Monthly News & Updates

September 2024

Night Out With MOCSA - MOCSA

🎭 Get ready to unmask the power of generosity! Join us for an evening of elegance and philanthropy during Night Out With MOCSA with a silent & live auction where you're not just bidding on items, you're contributing to hope, change & a brighter future for survivors.

Tickets & Sponsorships

🌽 We Volunteered at Harvesters! 🥔

We recently joined Harvesters - The Community Food Network in their mission to create equitable access to nutritious food and tackle the root causes of hunger. By sorting and repacking food, we helped support their incredible work of feeding over 226,000 neighbors every month!

$4,500 Received Thanks to Third-party Events!

Pictured left to right: Julie Donelon (MOCSA President & CEO, Nancy Holland, John Pikus, Kassie Sands (MOCSA Vice President of Development), Sandra Williams (MOCSA Special Events Coordinator & Executive Assistant)

Golf Tournament

Thanks to a thoughtful suggestion from Nancy Holland, a dedicated MOCSA volunteer and donor, John Pikus and a friend hosted a golf tournament benefitting MOCSA at Minor Park Golf Course. The event raised an amazing $2,500!

Black Folk Concert

Black Folk, the musical duo of Debbie Cole and former MOCSA Board Member Charlie Harris, combined their love of American folk music with their dedication to our community. They donated all ticket sales from their sold-out concert to MOCSA, along with a matching gift from Charlie!


VAMP, voted Best Burlesque by The Pitch in 2023, dazzled audiences with a show full of art, creativity, and generosity—raising an impressive $950!

Glow Run

During their recent Glow Run, The KC Running Company raised $912 for MOCSA! It was a fun family event that lit up the night sky!

Bookstore Romance Day

Under The Cover Bookstore celebrated Bookstore Romance Day by hosting a raffle that raised $450 for MOCSA. They said it was a rewarding day spent with romance book lovers, all while supporting a great cause!

Roller Derby

The Fountain City Roller Derby, hosted by Brittney Gibson at Olahrama Skating Rink, provided an electrifying experience while supporting survivors!

Pole Worx Fitness

With their Second Sundays Community Pole Classes, Pole Worx Fitness donated over $100 to MOCSA!

Thank you to all these third-party hosts! We're deeply grateful for their commitment to our mission to support survivors!!

Learn How YOU can Support MOCSA

Upcoming Training Dates:

  • September 26th, 1pm-3:30pm
  • October 11th, 2pm-4:30pm (virtual)
  • November 7th, 10am-12:30pm (virtual)
  • December 10th, 2:30pm-5pm

Click here to sign up for a free presentation.

Shame Resiliency

Counseling Group

Starting September 9th, join our Shame Resiliency Group for adults (18+) to explore shame, build resilience, and foster self-compassion in a supportive environment. This 12-14 week closed group offers psychoeducation, skill development, and peer support.

Call 816-531-0233 for details.

Upcoming Events & Observances

We're hiring!

  • Therapist
Learn More

Advocacy | Counseling | Education | Prevention

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