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There are variety of opportunities to connect with your friends at OSLC.

Take a look at the information below for worship and community information.

You can also call the office with any questions. The best way to reach us for any reason is by email at office@oslcslc.org or pastor@oslcslc.org. Or call Pastor Brigette.

Worship each Sunday at 10:00 AM
in-person or live and recorded
on YouTube. Click here for details.

Worship Leaders Needed!

If you would like to participate in worship you can sign up for
multiple dates at oslcslc.org.
Thank you for your ministry!

Connect with OSLC friends
Click here for a full list.
Prayer Request Opportunities

We are a vibrant community of prayer that encourages opportunities to share prayer requests with each other!
  • Prayers of the People: Click here or email pastor@oslcslc.org by 12:00 PM on Friday if you would like a prayer read during online worship.

  • OSLC Prayer Chain: Email office@oslcslc.org or call (801) 278-1412 during regular office hours.

  • Urgent prayer requests: If you desire immediate prayer support, please contact your friends or small group. You may also text or call Connie (801) 558-6158 or Cathy (801) 557-2032 to contact appropriate prayers.

(Permission should be received beforehand from prayer recipients.)

 Please pray this week for:

Katsy, Alan, Charmaine, Janice, Adam, Betty, Pat, Evelyn,
John, Marty, James, Sam, Zoe, Lisa, Kathy, Phil, Sharon,
Margaret, Melanie, Karen, Tim, Eli, Lucas
OSLC has Stephen Ministers and Visiting Angels available to offer
a listening ear, share a prayer, or engage in friendly conversation.

Contact Connie at (801) 558-6158, or Cathy (801) 557-2032 if you would like to receive a phone call.
Stephen Leaders:

Connie Degn
(801) 558-6158

Cathy Ricci
(801) 557-2032

Pastor Brigette
(720) 202-8212
Click any of the buttons below for information
about ongoing events and initiatives at OSLC.
See below for Hurricane Ida, Haitian Earthquake, Wildfire Relief,
and Afghanistan Refugee Support giving opportunities.
Enews Article submissions must be made by 12:00 PM each Tuesday for the Wednesday publication. Announcements should be short, include a contact for more information.

New announcements will typically remain for two weeks after introduction, or until the date of the event has passed. Check the "Ongoing Announcements & Events" section for older event info.
*TONIGHT* United Today Stronger Tomorrow is a network of faith, labor, civic, and business leaders working together to ensure a strong and equitable future for Utah as we emerge from the pandemic. In our first six months, we have influenced hundreds of millions of dollars in new investments in affordable housing, mental health, childcare, and clean air and water for Utah. 

On Wednesday evening September 22 from 6:00-8:00 pm we will be holding an introductory workshop for new lay leaders and colleagues to learn about UTST and how they can get more involved this fall. We'll be outdoors on the lawn of Hilltop United Methodist Church in Sandy, and we'll be serving dinner. 

Click the link below to RSVP:  

*SUNDAY* Outside Worship

Reminder that we will be worshiping outdoors for a few weeks. Please bring a chair and your communion elements. Feel free to dress casually for the weather! See you Sunday!
*SUNDAY* Youth Group Meeting, September 26

There will be a Youth Group meeting at 5:00 PM on September 26 for all youth, and particularly those looking to attend the ELCA Gathering in July 2022. We will meet masked and outdoors, for games, pizza and to discuss going to ELCA Youth Gathering in Minneapolis next July. Please RSVP to Pastor Brigette by Friday at noon.. All are welcome!
*NEW* Family Promise Volunteers

Family Promise-Salt Lake continues to find creative ways to serve families that are experiencing homelessness. Currently the Director, Pastor Brian Diggs, and Board members are submitting grant applications, partnering with other organizations, and supporting eight families in transitional housing. Working on a tight budget is certainly a challenge.

Volunteers are needed to help in the Day Center office, join the FPSL Board, assist with non-traditional fund-raising, write grants, and support families as needed. If you are interested, please email brian@fpsl.org.

Flyers to raise awareness of Family Promise are on a table in the entry of OSLC. This is a valuable outreach during unprecedented times... please pray about how you might be able to help!
*NEW* Playground and Little Library Dedication

Here are a few pictures from our dedication of the OSLC Playground and Little Library on July 19. Thank you to everyone who made this a possibility for OSLC and our neighbors!
OSLC Pantry Needs Donations

Families in need occasionally come to the church for support. Our small food pantry needs a boost! Food donations should be non-perishable, easy-to-open, require no (or minimal) preparation, and have future expiration dates.


Peanut butter
Canned main dishes, meat, fruit, vegetables
Tuna or Chicken Creations
Protein and breakfast bars
Cereal that can also be used as a snack if milk is not available
Bottled water and individual juices

Donations may be put in the South Wing, clearly labeled “OSLC Pantry”.
Mill Creek Elementary Food Pantry Needs

This past Wednesday Marion Lennberg and Mary Bowman delivered food to the Mill Creek Elementary Pantry and took inventory while they were there. Below are the following needs, in no particular order.

Cake Mixes
Salad Dressing
Box dinners/side dishes (No Mac & Cheese!)
Toilet Paper
Paper Towels
Cooking Oil
Drinks/juice, coffee
Pancake Mix
Feminine Hygiene
Bar Soap

Thank you for your care and generosity!

Mill Creek Elementary  supports a diverse, multi-ethnic population of students. Over half (60% of the students) are on free or reduced lunch and the pantry at Mill Creek Elementary feeds 40-50 families each week. Due to state budget constraints, Mill Creek Elementary does not receive any subsidized funding for assistance feeding the children. For more information contact Pastor Brigette (pastor@oslcslc.org).

Click the image to visit the CORC website.
Contact Pastor Brigette at pastor@oslcslc.org with questions.
September Senior Spotlight: Dean Martensen

Dean and Millie were married in October, 2002 , they will be celebrating 20 years of marriage next month. Dean and Mille were married by Pastor Roger Anderson at Zion National Park. Dean has 4 sons:one lives in Colorado, 2 live in California and one in the Philippines from previous marriages. Dean has 7 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.


Q: Where were you born?

Dean grew up on a farm (400 acres) in a small town in Central Iowa. Dean’s family consisted of his parents and 11 children. It was a working farm of livestock, cows, pigs,and chickens. As a child growing up Dean and his siblings would work on the farm. Dean was a devout Lutheran, confirmed and attended a Lutheran church regularly in Iowa with his family.

Q: Before retirement, how did you spend your time?

After graduating from high school, Dean enlisted in the US Air Force, he did basic training in San Antonio, Texas, he also was stationed in Mississippi,and Okinawa. After Okinawa he volunteered for a tour of duty in Vietnam for one year. After serving in the military and returning home he found that many of his friends had moved or were married. Dean moved to California and he enrolled at Cal State Fullerton under the GI Bill and graduated with a degree in Economics and Accounting. His friend worked for a company in West Jordan and Dean accepted a position there as an Accountant, then later on Dean was then offered the position of Plant Manager/Vice President. Dean also did a lot of traveling in this position.

Dean retired in 2007. Dean and Millie are avid trail bikers. They also enjoy golf, snow skiing and traveling, their journeys have taken them to Hawaii, Southern California, Palm Springs, and cruises to Panama.
Q: What’s one fact that people are always surprised to learn about you?

Dean volunteered for one tour of duty in Vietnam in a Mobile Radio Squadron.

Q: How did you find OSLC? How long have you been a member? What do you love about the community here?

Dean attended other Lutheran churches in the area, after attending OSLC he felt he could relate to the Pastor and became a member, Dean and Millie have been members for about 25 years.

Q: You’ve been a long time attendee of the senior luncheons. What do you enjoy about this activity?

Dean enjoys attending senior lunch and seeing many of his friends and enjoys the good food.

Q: How have you kept in touch with family and friends during this unusual COVID-19 pandemic? What has kept you going during quarantine?
Have you picked up any new hobbies or spent your time in new and different ways?

Dean and Millie have been very careful during the pandemic, by wearing masks, getting the vaccines and seeing his family following guidelines. Dean volunteers one day a week at the VA Hospital. Dean also helps Millie with Project Linus by helping her deliver and picking up blankets from our members. Although Dean has not picked up any new hobbies he enjoys trail biking, golf, and snow skiing.

Afghanistan Refugee Assistance

We strive to follow God's commands to welcome the stranger, the foreigner and to seek the welfare of our neighbor in need. Utah will be receiving refugees from Afghanistan and Cathoice Community Services and International Rescue Committee will be the two primary agencies. Here are links to see where you might assist:

CO and NM Lutheran Family Services will also be resettling refugees.You can make a general donation at lfsrm.org/give-now/donate/

Hurricane Ida made landfall near New Orleans on Aug. 29 – exactly 16 years after Hurricane Katrina. As a strong Category 4 storm, Hurricane Ida’s 150 mph winds, torrential rain and strong storm surge caused widespread flooding and wind damage in southeastern Louisiana and coastal Mississippi. Homes are flooded and residents are awaiting rescue, which is hampered by the high waters and debris-clogged roads. Strong winds knocked out power lines and electrical substations, leaving more than 1 million people without power, including the entirety of New Orleans. In some areas, electricity is not expected to be restored for weeks. Ida weakened into a tropical storm as it moved inland and will likely cause heavy flooding in Mississippi, Alabama, and the Tennessee and Upper Ohio valleys.

The impact of Ida is yet to be fully assessed, but with a hurricane of this scale, rebuilding will be costly and take years. With extensive experience in accompanying communities throughout the relief and long-term recovery phases, Lutheran Disaster Response is working with local ELCA synods and Lutheran social service organizations to coordinate a response to Hurricane Ida. Immediate needs will include basic necessities and temporary housing. Long after the headlines change, Lutheran Disaster Response will continue to accompany communities on the journey of rebuilding their homes and lives.

Click here for more information.
A devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck southwest Haiti on Aug. 14. Over 1,400 people were killed, and that number is expected to increase as search-and-rescue efforts continue. Blocked roads are delaying the delivery of vital supplies to hospitals, which are overwhelmed with more than 6,900 injured people. At least 26,000 homes were damaged or destroyed, but the full extent of damage is still unknown. Haiti is also suffering through a political crisis and was hit by Tropical Storm Grace on Monday night, which caused severe flooding in communities already damaged by the earthquake.

For over two decades, the ELCA has maintained a presence in southern Haiti through support for agricultural and sustainable development work. To continue our engagement with those communities, Lutheran Disaster Response is collaborating with partner organizations in the communities to meet relief needs, including food, water, medical supplies and temporary shelter. In the future, other areas of support will include psychosocial care, water and sanitation, and creating sustainable livelihoods through agriculture and livestock. We also stand with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Haiti as it assesses damage and impacts on churches and church life.
Click here for more information.
The 2021 wildfire season is devastating the western United States. A prolonged drought and extreme heat waves are causing wildfires to spread rapidly, which makes them difficult to contain. California is currently the hardest-hit state — the Dixie Fire, in Northern California, is already the second largest wildfire in the state’s history, having burned over 505,000 acres. Tens of thousands of people are under evacuation orders, and hundreds of buildings have been destroyed.
The fires are not limited to California; more than 100 wildfires are now burning throughout 15 states. Smoke from these fires is carried across the country, a sign of the far-reaching effects of worsening wildfires.

Lutheran Disaster Response is working with synods and social ministry organizations in California and other western states to develop a coordinated response to the wildfires. We anticipate that immediate needs will include food and other necessities. Long-term recovery will likely take years. Because emotional and spiritual care is a key aspect of disaster response, the Sierra Pacific Synod is developing a Lutheran Chaplaincy Corps, training rostered leaders and laypeople to offer such care to first responders and survivors after a disaster.

Click here for more information.
Contact OSLC at office@oslcslc.org or (801) 278-1412