Riley Whims
November 2021

If you have any announcements or thoughts to share please send them to

Going to be late? You MUST call the office to let us know!

Can't reach the office? Call 207-691-4005
You can also text this number.

One morning last week, the campus was covered in frost for the first time this year when we arrived to school . We’ve been starting the mornings out with a fire and have been enjoying having snack around the fire or on the sunny picnic tables. It’s time to start thinking about adding snow pants as an extra layer to the gear that comes to school with your child. If it’s easier to keep a pair here, there is space in their cubbies for that. Also, gloves, warm socks and insulated boots.

It is still hunting season.
Many children have their blaze orange, but there are still a few without.. We are requiring that they wear blaze orange in the Hideaway during recess and in Fortville so please make sure they have something orange to wear.

We are largely outdoors or indoors with loads of fresh air. Being warmly and appropriately dressed will make the learning environment more productive and help our bodies and immune systems focus on keeping us healthy. Please support your children to dress appropriately and to have extra items stored at school:
Orange blaze
Warm layers,
Rain/ snow pants
spare socks
Waterproof footwear
And a plastic bag to send home wet or muddy items!

COVID Vaccination Clinic

Monday Nov. 15th @ 12:30pm
Monday Dec. 6th @ 12:30pm

For all 5-11 year olds

Remember to send your child to school with multiple masks.
There are no plans for our masking and screening protocols to change.

Masks are working- no Covid and few other illnesses (unlikely to be catching any of these at school)!
Please stay vigilant, masked and keep washing hands! We especially need to protect our Wade Acres children. Families have begun to travel but Becky really appreciates getting the information in advance as well as assurances about masking and testing before returning to campus.

We are hopeful vaccines will lessen our vulnerability
and our concerns but they will not lessen our vigilance.
Our masking and screening protocols will not change.

Pre-screening questions to consider
school morning...

We are all tired of the screening questions but must still take them seriously. Here is an updated version we ask everyone to review , post, and be honest in using for self screening before coming to school. The list IS extensive. Be rigorous.
A rote response will not keep our children safe.

The basics are still in place...
Your child must be NON- SYMPTOMATIC for a full 24 hours after any fever.
If it's “ just a sniffle” it might be allergies - BUT if symptoms do not respond to allergy medication, we still require a minimum of full 3 days out, with steady improvement seen, and NO discharge or cough as well as a doctor's note or a negative test.
We are seeing a lot of " sniffles" .... please be vigilant.

We are one of the few schools with no cases, let's keep working together!

A special Thank you to Megan Murphy ( Kestin's mom)
for treating the faculty to truly incredible baked goods.
 Indulge in her talents at Rose Cottage Bakery on Limerock St. in Camden!

And for more Riley family connections:

Friday Activities included smashing pumpkins as part of an exploration of the senses.
Cultural Studies Tribes class found a bunch of huge bones in the woods!
On Dia de los Muertos, we spent time reflecting on those no longer with us.

Becky will be away Nov 15th - 19th visiting a school in Natick MA as member of the accreditation evaluation team for AISNE

Also, she and Ginger will be attending
the Learning and the Brain Conference in Boston on November 20th/21st.

Lindsay Harlow, Assistant Director, will be lead administrator on campus.
Lindsay and Tam can respond to any questions or concerns or reach Becky as needed.

Volunteers Needed:

We would welcome help with many things....

Please email [email protected] if you can help!
Or call Becky or Tami for ideas or set up a time
Holiday shopping?
We love local but if you use Amazon too, use Amazon Smile.
A percentage of the sale will be donated to Riley School.

Trunk or Treat, Potluck and Dance

was amazing....
There were so many creative trunks.
Thank you to all who participated in this fun event and to Lindsay for organizing us!

Clynk Bags are available in the office!
Recycle those cans and bottles for Riley.

Did you miss the last Whims/ Riley Notes?
Click here:
The Riley School