April 28, 2023

Pennsylvania Underwriting Bulletin PA-2023-1

Numerous agents have alerted us to the fact that the new 2021 policy forms do not include a signature line for the agent to sign. In fact, some agents have delayed issuance of final policies due to the inability to countersign policies.


Please be aware that the agent’s signature is not required on the new 2021 policy forms. The new policies are effective so long as Schedule A includes CATIC President Jim Czapiga’s signature and the Company Seal.


Please contact any of CATIC’s Pennsylvania underwriters (or e-mail if you have any questions or would like to further discuss this Bulletin.


Note: This Underwriting Bulletin is intended for use by CATIC Title Insurance Company title insurance agents and approved attorneys only. It establishes underwriting policies and procedures which you must comply with pursuant to your CATIC Title agency agreement and applicable law.

*Always Remember - Wire Fraud is Rampant*
Cyber criminals are hacking email accounts and sending
messages with fake wiring instructions.
These messages are convincing and sophisticated. 
Always independently confirm wiring instructions in person or via a telephone call to a trusted and verified phone number.