The hike is 15 miles, 7.5 hours, and 3,574 feet in elevation. What? This is certainly a wild idea! “Yes, count us all in!” During the climb, we passed many other hikers, who offered bits of what to expect ahead and words of encouragement. This picture is at the end of the day, dirty and tired, but the smiles show we were so glad we did it!
The folks at GVCO are embarking on another wild idea with building the community center. It has taken and will continue to require a lot of hard work and determination, and help from others along the way is essential. When GVCO asked us to help with the Capital Campaign, of course, we said “Yes, count us all in!” All six of us have graduated from GVHS and we love Malvern. We see the GVCO Community Center as being a pinnacle in the lives of those of us lucky enough to call Great Valley home and we are sure it will bring smiles to all the faces from young to old in the community at the end of the day.
Keep climbing GVCO!
Wiley, Brian, Jill, Ellie, AJ, and Danny Muck