Nancy Olson, Secretary
SVR Board of Directors Meeting
Agenda and Minutes
Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, June 1, 2021; 7 pm; targeted to end by 9 pm
Location: ZOOM Video Conference
Board Members Present (4 needed for a quorum)
Introduction of guests:
1. Correspondence Received (emails, phone calls, in person discussions, etc.)
a. RegionFocus Webinar - next one? Topic?
b. Publicizing events from other PCA regions
c. Rally School at Redwood Region on June 26th has a wait list
d. VIMEO account (social media) as maintained by Eduardo Ortega, Jr.
e. Met with Mark Meyer, new general manager at Porsche Rocklin
f. MSR setup by Collin, training, coordinator is Nancy Olson
g. Cookie Anderson ---- meetings at Firehouse #32
h. New Member Events ---- several volunteers willing to assist
i. How do we want to move forward coming out of the COVID-19 situation?
j. Refund of deposit from River Cats event that we cancelled last year due to COVID-19
k. PCA Quarterly check received
l. Possible Oyster Tour in the fall (Emily and Mike Willis)
m. Possible tour by Gary Griffiths in the fall
n. Pacific Grove Tour next spring (2022) -- Jim McMahen
o. SVR 60th Anniversary Celebration --- move to the fall of 2022?
p. CRAB 38 -- status; need for volunteers
q. SVR Badge --- 356 outline Fargo and MacFarlane
r. Sacramento Car Show in October - Dick MacFarlane
s. Various emails (web designers, ads, etc.)
2. Old Business
a. Minutes from Board Meeting on May 4, 2021
i. Motion for acceptance
Corrections: Misspelling of Dick Fargo’s name and Dick MarFarlane was in attendance
b. Past SVR Event Feedback, Reports filed, Waivers, Expenses, etc.
i. Fat's Dinner on May 18th
ii. AX School on May 23rd at Porsche Rocklin Bob Peake reported on the event - positive feedback on the event being held in the shop instead of the board room.
iii. AX School on May 29th at Thunderhill
Bob Peake reported on the event - concerns over no instructor with driver but it work out well. Instructors were strategically placed for support/instruction as drivers navigated through the course.
Collin Fat - Positive feedback from attendees
iv. AX on May 30th at Thunderhill
58 drivers in attendance
c. CRAB 38 - CAM will honor the 2020 contract and fee
i. Tentative date of May 27-29, 2022
ii. Discussion --- recommend to move event to the beginning of May
iii. Alma Thompson will assume Liz Houser's position as Food/Beverage Chair
iv. Eight more volunteers are needed
v. Recommend that an article be put in the July DRIFTER asking for volunteers
vi. First committee meeting will be within the next 60 days
d. Oktoberfest Event date? Includes Charity Auction? --- Willis and MacFarlane
No Chair, No Date, or No Location at this time
Dick MacFarlane reported that he was asked to chair auction only
e. FACEBOOK status (we are getting there) - John Leet, Rik Larson
Letterhead has been obtained and letter will be
f. Future Board Meetings at Firehouse #32 -- Cookie Anderson, Rik
Dick MacFarlane offered his son’s office as a possible meeting location
g. Update on July 4th Pocket Parade --- Robert Hrabak…..not a SVR event -- CANCELLED!!
h. Update on Christmas Party -- Mike Willis Sutter Club, California Auto Museum
3. New Business
a. BUDGETS submitted for approval
b. Other Guest Reports or discussions
i. VIMEO account discussion -- Eduardo Ortega, Jr. Crab 36 was the start of VIMEO
Account is registered under Eduardo's email but the under club name
Shuttler Fly and VIMEO was started by members Shuttler Fly no cost to the club VIMEO charges are paid by Eduardo John Leet is aware of Eduardo’s credentials Secretary will update social media accounts information
Recommended that Club pay fee’s - Mike Willis moved and second to pay VIMEO fee. Motion carried (6-0)
ii. MSR - usage, training, coordination -- Collin Fat and Nancy Olson
Training will be arranged Board will be trained first then Event Chairs
iii. SVR 60th Anniversary update -- Kirk Bradford
Rik, Mike, Jerry and Kirk met “Turn Key” event Question: How much is the club willingly to subsidise? Various locations including wineries was discussed
Possible cost $80 per person - need to balance the price to attendees
Recommended that combine Christmas party with Anniversary
Kirk will have more information within the next couple weeks
iv. Sacramento Car Show in October -- Dick MacFarlane Oct 15-16 at Cal Expo Stacey Castle, PR for International Car Show - 18-20 cars needed Security a concern Dick will send Rik the link to this event and let Stacey know that we are interested.
4. Upcoming Events and who is attending?
a. Breakfast at Brookfields on Wednesday, June 2nd
b. AX at Thunderhill on June 19th
c. All Porsche event - Hosted by 356CAR on June 19th
Recommended to have a membership booth
d. Concours Judging Clinic at Nelson's on June 27th
Registration is still open but should be full by the end of the week
e. Breakfast at Brookfileds on Saturday, July 3rd Breakfast will return to Saturdays starting July 3rd. Caffeine and Porsche - possible date is Oct 31 as a Halloween theme
f. SVR Board Meeting
July 6th is the next meeting
Possible conflict with July 4th holiday travel
Retain meeting date
g. Tech Session at Detail Maniac on July 25th
Bob Peake reported the progress of event
h. September 4 Gold Rush Tour - Chair Gary Griffiths
Bill Fargo will create event flyer
5. Board Reports
a. President's Report
i. Update on COVID-19 and PCA events
1. Parade - French Lick, Indiana --- 1000+ cars, Registration Closed
2. Werks Reunion at Amelia Island was a success
3. Werks Reunion at Monterey…..registration opens June 15th
ii. Contact information SVR board and chairs will be updated and sent out
iii. Stuff (in boxes) at various Board members houses (Bob, Rik, etc.) will remain in their current location.
Various items will be brought to Breakfast at Brookfield’s
iv. Board Vacancies --- Social Director
v. Chair Vacancies --- Advertising, Historian, Safety, Tour
vi. SVR Policy Statement --- latest version (Oct 2019) is on website -- needs updating (positions, board of directors is now 7 people rather than 10, etc.)
b. Vice President’s Report
i. Insurance requested for events
ii. Will check on past events reports
iii. Stacey...Taste dinner
c. Secretary's Report
i. MSR training
d. Treasurer’s Report
i. Bob shared current financial status (see report) Mike Willis has requested access to MSR to audit fees charged to club
e. Social Director’s Report --- vacant position
f. Membership Director’s Report
i. Ken Shahoian shared his ideas for new member events to give them a “taste” of club events.
ii. July 24 and Aug 21 new member drive event with a lunch stop - invitation only event
iii. Monthly Numbers will be included in the June DRIFTER
6. Chair Reports
a. Safety Chair Report --- vacant position
i. AX handled by Greg Zajic
ii. Other events covered by Rik or designee
b. Past President Report
i. No report
c. WebMaster Report
i. No report
d. Drifter Editor Report
i. Advertiser status for 2021
ii. Deadline for July DRIFTER is June 25th
e. Other Chair Reports
i. Richard Wetzel - no report
ii. Bill MacFarlane will bring examples of logo for next meeting
7. Next Meeting: July 6th Location to be determined
8. Adjournment 9:38 pm
a) Volunteers, filling of vacant positions (board and chairs)
b) Transition of items from 2020 SVR Board and Chairs; location of boxes, assets, etc.
c) 2021 Calendar (SVR, Zone 7, PCA)
d) CRAB 38
e) New logo --- Bill Fargo and Dick MacFarlane --- 356 front end
f) 60th SVR Anniversary ---- May 7, 2022
BOARD OF DIRECTORS (quorum is 4)
X President Rik Larson
X Vice President Sally Boeck
X Secretary Nancy Olson
X Treasurer Bob Peake
X Membership Director Ken Shahoian
Vacant Social Director
X Past President Mike Willis
X 1st Saturday Breakfast Chair Jerry Alter
X Advertising Chair Mike Willis
X Autocross Chair John Leet
Charity Chair and LOGO Chair Dick MacFarlane
X Concours Chair Al Price III
X CRAB 38 Co-Chair John Hawk
X CRAB 38 Co-ChairJohn Lanting
X DRIFTER Editor Mike Willis
X Event Liaison to Porsche Rocklin Kim Nelson
X Event Liaison to California Automobile Museum Kim Nelson
Vacant Historian Chair
X late New Member Chair Alma Thompson
Rally Chair
Richard Wetzel
Safety Chair
Social Media Chair Al Price III
Technical Chair Al Price III
Vacant Tour Chair
X Webmaster
Bill Fardo
X Zone 7 Representative Collin Fat