August 2024

News You Can Use Video: Featuring the Manito-Cannon Hill Neighborhood

Neighborhood Updates

Neighborhood Summer Concerts

Browne’s Addition concerts will be held at Coeur d’Alene Park on Thursday evenings at 6: 

  • Aug. 1, Front Porch Rockets
  • Aug. 8, Lucky Losers
  • Aug. 15, Nu Jack City 

Emerson Garfield's annual concert will be held at Emerson Park on Sunday evening at 5:

  • Aug. 18, Rockabilly Space Force 

More information can be found on the Neighborhood Calendar.

Asphalt Art

All neighborhood councils can apply for an asphalt art traffic calming project to paint an intersection or curb bumpouts on a residential street. This pilot program ends in 2025 and the application process that includes selecting and having the intersection approved, selecting an artist, approving design and actual painting of the street process takes several months. So if your neighborhood could benefit from this program, apply here. Want to see the completed projects? The two completed projects can be seen at Joseph and Cook in Hillyard and at 25th and Manito by the Scoop in Manito-Cannon Hill neighborhoods.

Neighborhood Beautification Project

This year, neighborhood councils have access to additional funding that can be used toward volunteer-led clean-up events, like the Minnehaha Park tennis court overhaul. Funding covers costs for disposal and some supplies, like garbage bags, paint rollers, etc. (Up to $1,000 per neighborhood total, can be spread across multiple projects.) 

Beautification Project

Neighborhood Clean-up Day

A one-day, City-wide clean-up event is set for Saturday, Sept. 28. Hosts are needed for volunteers and sites. Volunteers are provided and equipment is available if you need it. There are two sessions: 

  • 9 to 11 a.m. 
  • Noon to 2 p.m. 

Registration closes Friday, Aug. 23. Click to apply

Spokane Neighborhood Summit Call for Presenters

The Spokane Neighborhood Summit is back and workshop presenters are needed! This will be a fun day of connection and learning for neighborhood leaders. If you have are interested in presenting at the Summit on Saturday, Nov. 2, see the 2024 Call for Workshop Proposals handout. The deadline to submit proposals is Thursday, Aug. 8.

City Updates

Resource Carnival on Saturday

Back-to-School Resource Carnival on Aug. 3, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Mission Park. Attendees can apply for free resources including energy assistance, sports physicals, tax preparation, Working Families Tax Credit, health insurance support, and more. The event is sponsored by SNAP, Community Health Plan of Washington and CHAS Health.

Outdoor summer activities are in full force!  

  • Check out the City’s Parks and Recreation Department’s Spring and Summer Activity Guide
  • Family Skate Night at the Numerica Skate Ribbon for skaters of all ages will be on Thursday nights on Aug. 1 (80s theme), and Aug. 9 (90s theme) from 6 to 9 p.m. There will be food and drinks, skate and scooter rentals, and live music by DJ Rose Throw.
  • 2024 Summer concerts at Riverfront Park’s Pavilion are on sale. 
  • Movies at the Pavilion.
  • Golf courses are open! To reserve a tee time, visit:
  • Make-a-Splash Pool Party with food and fun will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 12, at the Liberty Aquatic Center, 1300 E. Fifth Ave.
  • And, splash pads, pools, and the rotary fountain in Riverfront Park remain open through summer. 
  • Did you know that the Spokane Library has adult and youth summer reading programs? If you read for 15 days each month from June to August you can enter to win great prizes like hot yoga, Garland movie tickets, rock climbing passes, coffee cards, and more! Other free events like chess and anime club, yoga, dance, writing classes also take place at the library. And, Discover Passes, sports equipment, like pickleball, badminton, croquet sets, and lawn games can be checked out (up to one or two weeks, check library locations for details). 
  • 33 Artists Market on Saturday, Aug. 17, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Wonder Building, 835. N. Post St. from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Farmers Markets:

  • Emerson-Garfield Market, 2310 N. Monroe St., Fridays from 3 to 7 p.m.
  • Hillyard Farmers’ Market, 4001 N. Cook St., Mondays from 3 to 6 p.m.
  • Kendall Yards Night Market, 1335 W. Summit Pkwy., Wednesdays from 5 to 8:30 p.m. 
  • Spokane Famers Market, 4th Ave. and Chestnut St. in Coeur d’Alene Park, Wednesdays and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. 
  • South Perry Market, 924 S. Perry St., Thursdays from 3 to 7 p.m. 
  • Wonder Saturday Market, 835 N. Post St., Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Know the Number

  • 9-1-1 emergency services and crimes in progress.
  • 9-8-8 mental health crisis.
  • 509-456-2233 Crime Check for non-emergency crimes.
  • 3-1-1 for reporting City violations that are not criminal, like abandoned vehicles and graffiti.
  • 2-1-1 social services.

Keeping Cool

The City's Emergency Management Office

and Community Housing and Human Services Department monitors weather reporters to determine whether the cooling spaces plan should be activated. If at least two consecutive days of 95-degree weather are predicted by the National Weather Service, the plan is activated. Spokane’s library system is the cornerstone of the cooling areas plan and offers water, restrooms, books, interactive play areas, wi-fi access, etc. For 

extreme weather shelter information.

Residents are encouraged to check on their neighbors during any extreme weather event. If you can help someone, please do.

Summer Watering Schedule

With continued hot and dry conditions in our region, flows in the Spokane River have dropped below 1,000 cubic feet per second (cfs), and the City of Spokane is calling on residents to implement additional water conservation measures. No outdoor watering between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

  • Limit watering to no more than 2 days per week.
  • No more than a total of 2 hours of watering per day.
  • No using water to clean hardscapes such as sidewalk, driveways, decks, and patios.

Click here for more information.

Wildfire Prevention

It’s not a question of if, but when the next local wildfire will occur. Ember showers are the biggest wildfire risk in the City of Spokane. To have a District Forester visit your property and evaluate your home's wildfire risk, click the link to schedule your FREE, no-obligation Firewise Assessment today! And, watch this Spokane Fire Department video on steps you can take to protect your home.

Community Safety Enhancements

The City Council passed a resolution authorizing the county auditor to place a Community Safety proposal on the November ballot.  

Getting around and warmer weather means construction and pothole season. 

Stay up to date on projects in your neighborhood.

  • Report potholes at, through our mobile app My Spokane 311, or by calling 3-1-1 (509.755.2489). 
  • For obstruction notices and detours visit: weekly obstruction notice.
  • 20 mph seasonal signs have been posted at the following parks: 
  • A. M. Cannon Park/ Pool 
  • Chief Garry Park 
  • Comstock Park/ Pool 
  • Hays Park 
  • Lincoln Park 
  • Mission Park/ Pool 

Bicycle Survey Part of Designation Process

The City re-applied for Bicycle Friendly Community status from the League of American Bicyclists. As part of the review process, the League wants your input on bicycling in Spokane. If you’ve ever biked here, please take a minute to complete a survey before Tuesday, Oct. 15.

CHHS Needs Your Help

The City of Spokane Community, Housing and Human Services Department (CHHS) annually receives grant funds from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). A condition of receiving HUD funds involves submitting a Consolidated Plan every five years. CHHS is currently gathering data and community input in preparation to submit its 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan. This plan will outline goals and priorities for various funding, including the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnerships, and the Emergency Solutions Grant. Programs supported with these funds increase and preserve affordable housing, improve public facilities, and support public and community services (e.g., food banks and health care services). You can learn more by visiting the Consolidated Plan website. CHHS needs your help to identify needs, priorities, and goals in your community. There are several ways to provide feedback:

  • Complete an online community needs survey. (And share the link with your network!)
  • Invite a member of the CHHS Department to attend your Neighborhood Council meeting to present on the Consolidated Plan and take feedback. To request a presentation, please contact Tessa Jilot at or 509.625.6327.


Boards & Commissions

Give back to the Spokane community by joining a volunteer board, commission, or committee, including the Transportation Commission which will help guide safe and equitable multimodal transportation system. Complete the application form and to submit it the Mayor’s office at Prefer to print and mail your application? No problem. You may submit the application by mail or in-person to MySpokane Customer Service, City Hall 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd., Spokane, WA 99201.

Upcoming Community Assembly (CA) Meetings

  • Community Assembly (CA): Meets the first Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m., in-person at The Hive, Events A, 2904 E. Sprague Ave.
  • CA Admin Committee: Meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at 4 p.m., hybrid (in-person, check neighborhood calendar for meeting location or Zoom).
  • CA Budget Committee: Meets the fourth Monday of the month at 7 p.m., virtual on Zoom.
  • CA Building Stronger Neighborhoods (BSN) Committee: Meets on the third Saturday of the month at 9:00 a.m. hybrid (The Hive, 2904 E. Sprague Ave. or Zoom).
  • CA Communications (Comms) Committee: Meets the second Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m. at the Central Library, 906 W. Main Ave., Conference Room B, 3rd floor. 
  • CA Community Development Committee: Does not have a regular meeting date and time, so please check the neighborhood calendar for meeting information. 
  • CA Land Use Committee: Meets the fourth Thursday of the month. at 5:30 p.m. hybrid (in-person at West Central Community Center, Newton Room, 1603 N Belt St. or Zoom).
  • CA Liaison Committee: Meets the second Tuesday of the month at 2 p.m., in-person South Hill Library, 3424 S. Perry St.
  • CA Pedestrian, Traffic and Transportation (PeTT) Committee: The August meeting has been canceled.
  • CA Safety Committee: Meets in-person on the last Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. at the Liberty Park Library, 402 S. Pittsburg St.

Meet the Staff

Community Engagement Programs Manager:

Pollyanne Birge or 509.625.6147

  • Special Event Permit program
  • ONS Liaison to: Audubon-Downriver, Comstock, Nevada-Heights, Peaceful Valley, Riverside, and North Indian Trail. 

Community Programs Coordinators:

Annie Deasy or 509.625.6343

  • Traffic Calming program, staff representative to Communications, Community Development (CA/CD), Liaison, and Pedestrian, Traffic and Transportation (PeTT) committees.
  • ONS liaison to: Chief Garry Park, East Central, Lincoln Heights, Logan, Manito-Cannon Hill, Rockwood, Southgate, and West Hills.

Community Programs Coordinators, Continued:

Amber Groe or 509.625.6156

  • Neighborhood Clean-up program, staff representative to Land Use, Building Stronger Neighborhoods (BSN) and City Council/Neighborhood Town Halls.
  • ONS liaison to: Bemiss, Cliff-Cannon, Five Mile Prairie, Hillyard, Latah-Hangman, Minnehaha, Shiloh Hills, West Central, and Whitman. 

Gabby Ryan or 509.625.6858

  • Community Engagement Grant program, staff representative to Admin, Budget, Public Safety, and Community Assembly/City Council committees.
  • ONS liaison to: Balboa-South Indian Trail, Browne’s Addition, Emerson-Garfield, Grandview-Thorpe, North Hill, and Northwest.

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