Building Corporate Teamwork
at the Boat House
When a local construction firm was looking for a setting for a strategic planning/team building site for its executives, they turned to the Boat House and Museum for a unique, memorable opportunity. Rowing the red pirogue, firing a musket, throwing tomahawks and starting fires with flint and steel made for a opportunity to display traditional skills and compete with colleagues. The Oct. 4 event was catered by Butler's Pantry, featuring a plated meal. We're glad to work with your organization to create the perfect event.
After postponing their wedding for a year, Will and Libby sought a destination for an outdoor-themed wedding. The Boat House was the perfect spot. The wedding party bicycled on the Katy Trail and arrived in the heart of St. Charles, with plenty of hotels and restaurants to choose from. The late afternoon sunlight cast perfect light for their photographers and the staff of the Boat House was eager to help them stage the wedding just as envisioned.
Twice the lights, camera, action!
For our film shoot Oct. 8 and 9 at Sioux Passage Park, we were delighted to have multimedia journalist and John Colter descendent Randy Schwentker join us to film interviews and action scenes for an upcoming segment on KSDK-5 television (St. Louis' NBC affiliate). Look for details on the films, and info on the news segment, on our website and Facebook page.
Walk Back In Time:
Final Report
by Tom Young
All I can say is that I couldn’t be happier with the final result of our Walk Back in Time event in Mexico. I can’t remember an event where the cooperation and camaraderie was better. You guys really hit it out of the park. Rather than me amble on about the event I would just like to share some communication from the event organizers that I have received.
Lori Pratt, Audrain County Historical Society Executive Director, commented on Facebook:
I cannot say enough about how great the entire Lewis and Clark group was to work with! Your group brought so many more people to our grounds this past weekend because of the quality of everything you had to share. What a fabulous experience! From Bud Clark, the huge boats, the tents full of beautiful artifacts, it was all spectacular! Your team is top-notch and doing so much to spread history to everyone. I had several people tell me they want to join your ranks, and that speaks volumes. I am so grateful you came to Mexico Mo! You're forever in our hearts!
Here are a couple of emails from Paul Baum aka Pablo:
- Please convey to your colleagues our profound gratitude for a truly memorable weekend. Lori and I have heard "Your best Walk Back in Time yet". Now, our problem is how to best this event in 2023! Oh well, we have two years to figure it out. Again, thanks. You are wonderful and you have many admirers among those who saw your performance and even more among those who got to know you. -- Paul Baum
You and your companions were a smash hit at the Walk Back in Time. It's certainly no surprise that Lewis and Clark have done another one for the history books! We've been hearing, "Your best Walk Back in Time yet" and so on. Now our challenge is to meet or beat this year's event, in 2023. Gonna be tough. You folks are phenomenal, and thanks for the great photos. You certainly have friends at the Audrain County Historical Society. We'll not forget your visit. We wish you wellPablo
- PS We all thought your "whiskey ration" was especially dramatic. Never heard of such a thing, or at least when I was in college we never thought to "ration" such levity!
So, I think the above comments say it all. I’ll repeat Pablo’s statement, “You folks are phenomenal!”
Over and out.
Tom Young Phase Leader Mexico WBIT
Join us for Fort Massac Annual
October 14-17, Metropolis, IL
By Mack Thornton,
Co-Phase leader with Jim Wallace
Greetings DESC members! We've had an incredible last two months, starting with the "Festival of the Little Hills" in St. Charles, moving on to the Jefferson City Parade, then retrieving over 2,000 books donated to us by Ron Lowery, titled Chasing Lewis & Clark Across America (coffee table size).
Just this past weekend, "A Walk Back in Time" event and encampment in Mexico, MO was a huge success. Now we are looking at completing some important filming for our Film Episodes, and the marketing of them. We're in the fourth quarter of the year, which means our last encampment is at Fort Massac (Metropolis, IL) and a grand event it is! Fall weather, fall colors and the Ohio River flowing by make a beautiful backdrop for this great event. This year's event will start with camp set up on Friday, October 15, as this year we'll not be entertaining the organized school classes. Our task is to put together our camp and stations for all visitors for Saturday, October 16 and Sunday, October 17.
As always, we need membership help to fill the ranks. Food will be provided through the two-day event. This is a paying event, but more than that...
We will have crowds well above 100,000 for these two days. Our camp, being located inside the historic fort, affords us a great opportunity to be seen and teach the story of Lewis & Clark and their extraordinary Expedition.
Please sign up with Brigitte (314) 304-7877 as soon as possible.
Dates for Encampment are as follows
- Friday, October 15, 2021: Camp set up around noon. All hands on deck
- Saturday, Open to the public, with camp stations open
- Sunday, Open to the public, with breakdown as soon as we can on Sunday afternoon.
I hope to see a lot of folks helping us close out our yearly encampment and make way for a great Christmas Party weekend in St. Charles, with the early gathering at the Boat House on Friday, December 10 and the banquet and auction on Saturday, the 11. Sunday morning we will have a service at the Boat House on the 12th. To sign up for Fort Massac or the Christmas Party, sign up with Brigitte Bowers at (314) 304-7877.
For questions about Fort Massac, contact Mack Thornton (731) 514-4075.
Christmas in St. Charles, Dec. 10-11
In two months we will have our annual DESC Christmas Dinner dance in St. Charles. The date is Dec. 11. Before you get busy with your Thanksgiving plans be sure to take a minute and make your reservations by mailing a check to Brigitte Bowers, 13635 Amiot Drive, St. Louis, Mo. 63146. Please make your check out to DESC. The cost per person is $37.50 which includes dinner, beer and wine. Bar drinks will be available for purchase.
The event will be held at the All Occasion Banquet Center, 111 Compass Drive, St. Charles, Mo. The location is about 6 miles west of the Boat House. Planned is our usual receiving line and cocktails starting at 6 PM. Dinner will be served at 7 PM. We will be entertained by the Booneslick Strings, with dancing after dinner. The Hampton Inn is directly in front of the venue. I have arranged for rooms at the cost of $95.00 per room. I will have a direct link for members to sign up to be in our block at that rate and one of the taxes will be set aside also. I will have that link as soon as I sign the contract tomorrow. You can either contact me for that information or you will find it in the next newsletter.
On Friday night, Dec. 10 we will have our hospitality evening starting at 5:00 PM at the Boat House. Chili and drinks will be provided. If you care to bring your favorite snack please do so. We hope to be able to show our completed film series, as many of you have only seen bits and pieces. We plan to have a membership meeting on Saturday morning, place to be determined. The meeting should be over by noon.
Afterwards you will be able to enjoy Christmas in St. Charles, go shopping, visit with friends or take a nap – until we meet again at the dinner dance that evening. In the meantime we need your “yes” to attend the festivities and your check to hold your reservations.
We plan to hold a silent auction as we have done in the past. Items may be donated or consigned for a 20% fee to DESC. Payments will be made at close of the auction for consigned items. If you have any questions please e-mail me or call me at 314 304 7877. We are looking forward to a great time! Brigitte
Also, if you have items to contribute to the auction (goods, services or experiences), send a note to
You Ought Be In Pictures
We've had a lot going on lately, and lots to share! Check out these wonderful photos by Betty Kluesner and Charlene Thornton.
Thursday, September 23, 2021 - "Walk Back into Time" - Mexico, MO
Pictures by Betty
Friday, September 24, 2021 - "Walk Back into Time" - Mexico, MO
Pictures by Betty
Saturday, September 25, 2021 - Walk Back into Time" - Mexico, MO
Pictures by Betty
Sunday, September 26, 2021 - Walk Back into Time" - Mexico, MO
Pictures by Betty
Weekend of September 23-26
Pictures by Charlene Thornton
Link to all DESC pictures on Flickr
By Betty unless specified otherwise
You can be involved in many different ways:
- Become a member or consider making an extra donation!
- Volunteer at the Museum.
- Consider adopting a part of the museum, such as a new display or upgrade.
- Consider sponsoring an educational program or video series.
- Does your company have services or products to donate? From cleaning services/supplies to printing to items for our raffle, we are always interested in partnerships.
- Adopt a part of the museum, such as a new display. Consider sponsoring an educational program or a film in our mini series.
Just as the Corps of Discovery depended on teamwork, dedication and perseverance, so does your Museum and Discovery Expedition. We are incredibly proud to be recognized as an official site on the Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail. We have the only fleet of river-worthy replica boats in the United States. And most importantly, we are proud to be a living, working Museum! Thank you for being part of our journey.
Information about your Corps
Form 990, Annual Tax Filing As a 501(c)3 non-profit, the Discovery Expedition of St. Charles is required to file an annual statement for public viewing. We've just completed the 2020 report and it's published here for your reference.
Guidestar Listing We have Silver Certification from Guidestar, a trusted directory of all U.S. nonprofits (free log-in may be required)
Interested in Qualified Charitable Distributions? We can help!
We're glad to accept gifts of cash via our online portal and we are a 501(c), with donations eligible for tax deductions. We hold Silver Certification from Guidestar, so you can feel comfortable donating.
Our mailing address is 1050 S. Riverside Dr., St. Charles, MO 63301.
Also, we are in the midst of a major renovation of the museum. We'd love to make a new home for your gently used office equipment including:
- Bookshelves
- Large flatscreen monitors (Smart TVs)
- Patio Furniture
Corp of Discovery From the Journals
October 24, 1804 – "Cloudy Some little Snow (my Rhumetism Continue, not So bad as the 2 last days,) a butufull Countrey on both Sides, bottoms covered with wood, we See no game to day, passed an old [village] of a Band of Me ne tarres called Mah har ha where they lived 40 year ago on the L.S. Came too on an Island Caused by the river cutting through a narrow point 7 years ago, on this Island we were visited by the grand Chief of the mandans a 2d Chief and Some other, who wer Camped on the Island, those Chief met our Ricarra Chief with great Corduallity, & Smoked together." - William Clark)
Bishop's Landing
1050 S. Riverside Drive
St. Charles, MO 63301
Phone: 636-947-3199
Text KEELBOAT to 44-321 to donate