Celebrate Women in Rural Water Only 10 seats left! The 5th annual Women in Rural Water event will bring numerous Rural Water Champions together from across the country to network and share experiences over lunch. We will host a very special panel of guest speakers who will describe their rise to success in a male-dominated industry and take questions from the audience. Join us as we celebrate women everywhere and, especially, Women in Rural Water. more
Rural Water Profile: John Montgomery From our latest edition! John Montgomery's journey to becoming a key figure in the rural water movement began in a pivotal moment during his student years. Ultimately, his collaboration with others would prove instrumental in achieving monumental accomplishments for the water sector. more
Volunteer Hackers to Help Protect Water Systems, Schools NBC News reports that DEF CON, the world’s largest hacker conference, is trying to put its legions of experts to work by creating a volunteer army to help protect America's vulnerable water systems and schools. more
EPA Announces $188.3 Million WIFIA Loan to Upgrade and Expand Water Services in ... U.S. Representative Darren Soto, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Deputy Assistant Administrator for Water Mae Wu announced a $188.3 million Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) loan to the Toho Water Authority. With this WIFIA loan, the authority will modernize water infrastructure in Polk and Osceola counties to help ensure a resilient water supply for over 450,000 residents. more
Who's to blame for PFAS in our drinking water? Here's what hundreds of cities say - USA Today A USA TODAY analysis of new EPA data shows local officials most frequently blame airports; utilities, such as sewage treatment plants; and military bases as likely sources of toxic "forever chemicals" in their drinking water. more
Water Sector Cyber Resilience Briefing - WaterISAC | August 28, 2024 | 1:00 pm CT On August 28, WaterISAC will convene its monthly Water Sector Cyber Resilience Briefing. Presenters will cover the latest cyber threats facing the water and wastewater sector. more
'How long?': Cumberland, Bladen seek relief from PFAs pollutants - The Fayetteville Observer In July, the NC Environmental Management Commission (EMC) did not take any action on PFAS regulations for the third time. more
EPA Seeks Input from Small Water Systems on Microbial and Disinfection Byproducts Rulemaking Revisions On Friday, August 9, EPA released an invitation for small public water systems to participate as Small Entity Representatives (SERs) providing advice and recommendations to a Small Business Advocacy Review (SBAR) Panel. more
GAO Releases Report on Water Cybersecurity & Recommends EPA Develop a National Cybersecurity Strategy On Thursday, August 1, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report on cybersecurity for water and wastewater systems, and recommended that EPA develop a national cybersecurity. more
USDA Invests Up To $400M To Address Drought, Conserve Water Through Production Of Water-Saving Commodities USDA also announces record $2.3B investments under the Western Water Framework; Funding builds on Administration’s historic water conservation efforts, which have stabilized short-term western water supply and are investing in long-term solutions. more
Effective New Catalyst Brings Hope For Cleaner Energy, Wastewater Treatment, And Green Chemistry A catalyst that significantly enhances ammonia conversion could improve wastewater treatment, green chemical and hydrogen production. more
Documents citing 88 FR 18638 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publishes the Semiannual Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions online at
Bartow leaders address concerns about possible Peace River flooding | ABC Action News The Peace River in Bartow is elevated because of rain dumped by Hurricane Debby. more
City News | City of Melbourne, FL During the August 13 City Council meeting, Mayor Paul Alfrey read a proclamation designating August as Florida Water Professionals Month in the more
Concerns arise over Milton plan to discharge contaminants near drinking water wells The Florida Department of Environmental Protection has added its voice to those of water utilities and conservationists in expressing concerns about the level of dangerous contaminants known as forever chemicals, or PFAS , the city of Milton could potentially be discharging into the ground within the boundaries of the Santa Rosa County's Wellfield Protection District. more
Water upgrades coming to Osceola County as population grows | WESH Toho Water Authority was given more than $188 million from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to upgrade and expand water services. more
Southwest Florida water quality to benefit from new Lake O management plan | WINK “Historic. Collaborative. Important.” Chauncey Goss, Chairman of the South Florida Water Management District Board, used those powerful words to describe the new Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM). more
FWC to use helicopters to spray invasive plants on Lake O | Okeechobee News The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) will be conducting aquatic plant management on Lake Okeechobee starting Aug. 12. The project is expected to last two days, weather permitting. more
Naples Wastewater Collections shuts down section of Banyan Blvd. for repairs - WINK News Wastewater Collections in Naples had to shut down a section of Banyan Boulevard to complete an emergency sanitary sewer repair. more