As the holidays approach, the PTA would like to thank the MS104 community for staying engaged and contributing your time and attention to all the things we do together to help make our children's experience at Simon Baruch Middle School as academically inspiring as it is emotionally fulfilling.

We are so grateful for the support we've received in our campaign to raise the funds necessary to help us accomplish our objectives.

And we're almost to our Matching Funds goal!!

Please help us get there by texting "Give" to 347-574-9026

A friendly robot will walk you through the rest.

You can also donate through our PayPal Charity page.


(We don't pay fees when you use this link!)

And if you feel generous enough to set up recurring monthly donations, you can use THIS LINK.

Thank you all again.

We hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


The MS104 PTA

Contact Us:

For school related inquiries, please email

For PTA related inquiries, please email