Join Us for the 2021National Teach Ag Day!
Watch the live National webcast festivities by going to the Teach Ag website and/or the NAAE and Teach Ag Facebook pages. Use #TeachAg and #Tagged21 for your Teach Ag Day social media posts.
11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. EDT
Watch the pre-show green carpet live interviews facilitated by two of the 2020 Teach Ag Champions, David Black and Rachel Sauvola. The pre-show will feature current agriculture teachers, agricultural education leaders, sponsor partners, organizations like MANRRS, Cultivating Change Foundation and Agriculture Future of America, the 2021 Teach Ag Champions and more).
1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EDT
Teach Ag Day Webcast Celebration (featuring inspiring agriculture teachers, the 2021-2022 Teach Ag Ambassadors, the 83 Teach Ag Day celebration host sites, the 2021 Teach Ag Champions and more than 100 tagged to #TeachAg individuals).
Not able to join us then? No worries! The National Teach Ag Day Webcast Celebration will be recorded and archived on the NAAE National Teach Ag Campaign website for your later convenience.
2021- 2022 Membership Rosters are Due!
Membership rosters for the 2021 - 2022 membership year are due September 15th! For more information and to submit your State Membership Roster, visit our website.
Ag Ed For All Monthly Teacher Feature - Teacher interviews, included in the monthly NAAE New Teacher News electronic newsletter, about creating an inclusive and welcoming agricultural education program.
5 Ways to Celebrate Teach Ag Day in Your Own Classroom!
Member Opportunities
The National Teach Ag Day Media Kit - The NAAE National Teach Ag Day celebration will take place on Thursday, September 16. National Teach Ag Day is designed to encourage others to teach school-based agriculture and recognize the important role that agriculture teachers play in our schools and communities. To help spread the word access the NAAE Teach Ag Media Kit to send to your newspaper, other media outlets, your administration or anyone else to share how your class or program celebrated National Teach Ag Day.
2021 National Teach Ag Day Collegiate Contest - The 2021 National Teach Ag Day Collegiate Contest will be a postcard design contest. The theme of this promotional piece is “Wish You Were Here.” NAAE’s National Teach Ag Campaign will accept postcard submissions August 1-September 10, 2021. Please submit the .jpg or .png file to One postcard submission per postsecondary institution. Beginning September 13 all postcard submissions will be posted on the Teach Ag Instagram account. The postcard with the most “likes” by 11:59pm EDT on September 15 will win the contest. Learn More Here!
2021 National Teach Ag Day Photo Submission - We will be looking for submissions to feature in the 2021 National Teach Ag Day Webcast. You can watch the 2021 National Teach Ag Day Webcast on Thursday, September 16, 2021 at and see your photo featured. Get all the details and learn how to submit your photo by clicking here.
Are you interested in attending a CASE institute in 2022, or do you need materials and equipment for your CASE program? Institute scholarships and grant applications will be opening August 15 via! Make sure to apply before September 30.
CASE Applications are open for - Institute and BriefCASE Hosts, Lead Teachers, Course Leaders, 2022 Institute Scholarships, 2021-2022 Implementation Grants. All applications due Thursday, September 30. For more information, visit the CASE Website!
NAAE Committee Involvement - Each NAAE committee is comprised of three members from each of NAAE's six regions. New committee members are elected at the first virtual committee meeting of the new calendar year and as openings occur throughout the year. To explore if there is a current opening for you to serve on a NAAE committee, you may contact the respective committee leaders. Committee leader contact information is included on the respective committee's space in Communities of Practice.
Make plans to attend the 2021 NAAE Hybrid Convention in-person in New Orleans or remotely from wherever you are November 30-December 4. The NAAE Convention is part of the ACTE CareerTech VISION Conference. According to the Hilton hotel the damage to the NOLA area from Ida was minimal and mostly electricity related. In the coming days, as we learn more, we will be updating our membership via social media and the NAAE 2021 Convention website! There you will also find our Convention Schedule (subject to change) and our updated 2021 Justification Letter!
NAAE Supply Order Form - Do you need plaques, handouts or a gavel for your state event(s)? You can order supplies directly through NAAE to save you time.
Lincoln Electric Partner Schools (LEEPS) is expanding!
We’re pleased to announce a new addition to the LEEPS program. LEEPStart — an introductory option for high schools, CTE programs, and other institutions to provide instructional resources and core welding certifications. Click here to view the comparison chart and here for more information about the certification programs.
September 10-12 NAAE Board Meeting
September 13-16 Future Agriscience Teacher Symposium (FAST) in Lexington, KY
September 16 National Teach Ag Day
October 1 THRIVE Conference Registration opens
October 16 NAAE Convention/ACTE VISION Advance Registration rate deadline
October 24-26 National Teach Ag Ambassador Training in Indianapolis, IN
October 27-29 National FFA Convention and Expo in Indianapolis, IN
November 9-10 NAAE ALL-IN staff meeting in Lexington, KY
November 11-13 Agriculture Future of America (AFA) Leaders Conference in Kansas City, MO
November 30 NAAE Convention Cohort Sessions in New Orleans, LA
November 30-December 4 NAAE Convention and ACTE VISION in New Orleans, LA (hybrid)
December 13 STAR 2021 Reports Due
19,990 Twitter followers/14,554 total tweets (all NAAE accounts)
31,094 Facebook followers (all NAAE accounts)
6,275 Instagram followers/922 posts (all NAAE accounts)
24,033 NAAE website page views
856 teachers became CASE certified between June-August 2021
19 teachers conducted CASE Course field test for TAA (Technical Applications in Agriculture)
5 CASE team members attended a planning retreat
12 electronic newsletters sent to a total of 24,161 subscribers with an avg 27% open rate
25 Teach Ag Campaign sign-ups (8 students, 14 teachers, 3 other)
1 person nominated to be an agriculture teacher through the NAAE website
The National Association of Agricultural Educators is a federation of state agricultural educators' associations with more than 9,000 members. NAAE members are involved in school-based agricultural education at any level, from middle school through postsecondary, and state and national agricultural education leadership.
NAAE advocates for agricultural education, provides professional development for agricultural educators, and works to recruit and retain agricultural educators in the profession. NAAE offers a variety of programs and services to support this three-pronged mission including leading the National Teach Ag Campaign, managing the Curriculum for Agriscience Education (CASE), and administering all aspects of My Local Cooperative. NAAE programs are vast and expansive to reach every member of every age and at every stage of their career.
NAAE is committed to advancing, in our organization and communities, inclusion, diversity and equity. The choice to create a just and equitable organization is not accidental. We intentionally prioritize fostering an inclusive environment that ensures people are respected and valued. We are committed to creating and supporting programs and policies that build an organization that values open communication and is respectful of differences.
You are receiving this newsletter because you are a member of NAAE.