November 23, 2022


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Hello Newsletter Readers,

Our hearts are with our neighbors to the south, and we send love to the entire Colorado Springs community and to all members of the LGBTQ+ family and their family and friends worldwide. We are deeply saddened by this senseless act of violence, and we mourn the five lives lost. For those looking for ways to contribute to those impacted, please consider a donation through the Colorado Healing Fund.  

We hope our communities are able to seek healing and solace through the comfort of one another. This winter season, be kind to those around you. Be generous with your time. And cherish all your moments with friends and loved ones.

There is so much happening this holiday season, so keep reading for all the latest downtown news.

Last newsletter we asked what you were looking forward to most this winter - the top answer was holiday celebrations! This week, we are thinking about Thanksgiving...

What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?
All the sides!

News You Can Use

Small Business Saturday (Weekend)

November 25 - 27, 2022

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Downtown Boulder is made up of over 80% locally owned and operated businesses. That's a big reason to shop small this season! Check out our 2022 Holiday Gift Guide for gifting ideas this season.

This Small Business Saturday (Weekend) and all winter long, consider your neighbors when making purchasing decisions. Local business owners are your friends and family members. They help us foster relationships with those around us. They provide opportunities to use our senses and walk away with tangible items - personal experiences that are not available when we shop online. Small business owners are resilient, resourceful hard working and essential to the vibrancy of our community. They are here for let's be there for them!

This weekend, Yoga Pearl is hosting a Shop Small Market on November 26 from 12 - 4 pm. With over ten local vendors, their market is a perfect place to include in your Small Business Saturday (Weekend) plans!

Shop Small!

St. Nick on the Bricks

November 25 and Saturdays, November 26 - December 24

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Kids of all ages can visit with Santa for FREE outside on the 1300 Block of the Pearl Street Mall. St. Nick on the Bricks runs November 25 and Saturdays, November 26 - December 24 from 11 am - 2 pm. Bring your list and a camera to capture priceless holiday memories! 

Join us this season by supporting Community Food Share now or when you come down to visit with Mr. Claus. We'll be collecting non-perishable food items onsite and donations online for our local food bank fighting hunger in Boulder and Broomfield Counties.

Meet St. Nick

Lights of December Parade

December 3 I 6 pm

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The annual Lights of December Parade is back on December 3! Starting at 6 pm, spectators are invited to enjoy floats created and decorated by local businesses, churches, schools, community groups and nonprofits. The grand finale includes an appearance by the jolly old man himself - Santa Claus! 

The parade starts at 15th & Walnut streets, heads west to Broadway, north on Broadway (with a reviewing stand at Broadway & Pearl), turns east on Spruce and finishes at 15th & Spruce.

See the Floats

Snow Much Fun Virtual (AR) Experiences

Now - January 31, 2023

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Explore downtown Boulder through a new lens as you adventure through a self-guided augmented reality (AR) tour of the district. Scan QR codes on each block of the Pearl Street Mall as well as the East End and West End and throughout the Civic Area (near the library) to access fun filters via Instagram. Follow along on this winter wonderland trail and meet snowmen, narwhals and more as you go!

Snap and share photos with friends, and be sure to tag @downtownboulder on Instagram to have your winter adventures re-shared!

Take the tour!

Find Freezie

Now - December 23, 2022

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Participate in Find Freezie and you can enter for a chance to win one of several $25 Downtown Boulder Gift Cards! We encourage children (and adults!) of all ages to participate. Now through December 23, find a Freezie in a downtown business and scan its accompanying QR code. Fill out a short form to be entered to win in WEEKLY drawings! No phone on you? No problem! The Visitor Information Center (1303 Pearl St.) will have an enter-to-win box for those seeking a non-digital option.

Winners will be chosen weekly on Mondays. Play as many times as you'd like - but prizes will be limited to one gift card per player.

Go Find Freezie!

Job Openings

Interested in working downtown? Many businesses are hiring! Check out open positions at TGTHR, MidFirst Bank, Terracotta and more!

Find Jobs
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Shopping Specials

Winter has officially arrived - it's time to restock your cold weather wardrobe! Explore our monthly shopping specials page to discover deals at your favorite downtown stores.

Let's Shop!
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Foodie Friday

If you love local coffee shops, rooftop bars, good eats or food specials, then check out Foodie Friday! Updated weekly, this food blog gives you all the latest news about where and what to eat downtown. Dig in!

Time to Eat!
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Things To Do Downtown

Are you someone that always likes to have your calendar mapped out? Check out the Things To Do Downtown blog, where we give you all the dates and activities to fill your social schedule each month!

Get Busy!
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Signs with QR codes are placed all throughout the district to help guide you through Snow Much Fun Virtual (AR) Experiences...know where to find this one downtown?

Email your answer to with the subject line "Found Downtown" by December 6 for a chance to win a $25 Downtown Boulder Gift Card. Congrats to Gabrielle, our last Found Downtown winner! The correct answer was: Ruthies Boardwalk Social!