans and umpires. If you have any questions, please email the OYO Board of Directors.