As part of our Red Belt Blitz, Chairwoman Kelly Loeffler and the team conducted a volunteer training session in Gainesville in partnership with the Republican Women of Hall County.

Thank you to everyone who came to learn about how they can register new voters and defend our conservative values. Stay tuned for an event in your area soon!
This work is critical to defending conservative values, and it will only be possible through the hard work and support of strong, grassroots volunteers.

We need your help! — Click HERE or the button below to find out how you can join the fight for conservative values.
Finally, local elections are this November.

Get out and vote on or before Tuesday, Nov. 2, to make your voice heard in deciding the future of your city council/commission, local board of education, and more.

Check your county's board of election website for details on early voting and locations.

Click HERE to check your voter status and information.

Greater Georgia has officially launched an internship program! We are recruiting interns to assist with voter registration and engagement. This opportunity will be great to learn the ropes of political organizing, including how to get out the vote, how to engage with voters in a variety of communities, and more. Possible areas of compensation include class credit, milage reimbursement, and cash incentives based on goal-oriented progress.

If you or someone you know is interested, please contact Outreach Coordinator Terry Fye at with questions or to submit a completed application.

The full internship application can be found HERE.
Zuckerberg’s election spending was ‘carefully orchestrated’ to influence 2020 vote: ex-FEC member
Oct. 14, 2021 – New York Post
"Hans von Spakovsky, a former Federal Election Commission member, said the billionaire Facebook founder’s donations to a pair of nonprofits that doled out the cash to nearly 2,500 counties in 49 states 'violated fundamental principles of equal treatment of voters since it may have led to unequal opportunities to vote in different areas of a state...'"

"Former US Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.), who lost a January runoff to Democratic challenger Raphael Warnock, also retweeted The Post's report.

"'Zuckerberg infiltrated our elections, doling out $45M in GA alone to engineer a partisan takeover of our state's elections operations,' she wrote.

"'That's why we are seeking transparency – from the [secretary of state] and Fulton County. There must be accountability now.'"

Click HERE to read the full article.
Will Georgia voting laws reduce turnout? Maybe not, studies show
Oct. 11, 2021 – Atlanta Journal-Constitution
"...a body of research on voting rules such as those in Georgia doesn’t support the narrative that turnout will decline significantly because of [the Election Integrity Act (S.B. 202)]...

"Liberal worries that Georgia's voting law, Senate Bill 202, would suppress voters are overblown, said Stephen Lawson, a spokesman for Greater Georgia, a conservative voting group founded by former Republican U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler.

"'There are a number of factors that far outweigh the minutia of an election bill in terms of turnout,' Lawson said. 'What is the national conversation going on? What are some of the policy issues that are being discussed? Those things are going to have far more significant impact on turnout.'"

Click HERE to read the full article.
Fulton election workers accused of shredding voter registration applications
Oct. 11, 2021 – Georgia Recorder
"Two Fulton County election workers fired for allegedly shredding voter registration applications before Tuesday's start to municipal elections is the latest controversy dogging a county already under fire as the state investigates potential election mismanagement.

"Kelly Loeffler, former Georgia GOP U.S. senator, said Monday that her voter accountability organization, Greater Georgia, would try to uncover compromised voter applications using its registration records...

"'The continued incompetence and lawlessness in Fulton County cannot stand,' Greater Georgia tweeted."

Click HERE to read the full article.
AJC – Fulton fires 2 elections workers accused of shredding 300 voter applications

New York Post – Mark Zuckerberg spent $419M on nonprofits ahead of 2020 election — and got out the Dem vote

Daily Wire – Schumer Pushes For Vote On Election Bill Next Week

Breitbart – Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Vetoes Michigan Election Integrity Bills: They ‘Perpetuate the Big Lie’

Breitbart – Southwest Cancels 1,800 Flights Days After Pilots Fight Vaccine Mandates; Airline Claims ‘Bad Weather’

Townhall – Walgreens Closes 5 More San Francisco Locations Amid Ongoing Retail Theft

Daily Caller – Law Mandates Large Department Stores In California Include A Gender-Neutral Section For Toys, ‘Childcare Items’

Breitbart – Katie Couric Admits She Edited Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Knock Against Anthem Kneelers

Daily Caller – Parents Of Girl Allegedly Assaulted In School Bathroom Pursue Legal Action Against LCPS

Breitbart – Leftist Protesters Stalk, Harass Sen. Kyrsten Sinema in a Restroom

Daily Wire – Newsom Signs Bill Requiring CA Public High School Students Pass Ethnic Studies Course To Graduate

Daily Caller – China Sends 52 Warplanes Into Taiwan’s Defense Zone, Largest Incursion Yet

Daily Wire – Governors Unveil Plan To End Biden’s Border Crisis: ‘We’re Not Going To Sit Around While Biden Refuses To Act’

Daily Wire – U.S. Nuclear Engineer Accused Of Trying To Sell Secrets To Foreign Power; Wife Also Arrested
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Paid for by Greater Georgia Action, Inc.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.