Your Weekly News & Updates
From Rachel Yates, Presbytery Executive
Little known fact:  I was in Girls State in Idaho.  I ran for governor and lost, but had a grand time as a legislator.  This week-long conference, still run by the American Legion Auxiliary, helps high school girls learn about the political process by electing officials for all levels of state government and actively running a mock government.  We were assigned to mock cities in the “Federalist Party” or “Nationalist Party,” and we worked to pass key legislation.

We also learned how to honor our country, including how to stand for the national anthem.  I was taught to...(read more)
Presbytery Pulse
On June 27, Rev. Terry Hennesy preached his last sermon as pastor of Linn Presbyterian Church. The day before, the congregation, family, and friends celebrated with him his retirement after 40 years of ministry. “[I]n a world where we increasingly want to see everything in black or white, Terry recognized all the colors that existed in between and make the world beautiful; when we are constantly led to believe you have to either be Democrat or Republican, Terry saw the areas in which we could all agree and find common ground to live together as a community of faith…,” offered member Bill Leonard. Catch the video of the Linn singers with their “Bye-Bye Terry!” performance. 
In 2020 the Presbytery of Milwaukee was blessed with a gift of $100,000 from a donor who wished to remain anonymous. The donor requested that every church in the Presbytery, regardless of size, be given $2,000 for mission and agreed with the suggestion from Presbytery leadership that the gifts could be used to support the Matthew 25 vision. Read about some of the ways congregations have used this gift in this Presbyterian News Service article written by Tammy Warren: Six-figure gift inspires Matthew 25 mission work in the Presbytery of Milwaukee.
The traumatic impact of gun violence can be seen in almost every community. We may hear briefly about the victims of these shootings, but what happens after the media attention moves on and the wider public becomes numb to 'just another shooting'? Drawing upon conversations with ER chaplains and trauma surgeons, police officers and ATF officials, survivors and victims' families, students and school counselors, and others, TRIGGER: The Ripple Effect of Gun Violence shares the story of how gun violence impacts individuals and communities and examines the 'ripple effect' that one shooting has on a survivor, a family, a community and society. 
We’ll gather via Zoom on Thursday, July 15, from 5:30 - 7:30 PM to watch the award-winning film from Presbyterian director, David Barnhart, and then have guided discussion around the film. 
As the content is powerful, you will be invited to join from somewhere comfortable and view the film with your computer’s camera off. We’ll make space for some silence when it ends and then turn on our cameras as desired and enter into our discussion time with prayer. 
Register today for this Zoom event at 

Share this flyer with your congregation
The Presbytery of Milwaukee is currently in search of a treasurer. Bookkeeping skills and comfort with numbers are required and computer skills to quickly be able to adapt to the financial software (ACS) will be a plus. This is a volunteer position of about 8-10 hours per month. If you know of someone who has the necessary skills and interest in serving the presbytery in this way, please have them contact the presbytery office. The sooner we have someone in this position the more time they have to train with Gail, our current treasurer. Thank you for helping us in this important matter.

Lance Loveall
Nominating Committee
COVID-19 News & Information
Our trusted immunocytochemist and executive presbyter from Cincinnati Presbytery offers this update on her advice to congregations:

I’ve been getting a lot of questions as Sessions struggle with how to “come back”. So, I’m reiterating current (June 2021) guidance from CDC:
  • Fully vaccinated people (more than 2 weeks since the last dose of vaccine) can stay unmasked for most public gatherings, especially outdoors.
  • If a business or church requires masks, that overrides the CDC guidance. Any entity may require masks, even when CDC/state requirements do not.
  • Masks must be worn for all people – vaccinated or not – on...(read more)
Matthew 25: I needed clothes and you clothed me...
Grace United Church in Fort Atkinson is close to doubling the $2000 given to them through the Matthew 25 Project! When the Matthew 25 Initiative began, Grace United decided to begin with Matthew 25:14-30, the Parable of the Talents. Having been entrusted with a gift of $2000, they thought they ought to multiply it for the reign of God, before giving it away. So its members used the funds to invest in their projects of crocheting baby blankets, dish cloths and scrubbies; baking cookies, scones and bread; and making other crafts to sell at the Fort Atkinson Farmer's Market booth, where they braved a hot and rainy day to sell all their goodies and wares. Between these projects and other donations, the congregation has raised well over $1500, on top of the original $2000 gift. When its campaign ends on Labor Day, they hope to match or exceed the original gift!  The next Farmer's Market booth is scheduled for July 24, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon.   Everyone is invited to come out and say "hi," and buy up some yummy treats to help Grace United multiply its Matthew 25 "talents" for the reign of God!  

Total funds will be divided between two worthy organizations:
The Homeless Coalition of Fort Atkinson, which is raising money to purchase a transitional home for families in crisis ( of the members of Grace Church are founding members on the Board of Directors; and RIP Medical Debt (, a national organization that purchases delinquent medical debt and cancels it for people in need. Pastor Delisa Buckingham-Taylor reports, “We really like this organization, because it can prevent people from becoming homeless, AND, it takes the money we multiplied, and multiplies even further (a hundred times--so $2000 will cancel $200,000 in debt!).
This multifaith response to end mass incarceration on Saturday, July 10, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., features reflections from Senator Raphael G. Warnock, Senior Pastor of the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta and founding member of the Multifaith Initiative to End Mass Incarceration.

Leaders and members of congregations from various faith traditions in Wisconsin who are engaged in jail and/or prison ministry and want to do more and those who are ready to partner with faith communities to reduce incarceration rates in Wisconsin are welcome to attend this Zoom event. Find more information, including the registration link, here.
News from the Denomination
When the last edition of the “Well Chosen Words” guide to inclusive language came out in 2010, “brothers and sisters” were listed as “Words that include,” and preferable to the commonly used “brothers” and “brotherhood,” which were listed as “Words that exclude.”

In the latest edition of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s guide, “brothers and sisters” is now listed as “Words that exclude,” with “siblings” and “humankind” being the inclusive terms.

“It was done well, for the time that it was done,” the Rev. Shanea D. Leonard, Associate for Gender & Racial Justice in the PC(USA) Office of Gender, Racial & Intercultural Justice, says of the 2010 guide. “There were some things that were outdated in there that needed to be done over. It’s been expanded to not only include the ways in which we encounter God within the text … it includes a chart of words that help us to build a more inclusive kin-dom. (Read more, find downloadable guides, and cards)
Presbyterians are making a difference all over the world — and we’re saying thank you through song!

Summer of Song: A Concert Series brought to you by the Presbyterian Giving Catalog is our gift to you and the many others across the country who have come together to make a positive impact in the lives of people in need.

In this spirit, please join the July 21 performance by The Stillman College Concert Choir at 6:00 p.m. (cst). The gifted students of Stillman College — a Presbyterian-affiliated historically black college in Tuscaloosa, Alabama — will share sacred and secular music from the Renaissance to present. 

Use this link to join the concert on July 21, or to revisit our June performance from Elizabeth Stockton Perkins.

Stay tuned for updates on the final concert in August, coming soon!
The Committee on Racial Ethnic Ministries of the Synod of Lakes and Prairies has just announced its 2021 Racial Ethnic Student Scholarship application for college students. The deadline for applications is September 30The Student Scholarship is an educational assistance program designed to encourage Indigenous and students of color in their preparation for academic success in higher education. Students must have a permanent residence within the Synod of Lakes and Prairies, be active members in a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregation and have confirmation of enrollment in a college, university, or specialty program. Check out the application for more details.
Have Some Fun In '21!
Bring the whole family to Beaver Dam for the Fair Food Festival July 17! The Fair Food Festival will feature delicious sweet treats, tasty fried fair food, and an assortment of food carts. Events are scheduled rain or shine monthly throughout the Summer with a variety of new vendors. Picnic tables and shelters will be available for relaxing and listening to music outdoors while enjoying your favorite carnival foods.

Foodies will enjoy the aroma of tasty treats from a variety of vendors, offering items like gourmet soft pretzels, freshly-popped kettle corn, shaved ice, delicious grilled cheese sandwiches, and blooming onions. Other delicious options may include fresh-squeezed lemonade, warm, fresh donuts, loaded nachos, hot dogs, and local beverage vendors.
Milwaukee Armenian Fest, is an increasingly popular attraction for Milwaukee festivalgoers seeking alternatives to hamburgers and bratwurst.

This year’s Armenian Fest will be held rain or shine 11 a.m.- 5 p.m. Sunday, July 18, 2021, on the grounds of St. John the Baptist Armenian Orthodox Church, 7825 W. Layton Ave., Milwaukee, WI.

Entertainment will be provided by The Hye Vibes of Chicago and a performance by The Hamazkayin Sardarabad Dance Ensemble of Chicago.

Admission is Free!

For up to date information on the Armenian Fest please visit either of these websites:
The Rev. Dr. Mark McDonough is selling a pulpit robe, cassock-alb, and six stoles.
The pulpit robe is wine red with black doctoral chevrons and front panels trimmed with white piping. The robe is best for those over 6'1". It is ~45 years old and in good condition.
The cassock-alb is raw silk, off-white and also best for someone over 6'. The rope cincture comes with the robe.
There are six stoles, four traditional stoles in raw silk with symbols as shown. They are 40 years old. The green stole shows some wear at the apex of the yoke where it has rubbed against the collar of my pulpit robe. The red, white, and purple stoles show little wear. These four are part of a matched set.
There is an additional white stole with children pictured holding hands and an additional green stole with a quilted pattern. The white stole is ~8 years old and worn only 2 or 3 times. The green stole with the quilted pattern is ~20 years old but not worn often and still in excellent condition.
If you are interested in purchasing any of these items from Rev. Dr. McDonough, please contact him via email with an offer.
Has the shutdown, pandemic and trying to "return to normal" left you drained? Omaha Presbyterian Seminary Foundation invites all Women Clergy and Christian Educators to a time of renewal, prayer, skill sharing and fellowship with other women in ministry September 26-29, 2021.

The Revs. Kathy Noble and Suzanne Gorhau will lead workshops on giving voice to the stress of the pandemic, sabbath and sabbath styles of rest, God care (not self-care) and prayer forms. The Rev. Sara Tonje will lead experiential worship services. Time will also be available for story sharing, enjoying nature, naps and a night of creativity.

Registration is now open (Register by August 1st for early bird prices!)
Rooms are available at Camp Calvin Crest and Holiday Inn Express on first come basis.
Registration deadline August 31, 2021
SEPTEMBER 2-5, Hot Springs, NC
Wild Goose Festival is a transformational community grounded in faith-inspired social justice. Wherever festival goers come together – at our nationwide festival, smaller local and regional gatherings, or social spaces online – they learn and grow by co-creating art, music, story, theater, and spectacle, engaging in a wide variety of robust, respectful conversations with each other and with thought leaders and artists from other communities. Wild Goose Festival participants refuse to be enemies with anyone.
Hot Links
Grapevine - Presbyterian Women's Newsletter
Keeping In Touch - Newsletter from the Synod of Lakes and Prairies 
Life in the Labyrinth - Inspirational Website by Michelle Henrichs
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance - Current Information
The Sower - May 2021 Newsletter for the Presbyterian Women in the Synod of Lakes and Prairies
UCCI Newsletter - June 2021 Newsletter from United Church Camps, Inc.
Employment Opportunities
Future Presbytery Gathering Dates

  • WEDNESDAY, September 22, 2021
  • THURSDAY, November 18, 2021 

Presbytery of Milwaukee