We're Getting Close
By Bruce Ross, Executive Director
It’s been a quick and busy summer, hasn’t it? September will be on me before I even have a chance to build the blind on my new duck boat… errr, my wife’s new bass boat.
ATV Raffle Drawing August 29th!
Have you gotten your ATV raffle tickets yet? The drawing for the 2021 Outlander Max DPS 570 ATV & Karavan Trailer is coming up at the end of this month in conjunction with our Hunter's Eve Bash. Get your ATV tickets here!
Habitat Program Tips for Landowners, Part II
Where do you go if you want to do work in a wetland on your property? Read on...
Are You Ready?
By Bruce Urben, WWA President
By the time you read this article it will be less than 30 days to the opening of our first 2021 waterfowl season in Wisconsin . Read on...
Tern Banding Updates
By Mike Alaimo Lead AWA Volunteer
As the nesting season was wrapping up for the black terns on Rome, one last effort was made to deploy more geolocating tags. Read on...
Sandhill Crane Hunt in WI?
Part IV:
By Todd Schaller, Vice President
Since WWA started this educational series exploring the issues surrounding a sustainable and ethical Sandhill Crane (SHC) hunting season in Wisconsin, a point of discussion has been on the impacts SHC have on the agricultural community, and the partnership between agriculture and hunting. Read on...
Don't Miss the Biggest State Waterfowling Event of the Year
Speaking of the Upcoming EXPO...
Sponsor Spotlight: Maverick Blinds
You may recall our recent Whitetail Hunter's Dream raffle which featured a Maverick Deer Blind, generously donated by Maverick. But did you know that Maverick Blinds are made in Pulaski, WI? Learn more...
Class A "Need Not be Present to Win" Raffles
Throughout the year, many of our chapters hold Class A raffles, most featuring multiple prizes and some extremely desirable guns. If you can’t attend every event, and who can, you can still get in on a chance to win the chapter’s showcase prizes, most with great odds to win. Check them all out here.
Consider volunteering to help one of our Chapters make a difference by improving the wetlands, waterfowl, and wildlife in Wisconsin. Thanks for all your past and future support. I want to help!
WI State Duck & Goose Calling Contest at the EXPO
Calling all callers: the 2021 Wisconsin State Sanctioned Duck and Goose Calling Contests will take place August 28th at the Waterfowlers EXPO. Get all the details here...
Mark your calendars for the next WWA event near you and visit our Events Calendar for everything happening in 2021 & beyond:
Spring Waterfowl Survey Results Show Overall Population Increase
WDNR News Release: The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recently announced an increase in the waterfowl population across most of the state, despite dry winter and spring weather. Read the full news release here...
Waterfowl Hunters and Wild Rice
By Jason Fleener DNR Wetland Habitat Specialist
Many savvy duck hunters have discovered the power that Wisconsin’s wild rice beds hold for drawing in ducks. Learn more...
DNR Hunter Education During a Pandemic
By Jon King, DNR Hunter Education Administrator Warden
Sending Your Dog to a Professional Trainer
By Bruce Ross, Executive Director
Tack Attack, Part III
By Bruce Ross, Executive Director
Joe Roesling - California Carver with Wisconsin Roots
By Bruce Urben, President
Do you have one of these "snaky" headed decoys in your collection? Read on...
Thank You to Our 2021 Sponsors & Donors
Thanks to all those that have cherished the memory of a loved one by donating in memoriam to the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association. Those recently memorialized were:
Mr. Carl Halvorsen - Donors: Holly Kempf, Employees at NeighborWorks Blackhawk Region, Victoria Dickman of Herslof, Inc., Kristy Vogt of Kewaskum Chapter of Commerce, Farmers & Sportsmens Conservation Club
- Mr. Gaston Lopez - Donor: Mark Slater
- Mr. Erich Pitz - Donors: Barb & Don Porath
- In honor of Dr. Mark Greulich - Donor: Kathleen Andreoni
- Mrs. Susan Arenz - Donor: Fred Welch
- Mr. Kyle MacDonald - Donors: Kyle's Book Club Members
- Mr. Josh Meyers - Donor: Laurie Lemerond
Mr. Randy McCoy - Donors: Multiple, view all here.
If you'd like to consider a lasting and meaningful memorial fund contribution for that friend, hunting partner, co-worker or relative with WWA, please contact us. Each contribution will offer:
- A personalized letter to the family of the deceased,
- A letter from WWA sent to the donor confirming contribution for tax purposes (address & individual donation amount must be supplied),
- The option for the donor to designate which WWA program they wish their contributions be put towards, and a listing in this section for the duration of one year
The Wisconsin Waterfowl Association is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission focuses on wetland and upland habitat restoration, youth and adult environmental education and environmental- and hunter-based legislation.