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Volume 9 - September 2022

September is the official National Skin Care Awareness Month

This declaration is designed to help draw attention to skin health and care.

Your skin is your body's largest organ, so it's important to take good care of it.

 During the month of September there is no better time to take a look at your skin.

Many people choose to reevaluate their skincare needs during this transition between

summer and fall; however, your skin is more than just a beauty routine & means more

than just switching up your moisturizers.   

Help your skin be the best it can to make skincare awareness last longer than just this month.


  1.  Visit a skin specialist, your dermatologist!   Whether you have never done so before or have regular visits with your dermatologist, your skin will benefit from a top to bottom check-up. A quick assessment is all it takes to tell you if anything is abnormal (you may not have noticed) and can keep tabs on moles or anything appearing suspicious.  
  2. Self-examine!   If you have already seen your skin doctor this year, get in the habit & give yourself regular self-checkups (at least monthly). Help yourself keep track of any changes or concerns that may require professional attention. 
  3. Stay hydrated!  It is SO is important to drink water daily. (~ 8 glasses) Your skin will stay hydrated, nourished, and glowing from the inside out!
  4. Keep wearing sunscreen!  Yes, summer is over, but sunscreen should be a part of your skin care routine year-round. Protect your skin from those UV rays and prevent fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, other early signs of aging, and skin cancer.
  5. Celebrate your skin at Skinfiniti!  While the health of your skin (I hope) is top priority, there is no reason not to change its routine now & then. Have fun with product changeups ~ make time for yourself to come and visit. Perhaps a new product will be fun to try out!

With so many things to think about in daily life, it can be easy to forget about your skin.

This September serves as a reminder to love your skin and give it the care and attention it deserves. 

I’m here to help you do just that! 

Remember: My Consults are Complimentary! 

Your skin deserves to be pampered, let me help you get that skin looking its best!

What is Jeuveau

(AKA “NewTox”)?

Jeuveau, like BOTOX®, uses purified botulinum toxin to temporarily relax the small muscle groups that cause dynamic wrinkles. When these compounds are injected, they block signaling so the treated muscle can no longer move.

The name BOTOX® is synonymous with non-surgical rejuvenation.

For many years, BOTOX® was the only injectable treatment for dynamic wrinkles. Most people still automatically turn to this compound when they want to smooth away crow’s feet and frown lines, but today, we have options! 

Though they work similarly, each are produced by different manufacturers:  

BOTOX® by Allergan / Jeuveau by Evolus. 

According to clinical trials, both compounds share a similar safety profile and are equally effective for treating dynamic wrinkles.

Want to talk about your options? 

Let’s chat! 

Take advantage of a FREE gift 

CLICK below for qualifying packages! 

To celebrate September

"National Skin Care Awareness Month"


With qualifying purchases:  

Skin Care Products or Treatment Packages

5 or 10 units of Jeuveau for FREE*

*Free Jeuveau must be redeemed September

Visit us at for more information about your Imaginable Results and to Contact Us.

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